Oh, this is very long. It was rather amusing, though.
*** Ewwwww has left #stripcreator
*** Kajun (~user5936@template-E9EB94F1.aol.com) has joined channel #stripcreator
*** Bargaintuan has changed the topic on channel #stripcreator to Whee!
* joshw consoles chooby
Is that guy gone yet
mm-you bet he is
Kill Ewwwww instead.
*** Kajun is ~user5936@template-E9EB94F1.aol.com (Realname)
*** on channels: #stripcreator
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*** Kajun has been idle 12 seconds, signed on at Sun May 25 03:50:21 2003
but um
I was wondering.
Kajun is Ewwwww
crap that was annoing
(I know)
What's your real name?
why do you care?
Answer the question
I remember you told me one time...
but then I totally forgot.
* joshw shines bright lite in Kajuns face
Is it rick?
im feel some anger in the room....
Is it steve?
Just, I was thinking of heading up to Aberdeen some time and I thought I'd visit you for a pint.
Can't go around calling you Kajun all the time now, can I?
I think it's neil.
Maybe Virgil.
Maybe it's john
I dont live in Aberdeen
No, Tommy's my name.
Thibault? thats what I thought?
That's it!
That's it.
Chooby nice try but I dont live there, I live in Glasgow
Well done.
Who told you that?
You know Scottland
I know Scotland, yes.
My mom told me
what do you think
I was born here
thanks for playing.
Scotts don't have moms.
No "mom"s in scotland.
They have Mums
you mis-spelled Scotland.
I was typing fast and messed up
so what
And how about we tell him "The Kicker"?
You still said "mom"?
No, josh.
I think that's best left unsaid.
mum mom I messed up
It's more fun that way.
Umm, hey Kajun...what's the underground you normally take?
the u and o keys are right by eachother
repeat that
The undrground? Which one do you take? I think it's the one you take to get to school
I dont go to school anymore. I finnished
You're Finnish now? I thought you were Scotish. Better get your story straight.
*** Signoff: chooby (Ping timeout)
what about you, whats your story
No, no
we're more interested in YOUR story
Putting a Scottsman down
shame on you
Actually, no
Everyone does
even the scots
*** chooby (~chooby@template-D6A80587.demon.co.uk) has joined channel #stripcreator
They don't say "down" in Scotland. They say "kata".
I went to get a glass of water and got disconnected.
were not the best but were bet we are better than the irish
thats for sure
people think they are the same but we are very different
Ireland = leprechauns and drinking. Scotland = men in skirts and drinking.
Sometimes the leprechauns wear skirts
VERY different.
Culture, Tradition......And Yes, Many are after the drink
So, the men who wear skirts in Scotland are gay?
Unless they are.
Don't ask. Don't tell.
*** Guest (~user1353@template-D6A80587.demon.co.uk) has joined channel #stripcreator
*** Guest is ~user1353@template-D6A80587.demon.co.uk (Realname)
*** on channels: #stripcreator
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*** Guest has been idle 5 seconds, signed on at Sun May 25 04:06:38 2003
But leprechauns that wear skirts are definitely gay.
My grandfather told me storys of growing up in Scotland.
Those were grand times.
Didn't YOU grow up in Scotland?
Care to tell us one?
Or was that Finland?
I'll tell you a story
Or even Ireland?
Its scotland, but thing were different back then.
*** Signoff: Guest (Quit: Leaving)
I'll Tell you a story
If it was worse, how could it be grand?
When he was alive to tell me the storys, It was grand to be with him.
Too bad he wasn't alive to teach you to spell.
Kajun, have you ever been in that pub on Byers road?
The Tenents bar?
or Murphy's near George Square?
Now are you going to listen to the story or what
Those are pretty good pubs.
I have a friend that drinks in there all the time.
You wanted me to tell the story right?
Yes or No?
Fine, Im off then.
no, please
tell the story.
But answer my question first.
whats the question?
Do you ever go to the Tenents bar on Byers road, or Murpheys in the town centre?
My mate had a flat on Byers road right across from that pub.
Some of the things he used to see were unbelievable.
ok im back
Sorry, I cant say I have.
Sound great though.
Oh, they are.
My friend met his boyfriend in Murphy's.
He's Gay?
Well, I hope so, otherwise the sex would be kinda weird.
are you too?
Straight as a die.
That's why I haven't been to those pubs.
I see.
Gay Bars?
I can only imagine that they are, yes.
Thats most likely why I haven't heard of it.
I have a story.
There once was this guy who wore a skirt, but he wasn't Scottish. He had no excuse, other than he was a flaming homosexual, and his name was Ewwwww.
Any more of this Interrogation
Murphy's is a huge fucking building right in George square.
The End.
You can't miss it.
you dont believe me, Fine
You can kiss my arse
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
No, I told you I dont go to those pubs
you however know alot about it
Ha ha, "arse", you Scots and your crazy lingo.
Look at you americans, Your president can barely read, let alone run a country
I'm not American.
That's a run-on sentence.
what are you then?
I'm a Weegie.
I have a question.
I'm canadian
Do they even have AOL in Scotland?
Yes, The Have it everywhere
Seems kinda silly to me.
It's not called "America On-Line" though.
Just AOL.
People who use it are too stupid to question what it stands for.
Why, Scots cant read now?
You're the one who typed the comma splice. You tell me.
I've had enough of your racist propaganda
What time is it in Scotland, Kajun?
Shouldn't you be out having sex with sheep?
You and your country can kiss my arse.
*** Kajun has left #stripcreator
That was mildly amusing.
I still think you should have told him
mildly, yes
It's not something I'm in the habit of admiting.
Plus, he'd have questioned it and I would have spent all morning trying to prove myself to him.
He missed the whole point of the AOL comment, even though it should have been drilled into him at this point.
well, I'm off to bed
Session Close (#stripcreator): Sun May 25 04:01:39 2003