Member Rated:
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| Hey Walrus *bubble* what are you doing here? | |
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| I’m just doing a bit of scuba diving, collecting pearls from clams for the local children’s hospice, hey, why are you here? | |
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| *bubble* I just thought y'know, I might commit suicide, so am drowning myself in the ocean, pretty sweet way to go right Walrus? *bubble* | |
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| Now you listen here, you have lots to live for, you have a great job, a great family, some people would quite literally give their right arm to have what you do, now please stop all this nonsense now! | |
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| Ohhhhhh noooooo, I'm such a terrible Walrus! | |
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| No I mean, I am the eggman from those "Eggs Are Healthy For You" adverts | |
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| Weren't those adverts axed because the kids went crazy and threw eggs at some guy? | |
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| That guy was me... and... and... IT'S A PAIN THAT NEVER ENDS. WHY, WHY ME!? | |
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| Ohhhhhh noooooo, I'm such a terrible Walrus! | |
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So the time has come to bid farewell to Walrus for now. I'd just like to take this moment to thank ya all for supporting this series. You've really been so great. *sobs* So thanks to: HCRoyall, LuckyGuess, biped, not_Scyess, crackpanther, 0401040, DrMorton, AngryAmerican and anyadildin. Oh and anyone else who read them and liked them. Why not check out the above peoples comics, I hear most of them are funny... :D Oh yeah, and here's the last one:
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| Don't worry; I'll save your child. Walrus to the rescue, Huzzah! | |
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| Thanks to you jumping down that well Timmy is now paralysed for life! And now you're in jail due to a crazy old law, what do you have to say for yourself? | |
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| Ohhhhhh noooooo, I'm such a terrible Walrus! | |
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| I'm afraid that won’t cut it this time Walrus - LIGHTS OUT! | |
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--- Is it wrong to laugh?