Something for the girl who has almost everything!
I love dutch marketing.
"Of course you will think: "Does it really work?" You will never find out when you never used the P-Mate."
"Shaped to female body forms: It closes properly around your pee-opening without making any mess while peeing."
"Every woman, young or old, will recognize one or more of the following situations in which she has to pee urgently:
There's no toilet available.
There is a toilet, but it is so dirty that you'd rather prefer to hold your piddle.
There is no bush or secluded spot where you can bare your bottom quietly
Or you are standing in front of an impenetrable brushwood.
What is creeping through that penetrable brushwood?
The stinging nettles stand very high today!
The toilet consists of two footings and a hole. You spatter your shoes or it leaks against your legs.
You are pregnant, you have to pee often but it is difficult to get up.
You are not pregnant, but, for any reason, it is hard for you to squat.
You are in an exotic place with only... an open sewerage.
You are waiting in the end of a line at an outside-event, will you make it?
You have made it, like the hundreds of women before you, you open the door but... do you still want to?
You have to hand in a piddle for a research and your pee is flowing everywhere, except into the pot.
For your profession you wear clothes that you can't take off very easily, even if there is a suitable pee-spot around.
You are on a boat with a toilet that's too small, or there's no toilet."
They've made me scared to pee. Now, THAT'S marketing.
I am a delicate fucking flower.