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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun




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[14:42:34] JohnnyBravo: i wantr ti start a user name called "not_crab by)
[14:43:05] JohnnyBravo: i was being all carefull, look how it tuenrbed out

Batman created by Bob Kane

8-10-08 1:47am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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8-10-08 4:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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8-10-08 4:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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8-10-08 4:26am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

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8-10-08 12:41pm (new)
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[14:48:28] choad: i'd let everyone except batman grope me in here
[14:48:44] Chicka: wow, that's saying something
[14:48:45] Seanator: i wouldnt let dcom
[14:48:51] Seanator: out of the entire stripcreator
[14:48:59] Seanator: but everyone else is fair game


Batman created by Bob Kane

8-18-08 11:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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[18:42:58] Seanator: me and my friends
[18:43:03] Seanator: thought of combining sunglasses with combs
[18:43:07] Seanator: so when you take them off
[18:43:09] Seanator: it combs your hair

Batman created by Bob Kane

8-25-08 2:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

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choad: what's his dick size?
Chicka: The first time I saw it I thought he would pick up my kid and I'd never see him again.

10-06-08 11:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[17:33:53] choady: i eat kashi bars for breakfast
[17:34:02] Seanator: yeah but you are gay
[17:34:05] Seanator: so that excuses you
[17:34:13] Seanator: like perrier
[17:34:19] choady: i eat it, not stick it up my ass
[17:34:40] Seanator: its got enough fiber for you to comfortably do both

Batman created by Bob Kane

10-28-08 1:39am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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[17:35:00] Seanator: i hate puffins

Batman created by Bob Kane

10-28-08 1:40am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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[18:31:51] Batman: did you hear the good news about gabe sapolsky
[18:32:06] Seanator: nope
[18:32:12] choady: no, tell me about it
[18:32:20] * choady ( Quit (Quit:  )
[18:32:22] Batman: he has gotten the arse from ring of honor and been replaced by adam pearce
[18:32:44] Batman: who is fat but not as fat
[18:32:54] Seanator: sounds interesting enough
[18:33:02] Seanator: look at the time
[18:33:04] * Seanator ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)

Batman created by Bob Kane

10-28-08 1:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[17:25:38] choad: he was this big, greazy, new jersey dago

Batman created by Bob Kane

11-13-08 12:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Part of it all, just like you.

Member Rated:

[00:44] choad: the superintendent called me Rain Man today
[00:44] BraffeatheR: because youre a method actor?
[00:44] choad: no, because i remember everything
[00:44] BraffeatheR: how much is a candy bar?
[00:44] choad: a nickel
[00:45] BraffeatheR: sure it's no a hundred dollars?
[00:45] choad: in my day, it was a nickel
[00:45] choad: and you got a haircut with  it
[00:46] BraffeatheR: heh, your dad charged you for services rendered too?
[00:46] BraffeatheR: "Dad Tax"
[00:46] choad: well, i pulled out an obscure name today in a meeting and he said, "i have to remember, i have rain man in my cabinet"
[00:46] BraffeatheR: he never let me have my own money
[00:46] choad: and i said, "unlike rain man, i'm definitely wearing my underwear"
[00:47] BraffeatheR: i bet you were proud
[00:47] choad: of course
[00:47] BraffeatheR: did you walk out on that high note?
[00:48] choad: i always do
[00:49] BraffeatheR: what a job
[00:50] choad: its getting better every day
[00:51] choad: my boss sends me to all his meetings now
[00:51] BraffeatheR: man this palin chick will not jsut go away
[00:51] BraffeatheR: because youre a cut up?
[00:51] choad: i now call myself the consiglieri
[00:52] BraffeatheR: i call you never
[00:54] choad: if i called you, would you lay on your bed, kick your feet back and forth and play with your hair while you tell me about your day?
[00:54] choad: i wish crabby was here to read that
[00:54] BraffeatheR: my hair is short now
[00:54] BraffeatheR: so, no
[00:54] BraffeatheR: to that question, no
[00:55] BraffeatheR: do people do that for real?
[00:55] BraffeatheR: and do they do it because its natural or becuase theyve seen it done
[00:55] choad: i'll bet maria does
[00:56] *** Batman has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[00:56] BraffeatheR: Pray, how would one solve a problem like her?
[00:57] choad: i'm gay enough to get the reference, but straight enough to not have seen it
[00:57] BraffeatheR: what does that say about me?
[00:58] choad: :-|
[00:59] BraffeatheR: it doesnt look good does it?
[00:59] choad: i'm like the chocolate to your peanut butter
[00:59] choad: and you are the peanut butter to my chocolate
[00:59] choad: Win and Wang
[00:59] BraffeatheR: Who's Reese and why are we his?
[00:59] choad: i like that name
[01:00] BraffeatheR: well we're his you know

11-13-08 1:01am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

I understood maybe half of that... 8\

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

11-13-08 9:24am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

 i understand all that but I don't know what this means choadwarrior

Batman created by Bob Kane

11-13-08 10:04am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

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I think it means his penis is small enough to fit into a small child.


11-15-08 8:40am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

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[10:38pm] Chicka: Do you remember those math commercials with Shaq?
[10:38pm] Chicka: About algebra
[10:38pm] Chicka: Maybe it wasn't shaq
[10:38pm] Chicka: Maybe it was Mr. Cooper.
[10:38pm] choad: vaguely
[10:39pm] Chicka: At the end he said something about "I still use algebra every day!"
[10:40pm] Chicka: I don't know what I'm even talking about anymore
[10:40pm] Chicka: I'm tired and trying to stay out of the chocolate.
[10:40pm] choad: are you still talking about shaq?
[10:40pm] choad: or mr cooper?

11-27-08 12:44am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

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[8:23p] ojcme: I just watched the trailer for star trek
[8:23p] ojcme: It looks alright
[8:25p] ojcme: I think I'll see it in theaters
[8:26p] ojcme: But one thing I can't wait to see is in 30 years when the comptuer technology they showcase will look outdated to us
[8:27p] choad: yeah
[8:27p] choad: no science fiction series has ever had  a device as advanced as an iphone connected to the internet
[8:27p] choad: communicator?  great, but all you can do is call the ship?
[8:28p] choad: and you have to carry a second tricorder?
[8:28p] choad: thats the size of a 1960s tape player
[8:28p] choad: [Click to view comic: 'Five Year Mission']
[8:30p] ojcme: Yeah
[8:30p] ojcme: But the thing is that we can't have a device like the iphone in space
[8:31p] choad: we can when they invent the uninet
[8:31p] ojcme: Unless the only thing it's communicating to is a ship
[8:31p] choad: or if its tethered to the ship
[8:32p] cookie: haha
[8:32p] choad: walking down the street in SD last night, using my phone to find a restaurant i was looking for and show me the directions was more advanced than anything they did in any star trek series
[8:33p] ojcme: Yeah
[8:33p] ojcme: But there's a lot of shit that went into what you did
[8:33p] ojcme: Including having all the roads preloaded into the system
[8:34p] ojcme: And having enough satilites in the sky to accomodate a GPS and a communications sytem
[8:34p] ojcme: system
[8:34p] choad: they went to a lot of inhabited planets
[8:34p] choad: the federation could have standardized the technology
[8:34p] choad: otherwise, why have a federation?
[8:35p] ojcme: Cool outfits?

4-05-09 9:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

do you ever wonder about internet people dying?
i thought we were seaking as allies and brothers
like... bunnerabb
not to be morbid
they just drop off
i talk to pita, pita knows bunner, id know if he were dead
like, what if they get hit by a car, and their mom has no idea what their password is to let us know
and we mock them forever
everyone knows someone
no one knows me
the ones that would be mocked forever at least
i dont think anyone would mock you
people would think you just left

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

4-18-09 12:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

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[11:33p]choad: bea arthur died
[11:33p] choad: turns out, she wasnt a lesbian
[11:34p] Arty: oh
[11:34p] Arty: testicle cancer?

4-26-09 12:34am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

[10:23p] choad:hello, ray
[10:36p]ftc:Hi choad
[10:36p] ftc:Its half 6 in the morning
[10:36p] ftc:I was asleep
[10:36p] ftc:you must have woke me, somehow.
[10:42p]ftc left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

6-11-09 10:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

I miss #stripcreator. Does anyone know any free IRC sites I can use to get back on?

Dad was flammable

6-12-09 4:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Saving the world from thirst since 1905!

Member Rated:


do you mean like free irc software? mirc is shareware so i assume you don't want to use that...

I recommend XChat 

6-12-09 9:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:


 Did someone steal Kajun's password to make this comment? 

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

6-13-09 12:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:


 Did someone steal Kajun's password to make this comment? 

 Nah, t'was me. I was just too drunk to use Google by myself. xChat seems to be doing the trick, although there's no-one to talk to.

Dad was flammable

6-13-09 2:26am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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