What qualifies as "partying" for blt is what I'm trying to say.
That and let's see those breats.
It's breasts and you aren't seeing them.
Thawt maybee f i shelt chitty ude blunderstan wut wuz be sed.
Guess I was wrong.
Organic milk cartons.
How many of you guys are hestitant when it comes to calling a girl?
Not here. No reason to be hesitant. It either works out or it doesn't. If the guy doesn't call he's either a pussy or he's not interested. FYI, nine out of ten times it's because he's not really interested. Unless it's for a booty call.
White liquid seeping boner forgers.
blt sounds like a shitstain when she talks in the third person.
And, also, as we all know blt hates wimps.
Jiggly Puffs.
Don't like it? Eat me.