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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun




Member Rated:

[10:08:50] did ye go to the pub?
[10:10:03] aye yeah
[10:10:23] had an argument about what exactly is the recipe for mashed potatoes

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-22-05 8:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[15:41:43] hey i made another comic today!
[15:41:54] get out of town!

Batman created by Bob Kane

9-26-05 10:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

[15:27] IvyThePlant: boorite's up
[15:27] Phreaky: . = ?
[15:27] IvyThePlant: think he's feeling better
[15:27] Phreaky: WHAT IS THAT STUFF?
[15:28] DexX: We don't want to know about Boo's erectile activity.
[15:28] DexX: Enbalming fluid?
[15:28] Phreaky: yeah, that stuff.
[15:28] * IvyThePlant smacks dexx
[15:28] IvyThePlant: just for that i'm tempted to give details
[15:28] IvyThePlant: in comic form
[15:29] Phreaky: Don't rub it in.
[15:29] Rabid_Weasle: dexx, speak for yourself
[15:29] Phreaky: Literally.
[15:29] Rabid_Weasle: i need an up to the minute status on boorite's erectile status
[15:29] Phreaky: you can track it at
[15:29] IvyThePlant: haha
[15:29] Phreaky: Up to the minute status.
[15:30] Rabid_Weasle: hmmm... right now he's at "wind sock"
[15:30] choad: man, my connection must be lagging then
[15:31] Phreaky: Hey Ivy
[15:31] Phreaky: You might appreciate this:
[15:31] choad: i had him at "divining rod"
[15:32] Rabid_Weasle: ivy, play the sound of an ice cream truck
[15:32] Rabid_Weasle: that should turn him up a couple notches
[15:32] DexX: Baa like a sheep and watch hm clock himself in the forehead.
[15:33] IvyThePlant: ha ha
[15:33] Phreaky: LOL DEXX
[15:33] Rabid_Weasle: tell him the tony danza show is on and watch him run to the bathroom
[15:33] IvyThePlant: awesome...giant squid
[15:33] Phreaky: Tony Danza had his own show?
[15:33] Rabid_Weasle: screaming "who's the boss!"
[15:33] * Phreaky runs to the bathroom

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

9-27-05 10:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

That's right, we could be talking about YOUR genitle functions at this very moment!


9-27-05 11:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

You keep your dirty jewish words off my computer box!

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

9-28-05 1:19am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

You keep your dirty jewish words off my computer box!


It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

9-28-05 2:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

You keep your dirty jewish words off my computer box!

*screeches like a Tribble at the sight of a Klingon*

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

9-28-05 3:29am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

IMing is fun too...

[16:02] DexX: Heading off for a coffee with a friend after that.
[16:03] hughesy_mate: Ok then :)
[16:03] hughesy_mate: Have fun
[16:03] hughesy_mate: Don't do anything I wouldn't do...
[16:03] DexX: *blink blink*
[16:04] DexX: But that cuts out some of my favourite pastimes!
[16:04] hughesy_mate: LOL!
[16:04] DexX: I at least allowed to wee standing up?
[16:04] hughesy_mate: PMSL!
[16:04] hughesy_mate: No

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

9-28-05 11:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

*Points at you menacingly* You have to wear jocks too.

A dog isn't just for Christmas or a birthday. In fact, a dog can be eaten all year 'round.

9-28-05 11:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

I thought girls wore little lacy things...

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

9-29-05 2:26am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Well...uh...some do.

I personally prefer the nice, comfy boy-leg. Very comfortable. You should try a pair sometime, JD. Something tells me Security in Myers won't be very impressed with you, though...

A dog isn't just for Christmas or a birthday. In fact, a dog can be eaten all year 'round.

9-29-05 5:57am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[12:54:27] Just for the record, I have NEVER slept with a black guy.

Batman created by Bob Kane

10-01-05 7:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

artemis: I struck upon a wonderful idea the other day
artemis: virgins are so cheerful because we only see the shadow of death after sex
artemis: they haven't faced their own mortality
Kajun: I see no death shadow after sex
artemis: well, i was fairly toasted at the time i comjured this notion.
artemis: maybe it doesnt hold water
Kajun: there is definitely something after sex
Kajun: but I'm not sure it's death
Kajun: it's an immediate desire to be alone
Kajun: forever
artemis: with a glass of water and a cigarette
Kajun: and a revolver
Kajun: okay, you're right
Kajun: death
artemis: there's the making of a good skin flick
artemis: Hard-throbbing, Existence-questioning Action!
mkilly: Live Nude Existentialists
artemis: Is this person before me real, and if so, will she swallow?

Dad was flammable

10-01-05 8:43pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

The hottest thing ever to have been said in #stripcreator:
[05:02] I'll suck out your soul through your wang if you're not careful.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

10-03-05 12:19am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

a girls parents caught me and her once. we were in her room, and no one was supposed to be home, but they got home early. i fucking jumped out that window so fast. I was naked and had my clothes in a bundle.
i ran until i remembered my car at the house, ran back, and drove home naked.
oh, highschool was fun.
did the sprinklers go on while you were running throught the yard and a little girl and her mom were watching?
cuz that would be weird
suprisingly, no. but my dick was flailing. and it hurt. i was running so hard, my dick HURT.
hahaha...shit dude...
because i still had a boner


so he saw you for sure?
well, i ran back and the lights were on
obviously, they knew something was going on, and when they saw a naked kid run towards their house, they had to know somthing was up
but i fuckign SPED away. im sure the dad knew about it. i just never looked at him again.


to add insult to injury though, when I got home, my mom and dad were watching tv, so i ran past them to get up in my room. naked.
haha...why didn't you just put your stupid clothes on at some point?
i was too pumped, like, the whole way home i was looking in the rearview mirror hoping some guy that knew his daughter was just beiing nailed wasnt chasing me. I didnt notice i was still naked until I got out of the car, and in which it as too late since they heard me come up the driveway.
if i stalled, theyd come to see what was wrong, and they see some naked kid getting dressed.
not a fun night.
some naked kid.
but you could've driven somewhere else, right?
dude, almost get caught by parents having sex, run away and see if you can think of anything else but "GET THE FUCK HOME. MAYBE THEY DONT KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE."
that sounded wrong. "Have sex and almost get caght by parents."
there we go.
it sucks when you walk by your parents bedroom and a hand just shoots out and grabs you, and you KNOW you're caught, and you KNOW they're having sex
I hate that, man


10-03-05 12:39am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

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phreaky: how heinous would it be of me to lie and say I am gay to get a great apartment? :|
choad: there is a long and tragic history of that happening and its not very pleasing
choad: i know of a guy in santa monica who did that
phreaky: I am looking for roommates on Cl
phreaky: and some say "LOOKING FOR GAY ROOMMATE"
choad: and he had to lie to his landlords about being gay
phreaky: well if the place is awesome, i can pretend to be gay :(
choad: thats what he did
choad: his two roommates were women, though
phreaky: that's kind of ..whateverist of people to only want gays.
choad: he did it because the landlords didnt approve of a man living with two single women
phreaky: silly.
choad: yeah, it sure was
phreaky: reminds me of bosum buddies.
choad: and he'd always have to cover it up when he and his friend larry would go down to the Regal Beagle to pick up on women
phreaky: Regal.....Beagle?
choad: yes
phreaky: Is that similar to the Snotty Scotty?
phreaky: :>
choad: his name was Jack Tripper and his roommates were Janice Wood and Chrissy Snow
phreaky: hahaha.
choad: but then Chrissy got in a contract dispute with ABC, so she quit and Cindy Snow, her cousin moved in
phreaky: I forgot that was the plot of that show.
phreaky: Mr Roper
choad: yeah, like i said...the results of doing that are terrible

10-03-05 7:59pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:


and knock on our door

what if nigger meant kite

10-03-05 10:59pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

People Like Talking to Me: a 4-part adventure

** Joins: Breverend [] has joined #stripcreator -:- Topic for #stripcreator is: chanserv smells
how bout them nakeds?
how bout them mkilly swap cds?
how bout them responses.
*** Joins: cowtipper [] has joined #stripcreator
hello Brad-of-all-Brads
and cowtipperillo
how the E-Empire going?
maybe eEmpire?
yeah, that's better
for a hunnerd dollars I'll tell you who put one of your songs on a swap cd
okay, not really.
I won't tell you because you'll give me money that you need for essential items. I would feel bad inside
P.S. I'm going to give you some money soon
in exchange for "services"


hey hey hey
how are you today, IntimidatingName?
i am fine, how are you mixtureofbrevityand reverend?
I was bradtastic, but then he turned his back on me forever
that brad is a fickle one
a combination of a fucker and a sickle, eh?
he has fickle cell anemia
I didn't know brad was black!


*** Quits: brad [] has quit ()


*** Quits: artemis [] has quit (Quit: The_Artman_Worketh)
I'm at work licking taco bell rice out the container while switching back and forth between this and...well, stripcreator
high five?
*** Quits: choadwarrior [] has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)



10-07-05 10:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

streaming internet radio would be cooler because of it's liveness, but podcasting is a start and a good way to archive and spread the shit around so says professor reverend, apparently and that's not even a real degree
I know!

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

10-09-05 10:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[13:35:37] again - for the record, I have never slept with a black man.

Batman created by Bob Kane

10-16-05 8:32pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I love when shit is out of context.

dcomposed:11-06-05: If I was a viking invading your village, you'd be the first to get raped.
Crabby: 10/5/06: i would love to feed you fresh fruit while bathing you.

10-16-05 8:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

damngino: what's the command to change the topic?
Kajun: alt-f4
•damngino has left #stripcreator

Dad was flammable

10-18-05 3:25pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

15:27 | ® damngino has joined #stripcreator
15:27 | i would have put money on that

what if nigger meant kite

10-18-05 3:29pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

[17:34] * phreaky mangles up an oreo with her mouth.
[17:35] That is so sexy.
[17:35] I love watching women masticate.
[17:35] I'm tonguing the cream filling.
[17:35] :X
[17:35] Oh yes, fuck yes, that is so hot.
[17:36] Tell me more! Do you swallow?
[17:36] I chew first.
[17:36] Damn, that's sexy.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

10-20-05 5:34pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

[18:29] ewwww i hate penis because im lame
[18:29] boobs!
[18:29] i wont show you my boobs
[18:29] dongs are fun!
[18:29] shit
[18:29] boobs are more fun!
[18:29] no you cant see them.
[18:29] only my boyfriend can see my boobs
[18:29] shut up bitch!!!
[18:29] get back in there!!!
[18:30] * bltsandwich shoves her boyfriend back into the closet after showing him her titties.
[18:30] * bltsandwichsbf muffled sobs

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

10-23-05 6:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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