Thanks for showing sources. Not only does it make me believe you know something about this, but it's certainly going to be a great help to my research project as well.
"He said: 'These "watchers" are planted at the same time as the crop in the same field but in a different area and regularly monitored for signs of dehydration. He added that because potatoes are tubers they do not cross fertilise using flower pollination and therefore would not infect other plants. "
Oh dear. I can't believe I overlooked plant biology so easily that it took Spankling to remind me that any tuber plant can't cross-pollinate and therefore infect the rest of the planet with their evilness!
One thing that amuses me is the panic over human health if we eat plants with certain genes in them. I eat a potato. It digests in my stomach. Then I shit it out. I eat a jellyfish. It digests in my stomach. Then I shit it out.
The only problem with animal genes in crops is people keeping kosher and the vegans and vegetarians of the world trying to keep out the animal products. Though if they can afford to eat vegan and veggie, then I'm sure they can afford to eat organic.
By the way, that quotation I used is still correct about no GM foods with animal genes being commercially available.
"Experiments so far have been confined to greenhouses and it will be about six years before the glowing potatoes go on sale. "
i.e. A lot of time to continue research and work on the issue and do more testing.
"Professor Leifert said: "It is another example of the completely unpredictable nature of genetic transformation. By putting the jellyfish gene into sugar cane you could change the toxicity spectrum in the plant."
"This could change the toxins the plant produces to defend itself from insects into toxins that could potentially harm consumers.""
What? They think researchers haven't thought of this? They think scientists wake up one day and announce to the world that they're going to do something radical on a controversial topic? People are so naive. Research goes on long before the public ever hears about it. First, scientists have to make sure their goal is successful. Second, they have to make sure there isn't immediate adverse effects (it's called "testing"). Third, scientists aren't stupid. They know that the minute they put something out there, even if it's just an announcement, some violent assholes are gonna try to take matters into their own hands. Whether it's bombing animal testing labs, destroying crops, or vandalizing the home of Greenwalt, scientists must get as much as possible completed or risk losing it all before it starts.
"Existing methods for keeping track of inserted genes involve taking samples of plant tissue back to the laboratory for lengthy analysis. Stewart believes that the gene for GFP could be the most practical method yet for checking whether genes inserted into crop plants spread. Escaped genes could cause problems, for example, if a gene to make crops resistant to herbicides spread to weeds."
This is a very responsible approach. With all the panic, people haven't bothered to think that the scientists are taking steps to be responsible in their research. Scientists aren't stupid. They didn't get to their position by being irresponsible idiots. A few might fall through the cracks, but they get cut off fairly quickly.
"Monsanto's New Leaf Superior potato is engineered to produce the insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Bt kills the Colorado potato beetle but it is also in every one of the New Leaf Superior's cells. Thus, it is legally registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a pesticide, not a food . . . and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cannot regulate the New Leaf Superior potato because the FDA does not have the authority to regulate pesticides."
Plants naturally produce toxins and pesticides to ward off insects. Plants we've been eating since we've been growing. Sorry, not gonna get all chilled over the thought of my potatoes being toxic.
Fucking hell, if the plant is producing poison it'll never even be submitted to the FDA for approval, let alone appear on your store shelf tomorrow. You know how long it takes for beneficial medicines to pass their approval? The FDA can now ban dietary supplements and insist Vitamin C doesn't prevent any disease despite historical use for the obvious. Do you think they're going to let something toxic through? Child.
"Scientists have discovered that the aforementioned Bt may produce allergies in people. A July 1999 study of Ohio crop pickers and handlers shows that Bt "can provoke immunological changes indicative of a developing allergy. With long-term exposure, affected individuals may develop asthma or other serious allergic reactions.""
As if this is a new thing brought on only by GM foods? People develop allergies all the time. After years of being able to go through so-called "allergy season" with a smirk at people doped up on various antihistamines, I've managed to develop a dust allergy. Others spend half their life eating shellfish only to find themselves allegic the next day. It has nothing to do with GM foods.
"Genetic engineers use antibiotic "markers" in almost every GM organism to indicate that the organism has been successfully engineered. These markers may play a role in the diminishing efficacy of antibiotics against diseases."
They use them to identify what's been modified. So we can track them. Oh my god! Is that the scientists being responsible!? (/sarcasm)
Seriously, it's ridiculous to lay the diminishing ability of antibiotics on GM foods. Antibiotics are failing because of overuse in hospitals and clinics. When people have a viral lung or viral throat infection, antibiotics have always been prescribed even though they don't do a damned thing. In fact, studies show they do more harm than good. That's why doctors finally came to their senses, too late, and stopped prescribing them for viral infections. Even minor bacterial ear infections won't get antibiotics if the doctor has any common sense at all.
"Scientists warn that once the GM organisms and their altered genes are released into nature, they may spread widely. Poisons, mutagens, and carcinogens might be created in harmful concentrations."
Pure speculation. Without evidence backing up these worries, it's not relevant.
"English Nature, Britain's chief conservation agency, believes GM farming will lead to a new generation of herbicide-resistant crops, which could devastate the countryside. Dr. Brian Johnson, a co-author of the English Nature report, said: "If you hit them with most of the conventional herbicides they just smile at you. They certainly don't die.""
Why would we be spraying herbicide on food crops? Oh right, that would be anti-GM people destroying those evil food crops.
Oh no! We can't kill them with herbicide! Then do some fucking work in your life. If you don't want to burn the damned field as farmers have done since forever to plant anew, then dig the damned things up. Lazy.
"GM soy-based infant formula has raised levels of estrogen, and today more than 1 percent of three-year-old U.S. girls have pubic hair. Any links?"
Any evidence?
"Scientists believe GM crops may be deadly to wildlife (i.e. the Monarch butterfly) and may result in increased pesticide pollution and soil damage, genetic contamination of the environment, and risks to biodiversity."
More speculation.
"When a gene from the Brazil nut was inserted into a soy bean it appeared that it unexpectedly caused strong allergic reactions in people allergic to nuts who never had any problems formerly in eating soy products.(Nordlee, J.A. et al. The New England Journal of Medicine 14: 688–728; 1996)."
Well, DUH! They're fucking NUTS!
By the way, Spankling, I'd stay away form Brazil nuts if I were you. They're rather radioactive thanks to radium in the soil.
Oh wait. That's natural. Silly me.
"When a yeast was manipulated for increased fermentation there was an unexpected production of a metabolite (methyl-glyoxal) in toxic and mutagenic concentrations. (Inose, T. Murata, K. Int. J. Food Science Tech. 30: 141–146, 1995)."
So they had some problems with the yeast. Was it ever released? Are they still working on it? Did they fix the problem? Is it a problem that will occur no matter what manipulation is used?
"Tobacco plants were genetically engineered to produce the Gamma-linoleic acid. Instead the plant unexpectedly mainly produced the toxic octadecatetraenic acid. This substance does not exist in the natural tobacco plant. (Reddy SA, Thomas TL. Nature Biotechnology, vol 14, sid 639–642, May 1996)."
Okay. Another unexpected result. But dollars to donuts it was discovered in the lab. Seriously, they don't release things without shitloads of testing. It's called "being responsible."
Oh yeah, caffeine doesn't exist in the natural agave plant, but is anyone banning my juice?
Yes, that is indeed a lame correlation. I'm just using similar tactics to my opponents.
"Hunger is a political problem that GM food will not and cannot solve. "
Bull fucking shit. It's. Just. Politics.
As I said in an earlier post, if you think the cause of global famine is politics then do something about that and THEN take care of GM foods. You can't be effective by focusing on too many issues at once.
Okay, time to show you mine. Again.
Meet my hero.
The Independant Biotechnology Advisory Council. Read.
Center for Global Food Issues:
21st Century Consumer War - speech:
World Food Prize "The World Food Prize is the foremost international award recognizing -- without regard to race, religion, nationality, or political beliefs -- the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world."
Fortunately, those links have even more links to more stuff so you won't have to bounce all over. If I get free time I'll wander over to the Ag department and see if they'll part with copies of research that's open to the public.
Bedtime now.