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crazy knife lady

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Soberiety is for loasers

What others say about boorite!

12-31-05 11:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

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[23:25] choad: no way...jamie on mythbusters is married
[23:25] choad: presumably to a woman
[23:25] boorite: gaydar failure
[23:26] choad: well, he looks like a leather daddy and he and adam bicker like a married couple
[23:26] choad: MYTH BUSTED!
[23:26] boorite: lewl
[23:27] boorite: your gaydar is busted
[23:27] IvyThePlant: both of them are married
[23:27] IvyThePlant: to women
[23:28] IvyThePlant: and adam has kids
[23:28] IvyThePlant: i knew i saw a ring
[23:28] choad: well, i'll be damned
[23:28] boorite: lew choad has no gaydar
[23:29] boorite: your gaydar went down
[23:29] IvyThePlant: though adam was on something called "The Burly Man Chronicles"
[23:29] boorite: lewl
[23:30] choad: and they live in the bay area.
[23:30] choad: i think its all a sham
[23:30] choad: the wives are beards!
[23:30] choad: I CANT BE WRONG!
[23:30] IvyThePlant: tsk tsk
[23:31] IvyThePlant: just admit it choad, your gaydar had a failure to detect
[23:31] IvyThePlant: i'm sure it happens to all guys at times
[23:31] *** HotRodDeathToll has joined #stripcreator.
[23:31] choad: wait, it just went off again

1-01-06 10:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[00:22] sarasvatikat: i have fishand
[00:22] sarasvatikat: do you have manfin?
[00:23] sulemanafridi2004: what is iy
[00:23] sarasvatikat: fish hand
[00:24] sulemanafridi2004: means?
[00:25] sarasvatikat: you know what fish means
[00:25] sarasvatikat: and you know what hand means
[00:25] sulemanafridi2004: but fish hand for what/
[00:26] sarasvatikat: parties, bar mitzvahs, etc
[00:27] sulemanafridi2004: hey come on be simple in languge i cant understand ur idiomatic englsi
[00:27] sulemanafridi2004: bcs i ma pakistani
[00:28] sarasvatikat: dogface mambo in the banana patch
[00:29] sulemanafridi2004: why u r so angry at em
[00:29] sulemanafridi2004: bye
[00:29] sarasvatikat: what?
[00:29] sarasvatikat: you're making no sense
[00:30] sulemanafridi2004: bcs u r so hard in langaue
[00:30] sarasvatikat: hard as a nucular flan
[00:32] sulemanafridi2004: i m not getting u
[00:34] sarasvatikat: i have a radio in my aspect
[00:35] sulemanafridi2004: so
[00:36] sarasvatikat: it is extracting the wax of cows
[00:36] sarasvatikat: i don't know how to put it simpler than that
[00:37] sulemanafridi2004: hey why u r so
[00:37] sulemanafridi2004: stupid
[00:38] sarasvatikat: omg teh clown punching rofl r0xx0rz

1-01-06 11:34pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:


The dictator of love and his weapon of mass destruction

1-02-06 6:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[13:28:49] well, later he becomes a skinhead
[13:29:07] i'm slowly becoming one

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-03-06 6:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

you know, I never got the appeal of bukkake
nor can I believe there are girls who like that
you're against proper bathing habits?
I'm old-fashioned, I guess


1-09-06 6:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[21:48] mkilly: choad, do you know the bjork song "pagan poetry"
[21:49] choad: no
[21:49] choad: at least i dont think i do
[21:49] choad: i'm not up on my bjork
[21:49] choad: or bork

1-10-06 8:56pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[13:48] IvyThePlantae: wow, my amazon goldbox had a defibrillator in it
[13:48] IvyThePlantae: for only $1,111
[13:48] pokermanny: must be on CLEARance
[13:48] IvyThePlantae: hahaha

1-11-06 12:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

boorite: who is tys
choad: the young scot
boorite: ah
IvyThePlant: tys is teh funneh
boorite: yes
IvyThePlant: his PV entry is funny
boorite: I must do one also
TYS: ivy, you have any idea how long it took me to find a picture of JUST a dildo?
TYS: seriously type dildo into google
choad: i would have gone to an online sex store
TYS: i hate myself
TYS: but i did spend a long period of time looking at porn, so all in all it was a good thing
choad: it would have taken me longer to decide which dildo to use
TYS: are we still talking about the PV?
choad: i wasnt
TYS: oh

1-14-06 12:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

me and the rock lived mostly like ozzie and harriet
you being harriet
2, 3 times a day if he was randy
and the rock being a hardon attached to a wrestler
this makes me sick
how dare you affirm my previous utterance i feel so.. validated
libeling the rock so
he deserves more
after all he gave us
by way of mummy movies
he would never stick his dick in you damn tooty
hes asexual
* damngino grabs a torch
rabble rabble
* artemis is aroused
whats this all about?
monster you say?
it's just an erection
* damngino grabs second torch
i see where this is heading
rabble ^3
i said CUT!
now we must... cut?
i thought i nailed it
were takin five
boys back to our trailer
girls are skins?
make it take it, no blood no foul
* damngino checks to see which members of the girl's team aren't virgins
i felt the best way to shed light on the true man that is the rock would be to make a slanderous tell-all biopic of him
yknow, as a tribute to his charm
mingo, get yer hand out of that cooter! this is a professional set!
where's my canvas chair got to?
and... my.. megaphone.... MINGO!
i mean yes sir, right away sir :) #^$#^%@
stop talking in symbols!
or i'll dock yer pay
i dont know why I hire niggers
i mean non-union
* artemis looks around for snoopy reporters

did you just say nigger?
that shit aint funny even in jest, yo i said non-union
neither is yo
oh okay. sorry, couldn't be niggered to listen to you
you have a 11,0000 comic series entitled....
i was aligning with urban inner city blackees through my parlance
don't tellzor
but you posted a link to it in your.... ah fergetit
and MLK day was MONDAY
i know. i did a photoshop for it my little tribute to dorothy dandridge and planet of the apes
when will we stop judging people by the color of their skin
and instead by their prowess in photoshop? original text
edited last minute
it was alluding to the sermon on the mount i think
another documented version:
when will we stop judgin, etc.
but by the shape of their nose?
or- but by the money in their pockets? and then there was - but by their ancestry? when will all our base belong to every zig for great justice?
he was trying for a rhyming stanza originally i hear
but by their rating on but by the size of their nuts on tide? by the diameter and consistency of their ass flange
he was in such a rush actually, one hastily scrawled out version was "but by the color of their skin"
postmodern civil rights movement
we dined for weeks on that story
what did he end up going with in the end? the Ramada Inn

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

1-18-06 6:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

1-19-06 3:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[13:13:24] batmobilephone

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-21-06 7:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

*** TYS has joined #stripcreator.
choad: ahoy
TYS: matey
TYS: arr
TYS: avast
TYS: ye salty land lubber
choad: swab me poopdeck
TYS: walk me plank
choad: hoist me boom
TYS: lower my anchor
choad: raise the jolly roger
TYS: spit in my anus
TYS: i uh
choad: cum in my eye
TYS: molest my testicles with your lies
choad: take me out and forget to call me later
TYS: call me betty whilst we're in the sack
choad: slap my titties around
TYS: wait
TYS: you have titties?
choad: doesnt everyone?
TYS: care to share them with the rest of the class?
choad: not on the first date
TYS: cocktease

choad: Sir Menzies Campbell
choad: that's a great name
TYS_: its got a ring to it
choad: mensies is a cute term for menstruation here
TYS_: did you just use "menstruation" and "cute" in the same sentance, without the word "is not"
*** IvyTheAfkPlant has joined #stripcreator.
choad: that's bloody awful
TYS_: it is bloody awful
IvyTheAfkPlant: who is sir menzies campbell?
TYS_: hey ivy
choad: he's running for leader of the Liberal Democratic party in the UK
IvyTheAfkPlant: ah
TYS_: i knew that...
IvyTheAfkPlant: "menzies" eh?
TYS_: oh not you too
choad: yeah
choad: there's also a Menzies airline in europe
TYS_: there used to be a chain of shops called "John Menzies"
IvyTheAfkPlant: i wonder if the have complimentary napkins along with the peanuts
choad: all their planes have wings
IvyTheAfkPlant: hahaha!
TYS_: service is bloody awful
choad: your seat can be used as a flotation device if you're surfing
choad: scot might not get that one either
TYS_: jee, it was hard to crack your metaphorical language
choad: well, girls say they're surfing if they're wearing a pad
TYS_: Menzies is the best airline in Europe, Period
choad: or surfing the crimson wave
choad: HA
choad: i love how we each use terms the other culture finds offensive
choad: like how a fanny is a bum here
choad: but a minge there
TYS_: yes
choad: so we wear fanny packs
IvyTheAfkPlant: pants, trousers
TYS_: i always crack up when i hear "fanny packs"
IvyTheAfkPlant: boorite has no pants wouldn't go over as well in the UK
choad: "i'm stuffed"
TYS_: aslong as he had trousers
IvyTheAfkPlant: what's even funnier is when women wear little black fanny packs right in front
IvyTheAfkPlant: i once saw a woman doing that who was also wearing khaki pants that matched her skin tone
IvyTheAfkPlant: so it looked like she was sans pants and trousers
choad: Fanny Flagg
choad: i'd like to see a Fanny Flagg
IvyTheAfkPlant: Fanny Farmer
choad: haha
choad: yeah, we have all these women named fanny here
choad: hi, my name is Twat Johnson

1-23-06 11:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

pokermanny: no shit, that would be HAWWWTTT
areallystupidguy: oh yeah
areallystupidguy: hah, with montana it's 16, but only with parental consent
areallystupidguy: so i'd have to ask my mom if it was okay for me to bone one of her friends
areallystupidguy: that would be awkward...
pokermanny: new mexico = 13
pokermanny: for gay sex l00l
pokermanny: 17 for straight
areallystupidguy: funny
areallystupidguy: but only for homosexuality
areallystupidguy: yeah
areallystupidguy: that's kinda backwards
areallystupidguy: they're the est
areallystupidguy: i wonder if straight people have straight rallies there
areallystupidguy: and marches
areallystupidguy: demanding equal rights

what if nigger meant kite

2-07-06 11:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Noonie:a lot of people around here suck off goats... but I think it's due to the inbreeding.
Lucky: As long as it's legal in California, and as long as most cousins are indeed fathers, that'll keep up.
Lucky: It is legal to keep a farm for the express purpose of bestial practices.
Lucky: I read that in a pamphlet from a Holiday Inn.
Noonie: >_< eww
Lucky: Holiday Inn promotes sex farms.
Lucky: Spread the sexy, sexy word.
***Quits: BigEvilDan
Noonie: look what you've done.
Lucky: Oops.

the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old

2-16-06 8:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Makes out like a Lesbian

Member Rated:

Like one time at a new years party, some guy trapped me in a corner and proceeded to tell me how his brother was repeatedly ran over
did that story go anywhere?
he began to cry
it would have been sad
if his brother wasnt already AT THE FUCKING PARTY
then why was he crying?
i have no idea
did you punch him?
maybe because when he told me the car backed up over his brother after hitting him the first time, i burst out laughing
In my defence
it was really funny
i concur

The following statement its true. The previous statement is false

2-17-06 11:42am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Makes out like a Lesbian

Member Rated:

I love you, TYS
you're the best kind of Scot


The following statement its true. The previous statement is false

2-18-06 2:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

Member Rated:

[Thursday February 16 2006 10:32 PM] Noonie: now Dan has probably wandered off to create his own little sick sex farm that he's been secretly planning
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:32 PM] Noonie: waiting for the day when Holiday Inn would promote the practice
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:32 PM] Noonie: whats next? Bullfrog nudist colonies/
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:32 PM] Noonie: ?
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:32 PM] Lucky: I wish him the best.
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:32 PM] Lucky: Frog nudists? I like it.
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:32 PM] Lucky: I'll submit a pamphlet.
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:34 PM] Noonie: we have frog cultists who have the audacity to swim naked hidden in the forest
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:34 PM] Lucky: I feel dirty.
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:34 PM] Lucky: I bet they have eyes on the top of their heads.
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:37 PM] Noonie: they also chant to the spirit of Dave Thomas
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:37 PM] Noonie: its sick, i tell you
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:38 PM] Lucky: O, great Dave Thomas....
[Thursday February 16 2006 10:38 PM] Lucky: Please give us the blessing of eyes on the top of our heads....

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

2-18-06 8:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Makes out like a Lesbian

Member Rated:

well, brad fraud is at an all-time high lately
or invent ass-chucks
brad i swear, i only bought 10 porno's with your credit card
you can have them after me
you do like midgets, right?
Sorry Brad. I'll stop dressing up like you to get underaged girls to sleep with me. I promise, for real this time.
you do that too?
I invented that.
i do it too, but replace the words "girls" with boys
and the world "underage" with dead
You have to trick dead boys into having sex with you? That's sort of sad.
its called role play
I just throw them into the love hole I dug in my back yard and "go to town".
maybe we should compare notes
Can you read shorthand?
i can pretend to read shorthand
That should work fine. I pretend to write notes in shorthand. It's acutally smiley faces and stick people, mostly.
I write all my notes in blood
not mine, naturally
doo dee doo needs to be removed

The following statement its true. The previous statement is false

2-19-06 7:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

now he's saying superman is a ripoff of the bible
samson and jesus
* IvyThePlant is fascinated
did jesus have heat vision?
i dont remember jesus deflecting bullets with his chest
or leaping any tall buildings
in a single bound
plus whats Jesus' weakness?
dying for our sins?
thats kryptoshite
that's so lame
and jesus wore a robe...not very practical when you're running faster than a speeding bullet
plus, everyone would be looking up your skirt
and thus the most important question ever, that has never been asked before
must be asked now
How big was jesus's dick?
oddly enough, i
ve never wondered that til now
my point exactly

2-21-06 2:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

I wish I had the time stamp on. It's guess it's easy to believe Kajun holds the Guinness record on speed-shitting since that's the major component of his bowels:

Kajun: I need to go shit.
Kajun: that was stinky

2-26-06 5:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[08:48:34] I need to go shit.
[08:49:37] that was stinky

Batman created by Bob Kane

2-26-06 8:26pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I am a Care Bear.

its sad
i expect to see that in a paper someday
It's like... my brain just commited suicide.
the doctor should be saying, "Don't ask me I'm inanimate."

2-28-06 9:56pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

[22:38] * Fuzzyman has joined #stripcreator
[22:40] oh
[22:40] oh
[22:44] * Fuzzyman has left #stripcreator
[22:46] That was funny
[22:46] * Jesus has left #stripcreator (Leaving)

3-04-06 11:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

[08:48:34] I need to go shit.
[08:49:37] that was stinky
The bathroom is right next to my computer, there's about 4 steps from my chair to the shitter. The rest is down to a diet of alcohol and Indian food.

Dad was flammable

3-05-06 4:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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