Ho ho ho. The CIA came out with a letter on Tuesday saying that Iraq was unlikely to attack us, unless we attacked first. So, as anyone with a shred of a critical faculty already knew, Bush's crusade is not to make Americans safer from chemical and biological attacks. It will have the opposite effect.
Bush's press secretary Fleischer dismissed the letter, saying essentially that Iraq's invasion of Kuwait may have seemed unlikely, but in retrospect, it was 100% likely. That's a very telling example, but maybe not in the way that Fleischer intended, because in 1990 the CIA told the White House that Iraq was about to invade long before it happened. Hell, even I knew three days before it happened. But the first Bush administration dismissed the intelligence because of policy. Then as now-- except this time, the White House policy is to dismiss intelligence saying that Iraq won't attack.
Fleischer also mentioned the 100% retrospective likelihood of Saddam's gassing the Kurds-- another telling example, since the first Bush administration was fully aware of it and responded by proposing more weapons and training for Saddam.
Here we are 12 years later, with Congress about to coronate Emperor Bush II with a law giving him the power to wage war on Iraq unilaterally so that he can go after the "guy who tried to kill my dad." (That's another interesting reference, since that assassination plot was long since admitted to be a White House fabrication.) Never mind the declarations and treaties to which we are signatory, and never mind the international law and standards of human rights that we invoke when it suits us. Never mind the half of the American people who don't want this, and the Iraqis who don't want their country destroyed again. And never mind intelligence. It's off to war.
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