Part of it all, just like you.
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[00:44] choad: the superintendent called me Rain Man today [00:44] BraffeatheR: because youre a method actor? [00:44] choad: no, because i remember everything [00:44] BraffeatheR: how much is a candy bar? [00:44] choad: a nickel [00:45] BraffeatheR: sure it's no a hundred dollars? [00:45] choad: in my day, it was a nickel [00:45] choad: and you got a haircut with it [00:46] BraffeatheR: heh, your dad charged you for services rendered too? [00:46] BraffeatheR: "Dad Tax" [00:46] choad: well, i pulled out an obscure name today in a meeting and he said, "i have to remember, i have rain man in my cabinet" [00:46] BraffeatheR: he never let me have my own money [00:46] choad: and i said, "unlike rain man, i'm definitely wearing my underwear" [00:47] BraffeatheR: i bet you were proud [00:47] choad: of course [00:47] BraffeatheR: did you walk out on that high note? [00:48] choad: i always do [00:49] BraffeatheR: what a job [00:50] choad: its getting better every day [00:51] choad: my boss sends me to all his meetings now [00:51] BraffeatheR: man this palin chick will not jsut go away [00:51] BraffeatheR: because youre a cut up? [00:51] choad: i now call myself the consiglieri [00:52] BraffeatheR: i call you never [00:54] choad: if i called you, would you lay on your bed, kick your feet back and forth and play with your hair while you tell me about your day? [00:54] choad: i wish crabby was here to read that [00:54] BraffeatheR: my hair is short now [00:54] BraffeatheR: so, no [00:54] BraffeatheR: to that question, no [00:55] BraffeatheR: do people do that for real? [00:55] BraffeatheR: and do they do it because its natural or becuase theyve seen it done [00:55] choad: i'll bet maria does [00:56] *** Batman has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds). [00:56] BraffeatheR: Pray, how would one solve a problem like her? [00:57] choad: i'm gay enough to get the reference, but straight enough to not have seen it [00:57] BraffeatheR: what does that say about me? [00:58] choad: :-| [00:59] BraffeatheR: it doesnt look good does it? [00:59] choad: i'm like the chocolate to your peanut butter [00:59] choad: and you are the peanut butter to my chocolate [00:59] choad: Win and Wang [00:59] BraffeatheR: Who's Reese and why are we his? [00:59] choad: i like that name [01:00] BraffeatheR: well we're his you know