That says so much right there. It says everything about Boo and Ivy. If you don't want to hear about them fucking non stop, then you're a moron. Oh, but they never talk about that. If you tell them a thread they posted is dumb, you're a moron, cause they didn't post it for your enjoyment. If you post a thread they can say whatever they want about it, but that's cause they're playing around, can't you take a fucking joke?
And if you haven't figuered it out yet, then they will be sure to make multiple posts about it without you even responding.
I don't fault them at all. I really think just about everything boorite does is funny. I also think Ivy brings the funny more often than not herself. I know they don't like me. It's whatever, but really this is what the boards are devolving into. It is what it is. There is no winning an argument with them, there really isn't an argument to be had.
Oh, I also think Ivy is ugly. It's my opinion. I'm sorry if that made her cry. I'm sure that was insulting to boorite as well, but I stand by what I said. I can enjoy their humor without appreciating their looks. Boorite is ugly too, I'm not the most attractive man either. The only people who's looks mean a damn around here are matclarke and choad. Those guys are hot.
I just don't like the tension that was created from all of that. I didn't mean what I sauid as a hate crime. Also when I posted in the chat room the next day, "If you cry about what people say about you on the internet you should kill yourself." I didn't actually mean for Ivy to kill herself. And when I called Boorite a moron about a PM he sent me, it was because he acted as if I meant it. There is also this whole train of thought from some that when I say thigns I somehow mean every single word. I'm really just bullshitting on a comic site like all the rest of you. I've been saying the same kind of nonsense for a really long time on this site. I see no reason to stop because of this faux feud.
Boorites random posts are great, Ivy's stuff is great. The way they stick up for eachother tooth and nail until they've convinced you how much of a moron you are is beautiful. Those two are the best internet marriage I know, but they're still lame.
I know I'm not perfect, I'm sure I've rubbed many of you the wrong way, but that's just how it goes on these internets I suppose. The important thing in my opinion is to not hold these grudges on a message board. I don't want to have to walk on egg shells whenever I want to post in a thread boorite and Ivy have posted in. I might be completely overreacting about all of this. At this point I'm just typing out a really long post for no apparent reason because I'm sure it's already being quoted and ripped to shreds.
As for whoever started this thread about getting their comics rated, I'm sure his comics are ok. I haven't read them so I wouldn't know. I usually bad mouth new people just to see if they freak out and go nuts like so many new people do.
What it all comes down to is I really like posting on this site and I don't want to have to worry about fighting with Ivy and Boorite. I really wish we could make up and go back to just not liking eachother instead of me thinking that I'm truly hated. I could also be so full of my self that neither of them gives a shit about me though and I'm imagining the whole thing. That would rock. I've regretted that whole calling Ivy ugly thing since it first happened. You can't take back the past. This is my formal apology and heart felt letter to two users that I truly enjoyed. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of it. It's hard in words to truly convey the sarcasm from the truth and most of the time I'm just being sarcastic and trying to be so over the top that it can easily be distinguished as false, but I guess that isn't always the case. Neither of them have to accept my apology, I really don't expect them to. I'm sure what I said at the top of this post my contridict things I've said at the bottom. I'm sure it's also filled with alot of misspellings. I'm just writing this out before leaving for work and trying to get alot of this off my chest. I'm just gonna avoid this thread after this post. I guess boorite or Ivy could PM and tell me how big of a fucking moron I fucking am, or they can avoid it, or they can say whatever they feel the need to say to me. I just felt the need to type out a really long post like so many others in this thread have done. I'm also sorry about bringing thigns from the past that might be viewed as personal, even though they happened in a chat room in front of alot of other users. I wasn't bringing it up to make fun again and I wasn't bringing it up to rub it in your face. I brought it up in ver vague detail to just describe the situation. I know just saying, "I called her ugly" is an understatement as well, because the things I said were much more hurtful than that.
We used to have in the chat rooms bull shitting like people do in chat rooms. There was that ghost forum, there was the time Ivy went through alot of trouble to type me out a guide to teas. I really like the both of them actually. Maybe I am schizophrenic and just like talking shit, or however boorite described it to me, maybe I am just a peice of shit, but I do enjoy this site and I think at least some of the people who read this forum find humor in my posts. I just do it for me, I'm sorry if I said things that hurt the both of you. I'm sorry if I said things that were so annoying that I annoyed the both of you. I'm really not trying to do anything different from either of you, I'm just trying to enjoy the site. Sure, I've attacked a few users of this forum, who hasn't? It happens sometimes.
To wrap it all up, I'm sorry. Truly deeply.