More about the Japanese fascination with soccer star David Beckham (; 24 January 2003)
Soccer stud David Beckham has long been tantamount to royalty in his native United Kingdom, but his veneration now seems to have spread to the Far East. We hear that growing numbers of Japanese women are modeling their pubic hair on Beckham's trademark faux-hawk. The trend is apparently most popular among office workers, who have developed three basic Beckham tributes: "Soft Beckhams" (hair grows freely and curls back to form a natural peak); "Popular Beckhams," (it's teased into a Mohican); and "Hardcore Beckhams" (the top of the Mohican is dyed an eye-catching color). One giggling office worker offered an explanation: "Pubic hairstyling can make the difference for a girl when she's competing with another girl whose looks are about the same as hers." Other more controversial styles that can be found in Tokyo locker rooms include the Carrot Top, the Patrick Stewart and the Reverend Al Sharpton.
[Click to view comic: 'Women Become Hookers, Dump Fiances to Follow Beckham']
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