Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Hi all, rate my first attempt at a comic please!



crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Also, now that I've reread this bullshit you're saying about me, I feel compelled to say "fuck you." Destroying grammatically-challenged 12-year-olds? Where the fuck do you get off? That's just made up.

You allude to sebra. The fact is I got along with sebra. We all mocked his style, but so what? He and I were on good terms. I thought his unending thread was good clean stupid fun. But someone genuinely disliked sebra enough to complain to Brad and get him banned. That was not me.

Everything that comes out of my keyboard is dumbass inside jokes or ironic intarnets memes? Really? Maybe you missed the thoughtful philosophical exchange I had with the very guy you're defending, right here in this forum. If you bother looking, you might find that he and I were the only ones interested in putting thought like that into an exchange.

Maybe you should sober the fuck up before you start dragging people's names through the mud for no reason, asshole.

What others say about boorite!

11-16-06 12:48am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

All this time I thought squidrabies was an intelligent human being.

I barely read, much less post in the goddamned RMDC forum, so I'm fascinated how I'm the "queen of stripcreator" that likes running out the noobs by telling them their comics suck. Squid, if you had a sense of reading comprehension you would have seen my posts were:

1. A binary post wondering why he was being so sensitive since he appeared to suddenly go apeshit and start spewing crap (note that later he explained himself and I accepted his explanation and thought nothing more of it).

2. A comment that his comics had words and pictures and were acceptable, but nothing about them sucking.

3. A joke about the word "geo-social" with pictures including Mogo, but nothing about his comics sucking.

4. A detailed critique of his comics, which he ASKED for from us, where I indicated that I liked some of his comics, the oens I wasn't so thrilled about and why, and explaining to him why we tend to be a little antsy about people who suddenly come back with another username, and NOT FUCKING ONCE said his comics sucked.

5. A stupid comment on embarassing pictures, which said nothing about his comics sucking.

6. A comment not even directed at him, which said nothing about his comics sucking.

I've been reading his comics, especially since he became a donor, and while I don't think they're the funniest thing in the world, I also DON'T THINK THEY SUCK AND NEVER SAID SO, YOU STUPID FUCKING TWIT!!

Oh, and here's another little tidbit for you. Boorite and I may be married, but that doesn't mean we're the same damned person. We don't sit here and conspire about running out the newbies together. Most of the time we aren't even in the same fucking building when we post on SC. So stop attaching me to the end of boorite and vice versa. Especially when you're too idiotic to read a whooooole four page thread where not once do we say Ima_Realist/Tim's comics suck. Yeah, a picture of a guy thinking is surely a banner screaming: "YOUR COMICS R TEH SUCK!11!!!1"

Christ on a bike, just when I start liking this damned forum again, someone goes and does something stupid. I should have stayed at Unexplained. At least I already know who are the idiots there.

11-16-06 12:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

I liked sebra. He was awesome and I think it's a travesty he got banned. I'm going to bed. It's too late to sit here and watch people get on the short bus.

11-16-06 12:50am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

I've read all the posts and I stand behind mine. You should re-read your own history.
What the fuck was the point of the picture of the guy thinking anyway? What does that mean? You do that a lot. Why? What is the reason? When you can't think of anything smartass to say you just post some random smartass picture? What did that tell him? Did that mean his comic was good? Did it mean you didn't understand it? Did it mean he sucks? Do you even know? Do you just post some random picture in every thread because you're afraid someone might forget you exist for two seconds?
Am I the only person on this website who thinks these things???

Ah, so you couldn't fathom what a picture of a guy thinking might possibly represent. Therefore, you're justified in saying I thought the guy sucked and I led some sort of attack on him. That is complete bullshit.

I post pictures because sometimes there are too many words. I avoid saying this is good and that is bad because I don't find myself thinking that sort of thing. I posted a picture of a guy thinking because the comic made me think, you dumb drunk fucking asshole.

There, I spoon-fed you the totally secret and diabolical meaning of a stupid picture.

What others say about boorite!

11-16-06 12:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

You know what? Just forget about it. Really. It's just so moronic that any idiot can see it. I mean, you suddenly blow in here and make claims that are completely unfounded and lecture us on something we didn't even do? Then you proclaim that boorite and I are somehow ringleaders in an anti-noob movement despite the obvious idiocy of that? I didn't even know what the fuck you were talking about when I read your post. I reread the thread and I still don't know what you're on about.

What the hell is up with people lately? When did we become booriteandivy, a single entity never separates from the other so when one of us does something that annoys someone, real or imagined by drunken ranters, the other is automatically guilty of the same thing? When did booriteandivy become this all-powerful entity that these noble SCers must fight against?

If you really want one or both of us to leave SC then just have the balls to come out and say it. Stop this idiotic crap and stop the random accusations. Or at least find something real to accuse us of. I didn't do laundry today like I was supposed to. There, you can go post a long rant about what a horrible person I am for being queen of stripcreator but not doing my laundry.

So yeah, just forget about it squid. You're only making yourself look like an idiot. But just in case, I'll stop posting in RMDC altogether. And let me know when I start scaring off the noobs and demanding everyone think like I do (I am the queen of stripcreator after all) in General Discussion, Fights, or even, god forbid, Caption Mountain. Please do let me know. So I can tell you to shove it up your ass again.

11-16-06 1:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

You should have used pictures to make it easier.

Oops, did I just insult a noob's comics? Bad queen of stripcreator!

Here, I'll insult another noob's comics: "I think apples are yummy."

How about this: "I chuckled at "The Stoic Batman Fan," as I enjoy visual puns and can relate to the Fan's desire for Batman to swoop in and save the day."

Oh wait, that's when I posted to Ima_Realist/Tim that I liked his comic.

I get it now! It's opposite day!

11-16-06 1:19am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

I forgot to mention:

So you're admitting you're standing behind a false statement?

No, you do mean to pick on us so don't insult our intelligence by saying that. Though I am a bit flattered by the assumption that we're somehow this royalty leadership. I mean, if we really were, do you think I'd have a fucking doubt about my comics? Do you think I'd wonder if people ever read them? Wouldn't I be patting myself on the back for how clever I am instead of constantly looking at the check new comments form to see if anyone happened to leave me feedback? Christ, I would love to be as funny as mmyers, choad, jes, biped, mandingo, and you. I'm happy whenever someone says they liked a comic. If I was really this high and mighty bitch who likes to torture noobs for fun, do you think I'd even bother making a long post to a noob with positive, constructive criticism and praise for his comics? Do you---

You know what? Fuck it. My initial opinion of you as a rational and intelligent human being was false and I apologize, squid. I'll just remember that from now on.

11-16-06 1:35am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Wow, here I thought we had run Ima_Realist/Tim off with our constructive criticism, praise, and random banter like squid said we did and he made himself a donor. And made comics recently.

[Click to view comic: 'Desperate Times.']

I gotta tell you, I'm so fucking confused right now. I think Ima's comics are funny, but I'm not sure if I should tell him that. "Dear Abby..."

I'm still trying to find where I slag off newbies and tell them that they suck so I can keep my lofty imagined status, but I'm coming up blank. However, I did find where I posted that our plumbing exploded and that cats are my kryptonite. I also found an argument with Spankling (and others) about GM foods. Still nothing on the newbies.

Ima_Realist, keep up the good work. I really did think your comics are funny. If I insulted you in any way, please do tell me and I'll be sure to flog myself as punishment.

And squid, I really did miss seeing your comics. I thought they were absolutely brilliant, especially God: Year One. I was sad that you left, but now I'm kind of relieved. Especially if you stay away. Go ahead, tell people I ran you off if it will make you feel better. I won't say anything.

11-16-06 2:11am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

That says so much right there. It says everything about Boo and Ivy. If you don't want to hear about them fucking non stop, then you're a moron. Oh, but they never talk about that. If you tell them a thread they posted is dumb, you're a moron, cause they didn't post it for your enjoyment. If you post a thread they can say whatever they want about it, but that's cause they're playing around, can't you take a fucking joke?

And if you haven't figuered it out yet, then they will be sure to make multiple posts about it without you even responding.

I don't fault them at all. I really think just about everything boorite does is funny. I also think Ivy brings the funny more often than not herself. I know they don't like me. It's whatever, but really this is what the boards are devolving into. It is what it is. There is no winning an argument with them, there really isn't an argument to be had.

Oh, I also think Ivy is ugly. It's my opinion. I'm sorry if that made her cry. I'm sure that was insulting to boorite as well, but I stand by what I said. I can enjoy their humor without appreciating their looks. Boorite is ugly too, I'm not the most attractive man either. The only people who's looks mean a damn around here are matclarke and choad. Those guys are hot.

I just don't like the tension that was created from all of that. I didn't mean what I sauid as a hate crime. Also when I posted in the chat room the next day, "If you cry about what people say about you on the internet you should kill yourself." I didn't actually mean for Ivy to kill herself. And when I called Boorite a moron about a PM he sent me, it was because he acted as if I meant it. There is also this whole train of thought from some that when I say thigns I somehow mean every single word. I'm really just bullshitting on a comic site like all the rest of you. I've been saying the same kind of nonsense for a really long time on this site. I see no reason to stop because of this faux feud.

Boorites random posts are great, Ivy's stuff is great. The way they stick up for eachother tooth and nail until they've convinced you how much of a moron you are is beautiful. Those two are the best internet marriage I know, but they're still lame.

I know I'm not perfect, I'm sure I've rubbed many of you the wrong way, but that's just how it goes on these internets I suppose. The important thing in my opinion is to not hold these grudges on a message board. I don't want to have to walk on egg shells whenever I want to post in a thread boorite and Ivy have posted in. I might be completely overreacting about all of this. At this point I'm just typing out a really long post for no apparent reason because I'm sure it's already being quoted and ripped to shreds.

As for whoever started this thread about getting their comics rated, I'm sure his comics are ok. I haven't read them so I wouldn't know. I usually bad mouth new people just to see if they freak out and go nuts like so many new people do.

What it all comes down to is I really like posting on this site and I don't want to have to worry about fighting with Ivy and Boorite. I really wish we could make up and go back to just not liking eachother instead of me thinking that I'm truly hated. I could also be so full of my self that neither of them gives a shit about me though and I'm imagining the whole thing. That would rock. I've regretted that whole calling Ivy ugly thing since it first happened. You can't take back the past. This is my formal apology and heart felt letter to two users that I truly enjoyed. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of it. It's hard in words to truly convey the sarcasm from the truth and most of the time I'm just being sarcastic and trying to be so over the top that it can easily be distinguished as false, but I guess that isn't always the case. Neither of them have to accept my apology, I really don't expect them to. I'm sure what I said at the top of this post my contridict things I've said at the bottom. I'm sure it's also filled with alot of misspellings. I'm just writing this out before leaving for work and trying to get alot of this off my chest. I'm just gonna avoid this thread after this post. I guess boorite or Ivy could PM and tell me how big of a fucking moron I fucking am, or they can avoid it, or they can say whatever they feel the need to say to me. I just felt the need to type out a really long post like so many others in this thread have done. I'm also sorry about bringing thigns from the past that might be viewed as personal, even though they happened in a chat room in front of alot of other users. I wasn't bringing it up to make fun again and I wasn't bringing it up to rub it in your face. I brought it up in ver vague detail to just describe the situation. I know just saying, "I called her ugly" is an understatement as well, because the things I said were much more hurtful than that.

We used to have in the chat rooms bull shitting like people do in chat rooms. There was that ghost forum, there was the time Ivy went through alot of trouble to type me out a guide to teas. I really like the both of them actually. Maybe I am schizophrenic and just like talking shit, or however boorite described it to me, maybe I am just a peice of shit, but I do enjoy this site and I think at least some of the people who read this forum find humor in my posts. I just do it for me, I'm sorry if I said things that hurt the both of you. I'm sorry if I said things that were so annoying that I annoyed the both of you. I'm really not trying to do anything different from either of you, I'm just trying to enjoy the site. Sure, I've attacked a few users of this forum, who hasn't? It happens sometimes.

To wrap it all up, I'm sorry. Truly deeply.

11-16-06 4:08am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

What the hell just happened here?

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

11-16-06 4:08am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

I don't know, but I think I'm going to go delete all my comics now and leave forever.

Please tell me not to leave forever....

11-16-06 4:09am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

I don't know, but I think I'm going to go delete all my comics now and leave forever.

Please tell me not to leave forever....

Don't leave forever!

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

11-16-06 4:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

Thanks alot! I needed that.

11-16-06 4:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

Also, just for the record. I posted all that before I read Ivy's fin comic and all the rest of the stuff on her profile. I know exactly how she feels. This is a rough message board. Lots of feeling and emotions, it's a tight knit group. I can't speak for everyone, but it really wears on me emotionally from time to time. It's definetly the most intense forum I visit. Even if it is all about cornholing robots and whats its and what nots.

11-16-06 4:18am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

I just accept that this forum is filled with internet assholes and that their occasional outbursts really don't matter.

I'm an asshole, you're an asshole, we're all assholes! Stupidity abounds among misunderstanding! Why can't we get over it and just move on with our lives?

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

11-16-06 4:21am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

You basically said everything I wanted to say, but you said it better and with alot less words.

11-16-06 4:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

And now I'm leaving for work and I'm not going to be checking this thread anymore. Just keep the, "I thought you weren't going to check this thread anymore?" comments to yourself please. I'd like to think of this as one big step forward not only for the site, but also, "the community." Today is a good day indeed.

11-16-06 4:24am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Here at least 3 times a year

Member Rated:

i don't have the years experience some of you do here, but would like to think i've carved myself out a little niche on this site, and i enjoy it immensely.
i myself can be a bit hard on those noobs here asking for a rating, but i kinda feel if you ask for a rating instead of just an opinion, you should be prepared for brutal honesty.
its a dog-eat-dog world and we're all wearing milkbone underwear. especially on a virtual forum where you never have to look someone in the eye as you tell em their work sucks total ass.
i like crabby. his name alone tells you that you're gonna have to earn his respect and that he's gonna be a smarmy bastard. its his thing and he does it well.
boo and ivy are unerringly funny. their forum comments have made me laugh out loud and they've shown they have wide ranging interests and are competent to comment on damn near anything in an intelligent manner when they see fit to do so.
there are users on this site that based on their comments, i don't like at all.
there are others who are regulars here whose comics, for the most part, i think suck.
and i'm gonna quietly assume there are people on SC that feel exactly the same way about me.
in other words, its pretty much just like real life, and that's part of what makes it fun and interesting.
if we all loved each other and had not a bad thing to say ever, there'd be like 6 users on this site who just sat around and sucked each others dicks, metaphoically speaking.
for a person new to this site, at least for me anyway, becoming accepted as a regular by the "old guard" was challenging and fun. bad feedback only made me want to try harder.
other than that, i don't know where i'm going with this post. its late, i haven't slept, i'm still sick.
just wanted to share a (relatively) new guy's point of view.

viva la SC

Kill Whitey.

11-16-06 5:21am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

Jesus Christ, I come down with the flu and all shit breaks loose here! WTF!

And the worst part is, I really like all the people involved in the squabble. I love boorite, I think Ivy's cool, I think squid's hilarious, and crabby cracks me up. Can't you all just kiss and make up? And it can be like old times again?

I has a flavor!

11-16-06 7:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

For the record, I loved crabby. Then he went apeshit on me in chat. Now, I can handle one or two stupid ribbing remarks, but he went over the line. It's no secret that my mother and I have a bad history. After 25 years of abuse from her, I'm finally learning to deal with it. Then crabby opens up a giant can of every single thing I could possibly be sensitive about, including almost everything my mother did (he left out my college grades) and I couldn't handle it. The worst part was when he apologized, convinced us he was sincere, then immediately did the same crap again. And if that wasn't enough, he went on a bender about how I shouldn't be "so sensitive."

So yeah, maybe crabby has been on eggshells lately, but only since his little chat tirade. Before that, I thought he was a great guy and looked forward chatting with him.

As far as leaving, I don't know. I'm tired of people I like respect suddenly going apeshit. First Kajun, then Flate, then crabby, now squid. And it seems to all center around this idea that boorite and I are somehow an elite group that chases off noobs and makes SC all about ourselves. What's worse is the people who show up later and agree with them. If I thought I was half as important as these people seem to think that I think I am, I doubt I would have cried when crabby called me a fat ugly lamebag.

The only solution I see to this is to either leave or become the bitch everyone seems to think I am. I never paid attention to noobs, unless one caught my eye and I thought they were so funny I donated for them. I don't think I ever even posted in RMDC until recently. Yeah, I made comics about personal stuff and posted about personal stuff in GD and Fights, but who the fuck doesn't? I don't think I ever insisted you like the same thing I like or adore me for posting some shit about my cats. Most of it is meaningless crap anyway.

But maybe I should start harassing noobs and berating people for not agreeing with me. If people think I do that already, I might as well start. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's being perceived as something I'm not, especially when I'm perceived as taking actions I don't. I would rather go and do what they say I did than continue to try to be a nice person and still get the same shit. Obviously there's something wrong with me that I keep getting this shit every couple of months and I'm sick of it. Leaving is probably the best solution. I told boorite after the crabby thing that if something like this happens one more time, I'm out of stripcreator. It's just not worth it anymore.

11-16-06 10:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

I'm of the opinion the squid's going to sober up, find what he posted, and regret at least some of it.

But as far as the "haters" go, fuck them up their collective asses, Ivy. You were one of the first people I added to my favorites list when I joined, as much because of your attitude on the forums as your comics (which I thought were damn hilarious, life experiences or not). I for one will not enjoy stripcreator as much without you around, and if boorite followed I doubt I'd have much to do on the forums anymore.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

11-16-06 10:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

I've had people accuse me of being a dead beat dad (bunner) I've had people make 200 comics about me fucking my daughter (Chubby and also dcom) and I've had people flip out on me and hold a grude when I have absolutely no idea what I ever did to them (inflate).

If I were Ivy, I wouldn't leave. For every asshole that goes apeshit on you (myself included.) You have just as many if not more people who enjoy your contributions to the site.

When we had our tift, both you and boorite said I contribute absolutely nothing to the site except being a troll. I don't agree with that at all. I also don't think Boorite and Ivy are elitist assholes who chase away noobs. I just think they're elitist assholes who sit next to eachother on seperate lap tops and spend alot of time on this web site. That isn't a bad thing at all, it's just a thing. If you spend enough time anywhere you're bound to rub people the wrong way eventually. It happens everywhere. If you enjoy the site I wouldn't leave. Just keep doing your thing. People are bound to go ape shit once in awhile. Next time someone fucks with you just tell them that until they sell 3457,568,900 albums that you don't give a fuck about them. Or challenge them to a fight. Those both usually work pretty well.

11-16-06 11:05am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

I'm afraid I can't kiss and make up. Maybe with squid, if he cares to revise his bullshit statement, but not crabby. Since crabby dragged it up in the most distorted and dishonest way possible, I'll explain.

One night not too long ago, crabby slagged Ivy off mercilessly in the chat room, on and on about what a fat ugly loser he thought she was and how old and disgusting I am and what losers we are for having met on the internet and more, and I mean on and on and on. When I told him "fuck you," he apologized and said he never meant any of it. Then he immediately did it again and said that if Ivy's feelings were hurt, she should kill herself. So don't buy crabby's two-faced "this is a tight-knit emotional community that gets rough sometimes" bullshit. He has no soul and no conscience. He is a lowlife asshole who gets his jollies making people feel bad.

And now he wants to make that episode all about "if you don't want to hear about ivy and boorite fucking then you're a moron." Nothing like that has ever been said to crabby or anyone else. The issue at the time was crabby's pointless cruel trolling, which everyone is familiar with and which in turn has nothing to do with any of the bullshit complaints Squid just aired. Crabby is making shit up so that he can feel better about being such a complete shit to Ivy for no reason, and he dragged it up in a conversation that has nothing to do with any of it. I was content to never mention it again, but he brought it up.

Crabby whines about all the "tension" that wears on him in our emotional little group in the same message where he goes out of his way to insult my and my wife's personal appearance, all with a straight face. What a nauseating, hypocritical spectacle. When crabby is moaning about tough emotions and tension, keep in mind that he goes out of his way to create them again and again. The tone of his message here is completely fake-- you can rest assured that he doesn't have a sincere or sensitive molecule in his body. He is a parasite who feeds on other people's pain and anger. He is a nasty troll.

As for squid's little tirade, it's bullshit through and through. He only named Ivy and me, but he was indicting most everyone participating in this thread. He missed a few things along the way. Yes, some people seriously criticized or insulted the OP, but Ivy and I were not among them. Quite the opposite. And yet, even on further reflection, Squid feels justified in attributing remarks and opinions to us that are in fact not ours (i.e., the guy sucks). And among those of you who did jump on the OP, all but one ended up reconciling. Indeed, the OP himself said he was sorry we got off on the wrong foot, and we proceeded to have our usual stupid fun. Only one person here saw fit to persist in insulting the OP, and more stridently and at greater length than the others, and somehow squid in his drunken stupor fails to notice. Instead, Ivy and I are somehow leaders of a brainless mob (that's all of you) who are all shitting in some poor newb's mouth so that we can feel cool.

What complete horse shit.

In squid's defense, he did say he was drunk.

As for every single other person on here except the two who are being such pointless dickheads, I think you're all exceptionally interesting and funny and smart, and there's no other group of people like you anywhere and no other group I'd rather post among, and I'm not going to let one cretinous drunken rant and one shithead troll ruin it for me. Almost everyone who I started out with here has wandered off because of shit like this, but I'm still here for the moment, because the vast majority of you are cool as hell.

What others say about boorite!

11-16-06 11:24am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

I think the one thing we can all agree on so far is that we are all wearing milkbone underwear.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

11-16-06 11:37am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:


11-16-06 11:40am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Hi all, rate my first attempt at a comic please!

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