Israphael's Past Life
Name: Userkaf
Occupation: Teacher
You taught scribes, as well as the Pharaoh's family, how to read and write. Physicians and other professionals learned their trades from your teachings. Your family also owned a farm, inherited by your wife from her father. Your animals were all used for work; dogs hunted, cats kept the rodents at bay and cattle pulled ploughs and provided you with meat and milk. Sheep, goats, pigs and poultry were your other sources of food. Very social and fashion conscious, you wore colorful eye makeup, kohl, lip dye, flowers and jewelry, and spent your free time at parties. At the age of 30 you were bitten by a deadly snake-but thanks to the healing powers of the local magician, you lived through it.
Wow, that's uncanny. Just my life today, down to the colorful eye makeup and lip dye.
"Nothing expresses the brutal grandeur of rectal polyps and anal fistulae quite like the mother-tongue of Goethe."