This isn't #stripcreator, but it involves me and boorite. Boorite did most of the work. I was merely content with mocking this guy's manhood and grasp of english.
Oh yeah, boorite said he ripped the Mosnters of Texas Rodeo off Something Awful, but the rest is his original works.
[17:11] redouanechaf: how are you
[17:11] *** Auto-response sent to redouanechaf: I am currently idle.
[17:12] redouanechaf: ok
[17:13] redouanechaf: u are usaeiy in this time
[17:14] redouanechaf: u are connecting in this time
[17:14] sarasvatikat: who are you?
[17:15] redouanechaf: am redouane
[17:16] sarasvatikat: that means nothing to me
[17:17] redouanechaf: why
[17:18] sarasvatikat: because i don';t know who you are
[17:19] redouanechaf: am a moroccain man my age is 28
[17:19] redouanechaf: am sportman
[17:20] redouanechaf: who loves womens more than all thing
[17:25] sarasvatikat: I am in the Monsters of Texas Rodeo
(this is where boorite takes over)
[17:25] sarasvatikat: I push the cows down a chute
[17:26] sarasvatikat: with a diesel tractor
[17:27] sarasvatikat: they moo a lot but they go down the chute alright
[17:28] redouanechaf: so u have got a horses
[17:28] sarasvatikat: no, a tractor
[17:29] redouanechaf: so u are a good driver
[17:29] sarasvatikat: I push the cows down a chute into the arena where the cowboys can hit them with fence posts
[17:29] sarasvatikat: they spray paint the cows in the face for extra points
[17:31] sarasvatikat: have you ever been attacked by a blind cow?
[17:32] redouanechaf: my english is not good so u should be simple words
[17:32] redouanechaf: never
[17:32] sarasvatikat: do you know what a cow is?
[17:32] sarasvatikat: oh ok
[17:32] redouanechaf: but hors yes
[17:32] sarasvatikat: they can get pretty meant when you throw paint in their face lol
[17:32] sarasvatikat: mean*
[17:33] redouanechaf: no comment
[17:34] sarasvatikat: youre not one of those animal rights people I hope
[17:35] sarasvatikat: the animal rights people dont like our rodeo
[17:35] redouanechaf: you know only the rodeo
[17:36] sarasvatikat: also prairie fishing
[17:36] sarasvatikat: that's where we hook a gopher or something and try to reel him into the boat
[17:37] sarasvatikat: (the "boat" is really a pickup truck)
[17:37] redouanechaf: there is no pic to u in ur profile
[17:37] sarasvatikat: I tell you what, those gophers can fight
[17:38] sarasvatikat: no pic?
[17:38] redouanechaf: why
[17:38] sarasvatikat: because I'm a very large woman
[17:38] sarasvatikat: I wrestle cows, remember?
[17:39] sarasvatikat: I enjoy nude lesbian mud wrestling
[17:39] redouanechaf: there is no problem
[17:39] sarasvatikat: damn right there isnt
[17:39] sarasvatikat: it is good money
[17:39] redouanechaf: ama trainer
[17:40] sarasvatikat: do you train cows?
[17:40] sarasvatikat: we had a cow that could ride a tricycle
[17:40] redouanechaf: no womens
[17:40] sarasvatikat: do you train them to wrestle cows?
[17:41] redouanechaf: how she is her look
[17:42] sarasvatikat: well, i must be going now. i have to get up at 3am and ride this bull. he needs a woman to tame him.