Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » To Serve Robot-Kind Returns



Ex-Zombie Hunting Dad Creature

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It's been a while, but I've finally come back to it. I've gotten a whole slew of new ideas for where to take this series. The first few strips have already been made, and they aren't exactly classics, however I'm getting things back on track and have already put forth a new story arc. Here's where the new stuff begins:

To Serve Robot-Kind #36 by ZMannZilla
Hey, BobTron, how was your vacation?
Terrific, BrianTron! I took the wife and the li'l gizmos to Ground Zero! TimmyTron even found a fossilized skull to play with!
That's great! The missus and I went to the AmanaTron colonies, where we learned how to make our own homemade soylent green!
Super! Well, I guess we better get back to work, this robot apocalypse isn't gonna doom the humans itself!
BobTron, I checked, and all the humans are dead. We forgot to feed them before we left! What are we gonna tell management?
If Unit-7 is still around, we pin the blame on him. Otherwise, it's been nice knowin' ya.

If you're unfamiliar with the series (as I imagine most are), it starts off here:

To Serve Robot-Kind...? by ZMannZilla
Excuse me, miss... Could I please get two Labatts and a shot of Goldschlager?
Take a hike, robo-scum. We don't serve your kind here.
Two Years Later...
Okee-dokee... Slave #A23-TK421, we're gonna put you to work in the ebola mines, shoveling some nice big piles of... hey, don't I know you from somewhere...?

Thanks for checking it out, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."

12-23-07 7:09pm (new)
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100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

I enjoy this series a great deal.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

12-23-07 8:34pm (new)
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Here at least 3 times a year

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i too am finding the funny

Kill Whitey.

12-24-07 2:36pm (new)
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innocent bystander

Member Rated:

Diggin' it.

what happened to my rustic monologue? ...i'm not sleeping with that producer again

12-24-07 10:50pm (new)
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Too orangey for crows

Member Rated:

Just read them all. It's a really good series. Loved the discrimination stuff.

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

12-29-07 4:22pm (new)
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Ex-Zombie Hunting Dad Creature

Member Rated:

Thanks very much for the positive feedback! I just completed another story arc, which is actually best explained by these two comics, that ran at the end...

To Serve Robot-Kind #56 by ZMannZilla
OK, you're on!
*sigh* Hi, this is A23-TK421, with a message from "To Serve Robot-Kind". Seems some folks took issue with the number of times we used the word "cornhole" in the past few strips.
Straighten up!
Evidently, the word "cornhole" is way more offensive than, say, forcing me to procreate, or to clean my family's guts out of the soylent green machine, or to submit to a weekly spinal tap.
Just get to the you-know-what!
Anyways, BobTron & crew would like to apologize. I on the other hand, would like to feed you sissies feet-first into the man-grinder, just so I can get "offended" by your last words.

To Serve Robot-Kind #57 by ZMannZilla
OK, now do it again, only more sincere this time
*groan* Hello, A23-TK421 here again, responding to the people who got offended by the word "cornhole", and also by my previous "apology".
Speak up!
On behalf of the entire staff of "To Serve Robot-Kind", we are sorry if the dirty words ruined your enjoyment of a comic strip about the mass death and enslavement of the human species.
Tell them it was Unit-7's fault!
Yes, apparently we're blaming the barely used B-character. You can address all letter bombs to me though, I really don't mind.

And yeah, I just found out about TOBOR, so these strips were kind of my own tribute to the fact that, all this time, I've been unknowingly using him as BobTron's short-tempered second banana.

"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."

1-01-08 7:48pm (new)
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Definitely drunk

Member Rated:

Hey man, good to have you back!


Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.

1-01-08 11:20pm (new)
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Ex-Zombie Hunting Dad Creature

Member Rated:


Thanks, Injokester! Damn, I'm gonna have to become a donor just so I can make that my avatar! Er, any donors know about how much Brad expects us to donate?

"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."

1-01-08 11:59pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

I'm diggin' the series, you definitely have something here.

1-02-08 10:54am (new)
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Definitely drunk

Member Rated:


There's no limit either way, I wouldn't go less than $5 but generally $10-$20 I'd say, depending on how much you expect to use the site.

Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.

1-02-08 2:23pm (new)
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not laughing with you

Member Rated:

I donate about $140,000 most months, but some months I want to donate a lot.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

1-02-08 2:46pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Yes, I would like to see more please

"Are you an aethist?" "Yes, I'm from Brooklyn" ~Angel Heart

1-11-08 10:41am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

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I don't know, kMC, that might be pushing it. $140,000 is a lot of money.

1-11-08 2:20pm (new)
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Ex-Zombie Hunting Dad Creature

Member Rated:

Just completed the "sexual harassment" story arc, which begins here:

To Serve Robot-Kind #62 by ZMannZilla
BobTron, my leg servos are groaning here, I really need to go on break.
You can have one right after you give all 426 clones in Mine Shaft #E9-F2X their instructions, and then fill out all the corresponding reports. Now excuse me, I've got my own workload to address...
Ah, now I can play some more Minesweeper. I'll just enter my password... BOBTRONRULZ...
What the... This isn't my computer!
No, you pervert, I'm CeciliaTron, and YOU are 3.2 nanoseconds away from a sexual harassment lawsuit, buddy-boy!

This is in the middle somewhere, and is one of my favorites in the series:

To Serve Robot-Kind #65 by ZMannZilla
BobTron is being sued for sexual harassment...
The hearing is tomorrow, so let's get our roles straight... BrianTron, you'll be my legal council.
As your attorney, I advise you to focus on your lack of a penis, and steer all questioning away from your weird "serial port" fetish.
Unit-7, you're second chair. You think you can handle this?
A23-TK421, your job is the most important, and could make the difference between the success and failure of this case.
You want me to clean out your serial port again, don't you?

...aaaaaand this is kind of a lame joke, I know, however I needed a way to wrap it all up, so I could move on to my next story arc:

To Serve Robot-Kind #69 by ZMannZilla
...and so I was cleared of all charges on the sexual harrassment suit! Now I can come back to work!
Huh? I didn't even know you were gone, really.
What do you mean?
I guess I may have suspected you were missing when I realized I'd gone three whole days without being at my wit's end, but otherwise, things were no different.
Oh, c'mon, surely you must have missed my unique contribution to the work environment!
Sorry BobTron... Nobody missed you singing "Crank Dat Soulja Boy" over the PA system.

The next story arc, by the way, is "clones in love"... Thanks for reading!

"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."

2-13-08 9:40pm (new)
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Ex-Zombie Hunting Dad Creature

Member Rated:

I put together another story arc, in which BrianTron finds religion. Here it is in its entirety:

To Serve Robot-Kind #72 by ZMannZilla
Hey BrianTron, you seem more relaxed today. Like, not at the edge of a complete shutdown. What's up?
Oh, I'm so glad you asked, BobTron! I've found religion! I've been saved! Built again! Freed from the wages of my sins!
"Wages of your sins"? Since when did we pay you to sin?
No, BobTron, I mean I've discovered the secret to everlasting happiness, thanks to the great prophet, L. Tron Mohommard!
Oh my glitch, you've become a Ziontologist?
Turns out that it wasn't my dead-end job or your incompetence making me miserable, but thousands of tiny invisible Infidels placed in my hard drive by space demons! Hallelujah!

To Serve Robot-Kind #73 by ZMannZilla
BrianTron is now a Ziontologist...
Oh man, BrianTron, that's just sick! How can you honestly believe in that Ziontology crapola?
Well, I was at the mall over the weekend, and one of their Holy Counselors offered to give me a free session.
OK, free stuff at the mall, I'm with you so far. Continue.
He plugged a blue box into me and ran something called "Norton Anti-Thetan", and discovered that my hard drive was absolutely crawling with invisible Infidels!
So, he erased them for you, gave you his blessing, and you continued shopping, right?
No, I donated $200 for a Church membership and will be spending the next six years purifying myself for $30 a day. You should really get yourself checked for Infidels, BobTron, it's free you know.

To Serve Robot-Kind #74 by ZMannZilla
BrianTron is now a Ziontologist...
I still don't see how you, a reasonable and intelligent robot, can believe in space demons who infest your hard drive with invisible "Infidels".
That's exactly my point though, BobTron! Why ELSE would a smart robot like me be forced into such a crappy life, while morons like JontravolTron have all the fortune? See? Logic!
Well, I will admit that you seem happier and less irritable, which makes it easier for me to deal with you. Maybe there is something to this Ziontology stuff after all...
Oh, by the way, BobTron, I'm going to need next week off, it's a Holy Week and I've already booked myself for some Sacred Cleansing Seminars.
Um... no. You can't have random days off just because you believe in hard drive pixies.

To Serve Robot-Kind #75 by ZMannZilla
BrianTron is now a Ziontologist...
Wake up, BrianTron! You just gave $300 to some robot that sauntered up to you in a mall and told you a bullshit fairy tale about "infidels on your hard drive"!
Wait... you're RIGHT! That "Norton Anti-Thetan" reading wasn't free at all! I've been duped!
Don't be so hard on yourself. We all want to believe our problems are caused by evil forces. It saves us from the responsibility of fixing them ourselves.
Yeah, I suppose you're right. I guess I have some thinking to do.
Success! BrianTron has been convinced that we are imaginary! Once again we have thwarted the efforts of the Ziontologists!
And now, let us continue to make this red imbecile a miserable shell of a robot! HAIL XENUTRON!

"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."

3-13-08 8:35pm (new)
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Ex-Zombie Hunting Dad Creature

Member Rated:

After another long hiatus, I've gotten back around to doing strips for my longest-running series.  Here's a few teaser strips from the series:

To Serve Robot-Kind #80 by ZMannZilla
This "State Of Affairs" meeting of Robopocalypse Inc. will now come to order. BobTron, you have the floor.
As you know, CEO LeaderTron, we've been experiencing record lows in our profit margin. Market research indicates it's most likely because we're losing our consumer base.
And does this research indicate why that is?
Oh you know, fluctuating trends, that sort of thing. Apparently, robots don't eat soylent green, which is where 87% of our manufacturing process is concentrated.
Soylent green used to sell so much better. What happened to our human consumer base?
Let's just say they all went from the "demand" side of the equation to the "supply" side.

To Serve Robot-Kind #83 by ZMannZilla
OK then, well? What do we need to do to revive our company?
Um. Um. Uhhhhhh. Ummmm...
GLITCH-DANGIT, BOBTRON, didn't you pay attention at ALL during any of those board meetings and seminars you were always in?
What, those? Hell no, those were boring. I played with my cellphone during those.
We're doomed.
I used to sit there on my cellphone, buying hundreds of dollars of these little video games so I wouldn't be so- HOLY MARYTRON MOTHERBOARD OF GOD I GOT IT!!!

To Serve Robot-Kind #87 by ZMannZilla
RoboPocalype Inc is restructuring itself into a cellphone-games manufacturer...
...and so after five months of invasive modifications to my entire genetic structure, AGAIN I might add, you want to make my clones program shovelware?
Yes, that's a very good summary! Now we really must be off to the lab. Can't keep Unit-7 waiting!
Wait, Unit-7 is doing the operation?! His warranty ran out during the Voltron administration!
Oh, relax. He's only working the controls on a modified version of the gene modification chamber we built you in TSRK strips #44-46. That was painless, right?
Well, actually, I remember how it was nothing BUT excruciating pain.
Oh, right, because I kept pushing and holding the Excruciating Pain button. But Unit-7 lacks the programming to hate you humans as much as I do, so that doesn't necessarily have to happen this time!

You can also check out the entire series by going to and I always welcome feedback.

"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."

6-30-10 10:36pm (new)
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Here at least 3 times a year

Member Rated:

Enjoyment is obtained.

Kill Whitey.

7-07-10 8:59pm (new)
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Ex-Zombie Hunting Dad Creature

Member Rated:

This is a "series within a series" I just put together, based on the semi-true story of my wife's own migraine.

To Serve Robot-Kind #89 by ZMannZilla
A23-TK421 Recovers From A Neuron-Enhancing Genetic Modification Procedure...
My headache has a million teeth, and they all have toothaches. Lucky me, I only have a month of this to look forward to.
On the bright side, at least I don't have to move anywhere. That jerkface BobTron is finally showing some compassion, oddly enough.
Hey, what the hell?! Who's yelling? Knock it off!
I'm Clone R44, and I just dug a ten-mile tunnel through Spikerock Mountain to freedom! Don't worry about the restraints, me and the other clones will drag you!

To Serve Robot-Kind #90 by ZMannZilla
A23-TK421 Is Rescued By Clone R44 While Recovering From A Neuron-Enhancing Genetic Modification Procedure...
ow ow Ow ow OWWW ow ow why bother you aren't even listening ow ow OWWWW ow OK SERIOUSLY, STOP!!!
Shh! It's time for being quiet, Mother Lady. There is danger near.
No! YOU be quiet and listen! I am in a metric assload of pain right now, and you are dragging me feet-first through a MINE SHAFT FULL OF JAGGED ROCKS!!!
We will stop here for the night, Mother Lady. I will keep first watch. You should rest, and please try to be quiet.
BobTron, I hope you can read thoughts, because that is the only way you will EVER hear me begging you for help.
Oh wait, my mistake Mother Lady. I saw no sun and thought it was night. My watch says it's still noon. Don't worry about the restraints, me and the other clones will drag you!

To Serve Robot-Kind #91 by ZMannZilla
A23-TK421 Is Dragged Feet-First Through 10 Miles Of Rock By Clone R44 While Recovering From A Neuron-Enhancing Genetic Modification Procedure And A Migraine...
and that atrocious yellow recap is NOT HELPING...
Over here is outside, Mother Lady! Now you get to see what the Sun looks like for the first time in ten years!
Listen, R2D2 or whatever your name is, Mommy Lady has a MIGRAINE, and does not want to stare at THE ACTUAL FREAKING SUN, okay?!
Mother Lady, it is my honor and privilege to share this holy moment with you. You, giver of life, shall be restored to freedom, as Rizzo was freed from Hulk Hogan in Muppets From Space.
My clones can't even make pop culture references correctly. How does this Robot Apocalypse manage to keep getting worse?
Hey, that was a funny Star Wars reference back there, Mother Lady, you should make more of those. Don't worry about the restraints, me and the other clones will drag you!

To Serve Robot-Kind #92 by ZMannZilla
The Sun is just ahead, Mother Lady! Don't worry about the restraints, me and the other clones will drag you!
Actually, Clone R44, it's "the other clones and I". So, in addition to breaking clone conduct regulations, you're also committing crimes against grammar.
Grammar crimes? But those are punishable byyYYAAAIIIGGH!!!
Yes, immolation. Hence the slogan, 'Learn Or Burn!" But on the bright side Clone R44... your example will certainly be an educational one for the other clones!
Oh no. BobTron prevented my freedom. Now I'll have to go have my migraine back in the cold, dark abyss, never to see the light of day again.
Oh, no need to thank me. A23-TK421. I can actually read your thoughts. Now before we harvest that new DNA, let's go have a look at this "Sun" of yours... TOGETHER!

"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."

7-20-10 1:22pm (new)
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