finally, a conversation long enough for me to put in this most venerated thread...
this happened back in july and not remembering exactly what i said, i'll paraphrase while trying to remain true to the spirit of the thingy.
mick mock-why are you angry
AA -why not be angry?
Mick mock -i was expecting a much more interesting answer. oh well.
AA -oh gosh, well let me drop everything i'm doing right now just to entertain you. maybe a little song, maybe a little dance...
mick mock -that's a bit more interesting. what exactly is everything?
AA -hitting my bong, drinking beer and plotting the death of world leaders while simultaneously looking at a Hustler and playing poker
-mick mock -OK, interest waning now. Isn't Hustler a porn mag? i thought they all died out when everyone got the interweb.
AA -The 'interweb'? what the fuck country are you from? and what's up with the name?
mick mock -i just chose it cos it sounds like nik-nok which is the Dutch equivalent ti nig-nog. and knowing your drinking habits across the pond you should probably just be throwing out the beer you have and buying in some proper stuff.
AA -right. because ALL AMERICANS drink our horrible macro-brews and not a single one among us has the sense to drink good beer. FYI some of my favorite beers are hoogarden white, lindemans lambics, elephant malt liquor, and letrapp.
mick mock- jeusu that took me by surprise. i'll bet you just googled those names.
AA - is it so fucking hard to believe some americans drink good beer.
mick mock -no. sorry. you all drink budweiser. i seen it on TV. and you all wear basketball shirts, baseball hats and other sporting paraphenilia in everyday life.
AA -its like you know me. i'm creeped out. later.
Kill Whitey.