The easy way around that is to not date passive aggressive women.
which are all women eventually, after putting up with men's shit for a long time.
Let me put it this way. If a woman is afraid to come out and directly say that I'm pissing her off, then she deserves whatever treatment she's getting. Same with men. My fiancee won't hesitate to tell me when I'm being an asshole, and I don't hesitate to tell her she's being a bitch.
As far as treating guys equal..They will be treated equal once they treat women with respect and as equals.
You guys can complain about women all you want After you have been in labor for many many many hours.
Feminism isn't "Wimmin R teh r0xx0rz!!1 men r teh suxx0rs!!!1!", you retarded douchebag. It's about women getting the same treatment and opportunities in life as men. By flouting the pregnancy shit you're just furthering the inequalities. You act like men have a choice in whether or not women get pregnant. Every woman who uses that as an excuse needs to have her children taken away and then be shot for the crime of idiocy; They had as much choice as the child's father in the matter. They didn't have to carry the child to term. They didn't have to have sex in the first place. But they did, and they have no fucking right to complain. Victims of rape are the only exceptions, and I am in full support of castration as a minimum punishment for rapists. So unless you got raped and your religious beliefs meant you couldn't have an abortion, shut the fuck up.
Go back to wallowing in your self-pity and quit the empty posturing before I send some real feminists to plant some steel-toed boots in your cunt.
It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.