No one is suggesting that we "forbid" the phrase "under God."
Some are suggesting that it doesn't belong in the type of government utterance that the Pledge of Allegiance represents.
We might also suggest that the phrase "right to paaaaaaarty" doesn't belong in the Bill of Rights. This is not censorship by any stretch of the imagination. The phrase has not been "forbidden."
If you mean to say it is "censoring" the Pledge itself to select and exclude what goes in it, then every single official utterance of the government is "censored," including the Bill of Rights.
You seem to be equating curtailment of the State's power to endorse religion with curtailment of the individual's right to free speech. They are two different things. It's not confusing in the slightest.
I can only think you mean "not to have." And it does not "limit" democracy to safeguard against tyrannies of the majority. Quite the opposite.
But if that's not a typo, then I agree that what the majority wants can indeed limit democracy.
Excluding religion from government utterances is not the same as excluding blacks from international sports. It could be that you're confused by the fact that they use the same word. But the cases differ in one important way. In one, individual rights are preserved. In the other, they are abrogated. You could not possibly be confused about that.
To take your analogy of running: We don't say a person is not free to run just because he's not free to run at work without getting fired. Most people aren't paid to haul ass all over the office.
And I don't pay government employees to make religious statements. They can do that on their own time.
i stand by what i said more than ever -- you're confusing your flavor of censorship with non-censorship and using the apples and oranges justification that it facilitates competing desirable principles to make the claim that to 'suppress or delete' a phrase out of the pledge of allegiance that a majority of the people want in it somehow isn't censorship. since you continue in that vein and since i could again reply to everything you said using previous quotes, it's probbly a good time to agree to disagree
what if nigger meant kite