I just started reading the whole first page. At the start I had no idea what an RPG was! But in the last post of the first page it described something I've had for YEARS, A star wars suitcase with weird dices (there were three of them: 1 dice had 20 numbers on it! the second dice had around about 9-10 numbers on it! And some other weird looking dice all were weird shapes like diamonds, hexagons ad other shapes like that). I got the case from when I was a member of the Original Star Wars Fan Club but After a while they kicked me out for some reason. I still have all the stuff I got from them and even the membership card. And now I finally know what the game was about! It was an RPG! And After about 9 years I finally know what the game was for. Maybe it was because I was only like 4 when I got it. By the way I'm a star wars fan so that's why I got it. I guess I'm blabbering on about complete nonsense now. Sorry........................................
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