but then i had a change of heart, simply because of, in my own sisters words "the funny man that looks at you in it. hes really funny" which she later informed me was jael that she was on about, which was one of the reasons i instantly loved this, something dexx couldnt have planned
theres a number of charity shops in my town, one in particular, scope, is run by someone who they must help or somethig as she looks kinda funny, acts kinda funny, talks kinda funny, and has a beard. she even has a balding patch at the front of her head which makes me puke when i look at her
i in now way mean to say jael is ugly, just dexx's use of her reminded me of someone who is
You're sister thought I was a man?? Oh lord...I feel the need for a massive makeover! ;)
Women are fisher's of men because we all know....
The small ones you throw back.
The medium ones you eat.
The large ones you mount.