What with the hoo-ha over in Egypt and the protests and whatnot in the rest of the Middle East, I feel that the topic of government and dictatorship has gotten a little too serious lately. I mean, who hasn't ordered a hundred political prisoners killed and their bodies arranged to spell out a marriage proposal to the american tourist you kidnapped yesterday? Am I right? Those protesters should chill out a little.
Plus, all this mess has taken the spotlight away from the true king of unstable governments: the Banana Republic. Make a comic about a ridiculous government, be it in the excesses of its leader, the bizarre laws by which it is run, or thehilarious way it was born. Judging will be in two weeks or whenever I can be arsed to come down off my throne of gold-plated baby skulls to do so.
It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.