from a simple mention of my band name (Colvig, named from Vance Colvig Jr, one of the many ppl to play Bozo the Clown on TV), suddenly I ended up filtering it through every internet meme I can remember.
and then boorite asks me about X3.
bragadocious is a good band name
or bradadocious
oh to be named brad
oh to be named colvig
lightning bug colvig
i can't change it now, it's branding...
i've got colvig t-shirts and all that...
sweetwater colvig
Three colvigs walk into a bar..
ass bandit colvig
once upon a colvig in a colvig far far away
sausage hound colvig
i am your colvig
baby let me be your colvig
colvig me baby, all night
I want to make a song about the injustice of war called "take it up the ass"
broken-down asswhupped stinky ol colvig
kicked in the ass by colvig
colvig done stole my bike!
I want to make a song about the plight of animals called "take it up the ass"
colvig ate your sandwich
colvig plans to steal your wallet
that colvig ate my baby!
youre the colvig now dawg
and then chuck norris said, "COLVIG"
i'm the colvig, bitch@
i'm vance colvig jr, bitch! enjoy yourself
livin la vida colvig
chewbacca ate colvig's balls
then mr. t beat up colvig
move colvig! for great justice!
did u see x3
Our liability coverage is zero. Our balls however are enormous.