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Stripcreator » General Discussion » Tattoo Barbie



Stripcreator Veteran

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Forget donating your money to Brad. Give it to this girl, she'll put it to good use!

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-10-03 4:07am (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

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A rare interview from one of the greats, Berke Breathed.

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-10-03 1:20pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

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He followed me home. Can I keep him?


should get this treatment for harboring Chenney[/url]

And not fly it??!?

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-11-03 8:52pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Stephanie McMahon has fake tits?!?
I thought they just grew from the heat lights.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-11-03 9:06pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Like space cow throwing

what the...?

Snow Removal Game

Fatal Facts

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-11-03 9:28pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

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I Hate You

Female Celebrity Smoking List - I don't know why.

Follow-up on the JC Buttplug

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-12-03 10:02pm (new)
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Feature Creep

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You guys come up with $4500 and I'll totally get a boob job. Or the augmentation of your choice, really.


1-13-03 8:59am (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

...This incentive to donate is mysteriously attractive to me.

1-13-03 9:39am (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Flash and Flashing

Can someone explain this one for me?

Man or Woman bank robber?

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-13-03 10:14pm (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

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Man or Woman bank robber?

Looks to me like a guy wearing a fat suit.

1-13-03 10:40pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Thees pege-a hes prubebly beee eruoond fur a vheele-a. Boot ve-a cun steell get sume-a looghs frum it, reeght?


Fuk u joshi. Who is this Joshi guy... or gall?

Per Daily Rotten: Remember what can happen in this country people. "Jan 14, 1943. Actress Frances Farmer forcefully taken to jail for parole violations with regard to her drunk driving conviction. She states her occupation as 'cocksucker', receives a 180 day sentence, and some days later is committed to an insane asylum where she receives a lobotomy five years later." The rich have ways of fucking you up.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-14-03 8:55pm (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

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So where do I go to get those 570 sexually explicit e-mails?

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-14-03 11:11pm (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

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Man killed by his own cock!

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-14-03 11:19pm (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

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I just realized, if this was a story about Gabe then the headline would read, "Man killed by his own ass!"

Warning Labels

Once I bought a jar of organic peanut butter that had the warning, "Product may contain peanuts or peanut by-products.

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-15-03 8:10am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Poor helpless banana

Tasty Pets!

man freezes penis to bus shelter

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-15-03 8:38pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Gulf War 2. Sort of a game.

Rummy dances

My money is on this one

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-16-03 9:25pm (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

Member Rated:

In retrospect, half of you probably already subscribe to this magazine anyway.

Modern Drunkard

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-17-03 3:40am (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

Member Rated:

Well, in that case we might as well give our money to Brad.

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-17-03 4:20am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Let me get this straight... habitual use of speed while flying an armed military aircraft is no problem, but the use of small amounts of pot by aids patients is a problem?

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-17-03 7:30pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Top Ten Conspiracy Theories of 2002. Hrumph! I have a few that should have made the list.

Thank Yahway my kids only throw fits now and then

I soooooo knew this!

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-17-03 7:54pm (new)
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Some bloke.

Member Rated:

I thought this was a neat little waste of time.

This, and other goofy shit can be found on my weblog on my weblog.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

1-19-03 2:10am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

Sorry... not used to the hyperlink thingy here yet.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

1-19-03 2:11am (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Jeepers Molly! That's a nice lookin' hole crank!

Nice log Luke!

Dancing Bush

Crowe Cover Up!

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-19-03 8:17pm (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

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Andy's favorite motion picture actor.

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-20-03 4:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

I enjoyed the following. I may be alone. Again.

The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used?

Because that's the way they built them in England, and English expatriates built the US Railroads. Why did the English build them like that?

Because the first rail lines were built by the same people who built the pre-railroad tramways, and that's the gauge they used. Why did "they" use that gauge then?

Because the people who built the tramways used the same jigs and tools that they used for building wagons, which used that wheel spacing. Okay! Why did the wagons have that particular odd wheel spacing?

Well, if they tried to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels would break on some of the old, long distance roads in England, because that's the spacing of the wheel ruts. So who built those old rutted roads?

Imperial Rome built the first long distance roads in Europe (and England) for their legions. The roads have been used ever since. And the ruts in the roads?

Roman war chariots formed the initial ruts, which everyone else had to match for fear of destroying their wagon wheels. Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome, they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing. The United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot.

And bureaucracies live forever.

So the next time you are handed a spec and told we have always done it that way and wonder what horse's ass came up with that, you may be exactly right, because the Imperial Roman war chariots were made just wide enough to accommodate the back ends of two war horses.

Now the twist to the story...

When you see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad, there are two big booster rockets attached to the sides of the main fuel tank. These are solid rocket boosters, or SRBs. The SRBs are made by Thiokol at their factory in Utah. The engineers who designed the SRBs would have preferred to make them a bit fatter, but the SRBs had to be shipped by train from the factory to the launch site. The railroad line from the factory happens to run through a tunnel in the mountains. The SRBs had to fit through that tunnel. The tunnel is slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad track, as you now know, is about as wide as two horses' behinds.

So, a major Space Shuttle design feature of what is arguably the world's most advanced transportation system was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of a Horse's ass.

And you thought being a horse's ass wasn't important.

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-20-03 9:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » Tattoo Barbie

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