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Stripcreator » General Discussion » Tattoo Barbie



Comic Overlord

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What a long-winded joke.

1-21-03 12:02am (new)
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Some bloke.

Member Rated:

Actually, it's a funny, factual bit of history. Some humour requires an attention span longer than one that would be necessary to understand dick and fart jokes. You'll grow into it.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

1-21-03 11:57am (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

The joke wasn't worth its length is all I'm saying.

1-21-03 2:11pm (new)
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Some bloke.

Member Rated:

And I disagree, is all I'm saying. Simply because it's not so much a joke as it is a humourous story. And it's true. That makes it a good read. It's a different type of humour. No punchline, per-se. It's like the difference between merlot and Yoo-Hoo. No harm, no foul.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

1-21-03 3:23pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

I enjoy the story myself - I love crap like that. But I've just been told it is an urban legend. I don't want to look - I prefer to pretend it is true.

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-21-03 8:43pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Look at me, I'm a joy-killing bastard:

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

1-21-03 11:06pm (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

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Judge declares X-men not Human!

In that case, Barbie can't be human. Obviously she is a mutant, how else would explain her bodily dimensions. C'mon, that huge rack with that itty-bitty waist.

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-22-03 8:48am (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

This whole situation is ridiculously ironic.

Strange, though, I would never suspect that "human" action figures would require more taxes than "non-human" ones.

1-22-03 9:06am (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

I saw that in the wallstreet journal. It took a few minitues to stop the "this is nonsense people wasting their time blah blah blah" to get a little irritated that the judge couldn't see how Professer X and the mutants are OBVIOUSLY human because their just advance versions of what we are... and also to speculate that he's right because technicly they're Homo Superior.

1-22-03 9:26am (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

*fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA *fingers in ears*

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-22-03 8:02pm (new)
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masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

But does anyone know why Lionel trains are the size they are? What kind of freakish mutants were ever able to ride inside their tiny compartments?

Was there some sort of race of small, furry men who rode tiny plastic trains in circles? Was Stuart Little fiction, or FACT?

Whoever can answer these questions I will give a special surprise treat.

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

1-22-03 8:47pm (new)
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Member Rated:

When scientist shrink themselves to enter a human body they don't always enter through the mouth, sometimes they just get on a train (heh, A-Train) and drive up the anus.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-22-03 9:09pm (new)
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masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

Time for your surprise!

Now, close your eyes...

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

1-22-03 9:36pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Ooh! I hope it's a penis!

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-23-03 6:10am (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

Member Rated:

Fun with penises... Er... Um... I meant markers.

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-23-03 10:10am (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

Member Rated:

Cruelity Free S&M?

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-23-03 10:21am (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

Member Rated:

Oh Baby, I think I found my dream job.

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-23-03 1:33pm (new)
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Stripcreator Irregular

Member Rated:

Just thought I'd mention that I'm making another Button Men tournament.

Now, where did israphael and Big Evil Dan disappear to...

"Only things I approve of should exist." -some guy on the internet

1-23-03 3:38pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Is that like sperm-free wirthling?

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-23-03 8:10pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

1-23-03 9:11pm (new)
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Bar Room Superman

Member Rated:

Ha! Bush is a great kidder. I laughed all the way to the unemployment office.

"You'll burn for this. Burn in jail!"

1-24-03 12:09pm (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

Member Rated:


Someone turned Splankling into a transvestite shooter target in a postal game!

Oh please I've included a Spankling skin in Quake III ever since it first came out. I would have a Kaufman skin too, but I'm having trouble rendering the cat. Once I do, it will be able to spit flaming hairballs.

P.S. You didn't even spell your own name right, you fool!

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-24-03 12:44pm (new)
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Stripcreator Veteran

Member Rated:

More about the Japanese fascination with soccer star David Beckham (; 24 January 2003)

Soccer stud David Beckham has long been tantamount to royalty in his native United Kingdom, but his veneration now seems to have spread to the Far East. We hear that growing numbers of Japanese women are modeling their pubic hair on Beckham's trademark faux-hawk. The trend is apparently most popular among office workers, who have developed three basic Beckham tributes: "Soft Beckhams" (hair grows freely and curls back to form a natural peak); "Popular Beckhams," (it's teased into a Mohican); and "Hardcore Beckhams" (the top of the Mohican is dyed an eye-catching color). One giggling office worker offered an explanation: "Pubic hairstyling can make the difference for a girl when she's competing with another girl whose looks are about the same as hers." Other more controversial styles that can be found in Tokyo locker rooms include the Carrot Top, the Patrick Stewart and the Reverend Al Sharpton.

[Click to view comic: 'Women Become Hookers, Dump Fiances to Follow Beckham']

"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."

1-24-03 4:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

1-24-03 5:13pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:


P.S. You didn't even spell your own name right, you fool!


"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-24-03 5:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » Tattoo Barbie

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