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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun



Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

kitty: my brother is watching some stupid gaming show... grr
Noonie: o_o
Noonie: how stupid is it?
choad: its so stupid, they if you win, you get a BLANK
choad: come on celebrities, write your answers

cpausti: that's a toughie
choad: c'mon, we're playing the Match Game
mkilly: it is fucking amazing
cpausti: you get to be on the real show
* Noonie scribbles down on her card and sticks it in the slot*
choad: cpausti, you need to come up with an answer
choad: Kitty, says, "her brother is watching a game show that is so dumb, if you win you get a BLANK"
cpausti: you get to be on the real show
choad: oh
choad: noonie, reveal your answer
Noonie: *answer is censored*
choad: HAW HAW HAW
cpausti: i've got an idea
choad: now lets see what out celebrities said...
*** You are now known as CharlesNelsonRei.
CharlesNelsonRei: I said, "The Presidency"
*** You are now known as BettyWhite.
*** cpausti is now known as Richard.
BettyWhite: A dunce cap
* Richard kisses every woman in sight
*** You are now known as BrettSummers.
BrettSummers: I said Charles Nelson Reilly
kitty: Our survey says...
kitty: You win a dorky brother!
*** You are now known as TonyRandall.
*** Richard is now known as its_a_cup.
*** phreaky is now known as SherrieLewis.
TonyRandall: Plastic Civil War Relics
*** You are now known as Burt.
*** You are now known as BurtConvey.
BurtConvey: You get to host Match Game
its_a_cup: i have an idea
kitty: aww, I was going to say Burt Reynolds/Turg Ferguson
kitty: Turd
kitty: Turd Ferguson
*** You are now known as Gene_Rayburn.
Gene_Rayburn: well, nobody matched the celebrities in that round
SherrieLewis: :(
Gene_Rayburn: what did you have, SherrieLewis?
Gene_Rayburn: & Lamb Chop
SherrieLewis: I lost my puppet somewhere back stage. I don't have an answer.
SherrieLewis: I think Burt is sitting on her :(
*** You are now known as BurtConvey.
Noonie: Burt takes it in the ass from Lamb Chop.
BurtConvey: this is Match Game, not I've Got A Secret

11-14-05 11:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Forum comment:

Member Rated:

Damn. I always miss the good reruns.

Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years

11-15-05 7:57pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

I hate the idiots who pretend they know all about the crap they take onto the Antiques Roadshow
keep saying "yes, yes, oh I know" when the expert is explaining it
yeah, i know

what if nigger meant kite

11-20-05 11:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[17:21] Jes_L: I find the best veggie food I make is the stuff I don't notice there's no meat in
[17:22] Jes_L: did a peppers onions and guacamole wrap last night, made some meatballs but forgot to add them; didn't notice
[17:22] IvyThePlant: yeah, the year i was a veggie, i cooked a lot for my family when i visited, and they never noticed it was a meat substitute or meatless
[17:22] IvyThePlant: i would only get meat once a week anyway
[17:23] IvyThePlant: though since boorite's been around, i've eaten more meat than i usually get in a year

Please replace the handset, and try again.

11-21-05 4:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

This won't make any sense to anyone who isn't from Ireland or the West of Scotland, but fuck it:

Kajun: I read somewhere that after the financial success of signing Shunsuke Nakamura and Du Wei...
Kajun: Celtic are so happy with breaking into the Japanese and Chinese markets that they're thinking of signing Roy Keane to finally break into the lucrative Irish market.
Kajun: it's about time Celtic were recognised over there.
Jes_L: yeah...
Kajun: I mean, he might not be needed as a player...
Kajun: but it'd be a piece of marketing genius
Jes_L: in the village I used to live in, they were made to paint out the Celtic fan getting his head kicked in by a Rangers fan
Kajun: we could open a shop in Ireland
Jes_L: on the mural, presumeably because noone in Ireland's heard of Glasgow Celtic
Kajun: oh, you've heard of the Old Firm over there?
Jes_L: yeah, Bass and Guinness
Ray: Thats not true
Ray: Ireland are huge Celts fans
•Jes_L would qwuotefile this, but his logging was cunting switched off
Kajun: really, Ray?
Ray: Yes
Ray: Like fuck me
Ray: Absolutly
Ray: In my small town alone we have many dedicated Celtic pubs
Kajun: actually, I think I saw the Tricolour getting waved once
Ray: Nearly all my friends support them
Jes_L: when I invent the sarcasm/irony indicator field for the Internet, I can retire to my penthouse

Dad was flammable

11-23-05 2:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[23:48] IvyThePlant: I'll never forget those japanese girls spitting semen into all those condoms
[23:49] Drexle_: What a line to come back to.

11-29-05 10:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[21:31] crabby: i used to hang out with my ex's sister and wed drink mad dog and smoke a lil weed and then fuck all night
[21:34] choad: in the ghettooooo
[21:34] crabby: exactly

12-01-05 8:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

well now

Member Rated:

This is actually from #adult_stripcreator

*** Kajun has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
Is that code for something?
It's code for 'You suck'.
Take that.
Gabe, 4637q467467934379hdjif
It doesn't work like that.
You can't just copy what he said.
It's an algorithm based on your name.
dammit DAMMIT DAMMIITITITIAI! - That defines the code as net-tramp
When you say it, it means "Would you like one of my lucious dougnuts?"
Would you?
That is "sniff my skids"
or, in NetTramp "wrrlmrlrrlr whereza whisky?"



12-02-05 12:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[00:45] choad: i enjoyed licking pussy
[00:46] choad: especially when drunk

12-02-05 11:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

[13:02] DexX: I'm a radio star!
[13:02] *** PONCE is now known as Video.
[13:02] * Video kills DexX
[13:02] * DexX looks around warily for an axe-wielding Video.
[13:02] DexX: DAMN YOU!
[13:02] theReverend: ZING!
[13:03] DexX: How dare you beat me to my joke!
[13:03] theReverend: you just got served twice
[13:03] Video: Because you tried to type 90 words for a 4-word joke.
[13:03] theReverend: so how are you a radio star?
[13:03] * Video kills DexX again, just to be sure.
[13:03] DexX: I just got interviewed on a community radio show.
[13:03] DexX: Stop that!
[13:04] * DexX slaps Video on the nose.
[13:04] theReverend: heh heh...why?
[13:05] * Video pouts.

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

12-03-05 6:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

[13:54] * damngino eats the world
[13:54] damngino: let that be a lesson to you, world
[13:54] DexX: I'm a bit peckish myself...
[13:55] damngino: have a bite of a Mars
[13:56] theReverend: ho ho!
[13:56] * DexX plays a rimshot. Ba-dum-tish!
[13:56] DexX: If you were Korean you might nibble on Pluto...
[13:56] damngino: but don't eat Mercury, you'll get poisoning
[13:57] DexX: I hear choad likes to eat Uranus.
[13:57] damngino: well he's only human
[13:57] theReverend: how was not the first joke
[13:57] damngino: he also likes to suck my Venus
[13:58] theReverend: in the back of a Saturn?
[13:58] damngino: no, in a Van, Allen
[13:58] theReverend: ...
[13:59] theReverend: wrong game
[13:59] damngino: don't tell the Van Allen Radiation belt that
[13:59] * DexX tries to think of a Hale-Bopp pun.
[14:00] DexX: Holding up your pants with a Kuiper Belt? No, that sucks... urm... I think we've exhausted this one.
[14:00] theReverend: I thought we were doing planets.
[14:00] theReverend: I know I was, those saucy craters
[14:01] DexX: Pluto is a Kuiper Belt crossover.
[14:01] choad: if you dont hold up your pants with a van allen belt, uranus will show
[14:01] damngino: yeah i think it's spent
[14:01] damngino: exit galaxy talk, enter stellar
[14:01] damngino: ho ho ho
[14:02] choad: or in your mom's case, the crab nebula
[14:02] damngino: hah
[14:02] * DexX falls to his knees in the street.
[14:02] theReverend: I've never seen a black hole. Only in pictures.
[14:02] choad: the first black hole i saw in space was Nichelle Nichols
[14:03] DexX: True bliss is a pulsar, though.
[14:03] damngino: that joke means you're getting a little tachyon us choad
[14:04] theReverend: mine was better

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

12-03-05 7:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Kajun: I demand an SC drinking contest
crabby: Kajun, this isn't a chat room. Its an intervention.
damngino: i'll work the gate
crabby: You have a problem.
•damngino locks the door so Kajun can't leave
Kajun: uh
crabby: It was cute at first. We thought you could handle it on your own, but since you can't see the problem, we got you these beer goggles.
Kajun: can I drink them?
crabby: Yes.
Kajun: awesome!
crabby: I'm the worst intervention planner ever.....
crabby: Or the best.....
damngino: no kidding
damngino: you can't make an intervention a kegger for chrissakes
•Kajun cuts a couple of cheeky lines
Kajun: sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffff
damngino: great, he never even had a problem with coke before
crabby: Thats not joke.
damngino: we're totally gonna lose our interventionist license
crabby: He's actually snorting my interventionist license as we speak.
damngino: now there goes the centerpiece
damngino: he's like a hoover that one
crabby: Its actually majestic to watch
•Kajun collapses in a disgraceful heap in the corner
•damngino drops a couple bucks into Kajun's guitar case
damngino: i bet that whole performance eerily is in synch with Dark Side of the Moon
•Kajun releases his flying monkeys

Dad was flammable

12-06-05 4:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

boorite: crabby I'm sorry I called you a taint sponge
Kajun: hallo boorite
crabby: Its ok boorite.
crabby: I still feel bad about the whole chimney sweep thing.
Kajun: hey, boorite, I got the results of the DNA test
boorite: and?
Kajun: hello, Dad!
boorite: I knew it
boorite: does this mean I have to pay for your abortions?
Kajun: it's a bit late now, I've been alive for 24 years
damngino: similar procedure though
boorite: I meant for when you get knocked up
damngino: actually on that note, we have an announcement
•damngino puts arm around Kajun and rubs belly
damngino: you're going to be a granddad!
Kajun: I thought we were going to wait until Christmas dinner!
Kajun: waaaaah!
damngino: i was going to explode!
•Kajun runs away crying
•Kajun meets a man up a dark alleyway with a bottle of gin and a knitting needle
damngino: that can't be good
damngino: only one possible outcome to that situation
crabby: The good alley doctors use coat hangers.
damngino: Happy Birthday!
•Kajun enters the underground world of replica cardigan sales
boorite: lewl
boorite: omg dont wear those
boorite: theyre made of yak fur and chicken fat
Kajun: you got that the wrong way around
damngino: mmm, yak fat
damngino: flavored with roasted walnut

Dad was flammable

12-06-05 4:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[19:20] *** damngino has changed the topic on channel #stripcreator to ICC going on right now!.
[19:20] choad: I SUBMITTED!
[19:20] damngino: w00t!
[19:20] damngino: no one in here an hour ago, i was worried
[19:20] choad: damn, i was hoping BED would make one
[19:21] damngino: maybe he still will... if we believe
[19:21] * choad claps
[19:22] *** BigEvilDan has joined #stripcreator.
[19:24] choad: whoa, it works

12-12-05 6:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Aw, you cut the part where someone surmised that Dan is Tinkerbell.

What others say about boorite!

12-13-05 3:06am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

*** damngino has changed the topic on channel #stripcreator to ICC going on right now!.
damngino: w00t!
damngino: no one in here an hour ago, i was worried
choad: damn, i was hoping BED would make one
damngino: maybe he still will... if we believe
* choad claps
*** BigEvilDan has joined #stripcreator.
choad: whoa, it works
IvyThePlantae: eerie
choad: BigEvilDan = Tinkerbell
boorite: that was FUCKED UP
* BigEvilDan is scared.

12-13-05 7:20pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Highlights whilst playing Literati. I'm sarasvatikat. Also appearing in this drama are mandingo and boorite.

burright65: last game i had 4 e's, played 2 and got 2 more
burright65: :-(
manthefort: that's what i've been doing all night
manthefort: one game all consonants, next all vowels
burright65: vowel movement
manthefort: i can't control my vowel movements cause i'm inconsonant

***21 points awarded to sarasvatikat. 'lez': (1+1+5)x3

***4 points awarded to sarasvatikat. 'cum': 1+1+1x2
burright65: LEWL
manthefort: haw
manthefort: summa cum laude i hope
burright65: cumquiz
sarasvatikat: summa cum soon i think
manthefort: what do you do??
manthefort: what do you do???
burright65: I cum!
burright64: no te i guess
manthefort: nope
manthefort: till next game
burright65: how bout imets
manthefort: but then no cum or lez
burright65: we haev lez cum
manthefort: bottle that shit

12-15-05 2:12am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

*** Joins: beardman [] has joined #stripcreator -:- Topic for #stripcreator is: The whole situation sems like bullshit to me.
wiggedy jiggedy?
hush your mouth
*** Parts: damngino [~stinky@VDSL-130-13-83-113.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has left #stripcreator () AH!
but...I'm...the...the reverend...
sex time
hit it once for the future
ur name spelz "mean drab"
also "bar and me"
I wish it spelt "ban me".
it spells "ban mea 'ard"
Then you'd see...THEN YOU'D ALL SEE!
it spells "ban me 'ard"
I'm eating smashed nachos off a plate with a plastic fork at 5:43 in the morning.
also be manerd
mm smashed nachos
bea arthur?
nerd bean
turn on the nerd beam
that's the best one yet.
nard beam :-\
holy god
christ on a bike
*** beardman [] is now known as nardbeam
that's a better name than "shank" any day
if you want to live like me; place a large pile of nacho shards on a plate, add large mound of shredded sharp cheddar, two packets of taco bell fire sauce, put in unsafe oven at 100 or so degrees til fantastic. enjoy.
so speaks NARDBEAM


12-15-05 2:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

*** Joins: AbenK [~Ryu@] has joined #stripcreator
who in christs spread asshole are you?
i'm jesusu
sorry i'm jesus
*** Quits: AbenK [~Ryu@] has quit (Quit: Client Exiting)

I should really cool it sometimes.


12-15-05 3:28am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

someone once proposed a 3 way to me
that was me n ivy
so i had to jokingly mention it to my bf
i knew what the answer would be...but you gotta ask
i proposed one friend freaked out
how'd his mom take it?
in the ass
always a good answer

What others say about boorite!

12-15-05 11:57pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[01:24] IvyThePlantae: college has broken me of any serious thought
[01:24] IvyThePlantae: at least, the first college i went to
[01:24] IvyThePlantae: that's where i learned not to care about the world
[01:25] IvyThePlantae: it was so liberal, i almost turned republican just to spite them
[01:25] IvyThePlantae: my roommate lectured me because i was reading a scifi book by greg bear
[01:26] IvyThePlantae: she thought it was disrespectful for me to "ignore the heritage of my gender"
[01:26] choady: he went to san diego state
[01:26] IvyThePlantae: i think it was about fairies and interdimensional portals
[01:27] IvyThePlantae: so i started reading the stainless steel rat and bill the galactic hero series just to piss her off
[01:27] IvyThePlantae: and for her birthday, i bought her whatever new book was out by limbaugh
[01:28] IvyThePlantae: she retaliated by holding a "wymyn's spirituality" meeting in our room while i was studying for midterms
[01:28] choady: good lord
[01:29] IvyThePlantae: it's hard to memorize invertebrate fossils when 13 strange women are holding mirrors up their skirts so they can have a poetry slam about their vaginas
[01:30] choady: vaginas are meant for other kinds of slamming
[01:30] IvyThePlantae: i did mention something to that effect
[01:30] IvyThePlantae: one girl gagged when i said "penis"
[01:31] IvyThePlantae: another lectured me on being brainwashed by the male dominated society
[01:31] choady: penises are meant to gag in different ways
[01:31] IvyThePlantae: the next meeting i had every bruce willis action movie i could get my hands on, rented and playing one after another
[01:32] IvyThePlantae: i think one of them was masturbating to it
[01:32] IvyThePlantae: it was hard to tell
[01:32] IvyThePlantae: they all had their hands up skirts spreading lip
[01:33] IvyThePlantae: and my parents were worried i'd start doing drugs

12-20-05 12:36am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

I've been watching soap operas the last two days
i do love my stories
every scene ends with a strained look, an embrace or both
without fail
thats because people never crap in soap operas
that would be better to begin a scene than end one, unless it was revealing said crapper listening in on some hot news
a really intenese conversation about baby daddies and then just a shot of a dude on the toilet in the next room with a strained look on his face
plays well for several reasons
i never strain while making
that's because you don't have time constraints
you just sit there all day
oh, i do...its just everything has its place and time
so you'd rather hold it in than spoil the experience with squeezing?
forcing causes all sorts of problems
old ladies banging on ceilings with broom handles
i banged an old lady on the ceiling in that crazy lionel richie video
holy shit that was you?!?!?
dude! I love your work!
nobody else's but
so what or who is "sway_"?
oh oh oh what a feeling
baingin on the ceilin
i have knkx's cell phone number, i should call it
you should send him a text message that says "it was positive. we need to talk"
the rabbit died
wait, what?
gotta go...ttyl
*** Parts: choady [] has left #stripcreator ()
(eminem played "rabbit" in 8 mile)


12-22-05 12:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

E is very good
until it depletes all your seratonin
or makes your brain swell
Fuck my brian
And my brain
as well

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

12-22-05 5:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

choady: i dont like the weather out there
choady: it looks scottish
Kajun: ha
choady: its all grey and windy
Kajun: like my grandad

12-28-05 12:11pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[21:25] IvyThePlant: let's send mandingo a box of chocolates for his birthday:
[21:26] damngino: creme filled
[21:26] boorite: life is like a box o chocolates
[21:26] boorite: sometimes it looks like cock
[21:26] damngino: and you end up sucking it
[21:26] boorite: lewl

12-31-05 8:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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