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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » The Floating Cell pt. 7



Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

thirty by Wilgo
Can I ask you a serious question?
Of course!
Well, I dunno. It's just that I'm starting to think tthis is all very silly. I feel as if I've painted myself into a corner.
there's a ladder in the garage. Dang, I think we even have some thinner.
See you're not getting it.
Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that.
" />
thirty-one by Wilgo
Oh no, Medic has returned. Ugh, and he's coming over here.
You deal with him.
Hello Medic. So very pleasant to see you; returning from your studies.
HA! Yoji, you have no idea! It was a good one, indeed. The patient was rather cranky and obnoxious at times, but tolerable for the most part.
We had to take him over to see The Asiantwins; What a sad endurance that was. Then, at last, the fortune was told and the events took place. A lovely ending.
" />
thirty-two by Wilgo
My doctor says this place is perfect.
Following your doctor on a eight hour trip to the enchanted valley isn't exactly my idea of a honey-moon.
It aint bad. It's got a lot a lot of trees we can go climb in.
I don't like splinters.
WHOA! You have to stop dying your hair every three hours!
" />
thirty-three by Wilgo
So why don't you tell the folks out there what you told me earlier. All that shit about the patient.
Right. Well we both learned much about ourselves in the months we spent together. He was the hyper-aggitator, and I his healer.
yes yes
The conclusion was very simple. He, the patient, was a servant of his own will. He would do anything to win a fight, even pull out a limb.
" />
thirty-four by Wilgo
...this determination led to other things. Eventually, he grew into a grotesque flesh ripping zombie.
His wounds would never heal, but at least there was a chance I could revive him from this sad state.
So I wrote a prophecy, and it almost immediately came true. The girl was his and I was able to eat the bird.
" />

7-20-05 3:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » The Floating Cell pt. 7

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