Stripcreator Newbie
Member Rated:
Thanks :) A few more - I'd say the first two were failures, but the rest I'll leave up you you all
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| I don't think he sees me... this might actually be it! The culmination of all my efforts! | |
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| Transform, you son of a bitch! | |
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| I wonder where Sirus is... | |
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| welp, looks like the coast is clear... I'a I'a Extlua f'whulga lgao f'twah! | |
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| Time to pick up some chicks... space chicks... | |
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| "some chicks... space chicks"... it kinda has a ring to it. I belive I can become a sucessful rap artist! | |
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| Want to collaborate with me on my forthcoming hip-space-hopera about chicks coming of age via my pants? | |
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| speaking of pants, I probably should have worn some | |
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Different set:
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| So I'll be running this orientation course for you, Paco. We hope you'll enjoy it here | |
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| I'm sure I will. You don't know how much of a blessing this job is | |
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| Yes, well, anyways, this will will be your cubicle. It comes with a monitor, keyboard, Zentium P64 PC, printer (with paper) and chair | |
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| Ooh... that chair looks comfy... | |
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| Wait, wait, isn't this the hundreth comic? Shouldn' we have celebrated or something?! | |
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| I think I have a "Cheeto" stuck in my ear, if you want it | |
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| So, uh, you've covered most of the office, but I still don't quite understand my job here | |
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| Oh, of course! I forgot! Follow me please | |
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| You're to monitor the cup levels in this cooler carefully, and the moment the cup level drops to zero, you yell "CUP CRISIS!" and we'll refill it | |
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| Wait? What? That's it? Why do I get a cubicle then?! Or a printer, or computer?! | |
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| Well, I mean, come on, a printer without a computer would just be silly.... and if you didn't have a cubicle, where would you put the computer? | |
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[Click to view comic: 'The Beast and the Mexican']