Why have I not rated you yet?! | HCRoyall | 01-03-08 |
Q: Are We Not Men? A: No but Timmy the Pervert is | 0401040 | 11-26-06 |
really up my ally, i'm really into these strips. | terrybrass | 04-12-06 |
Shares my love for incest and trannies | Zimri | 04-04-06 |
your comics are great, your arson needs more flare | mandingo | 03-09-06 |
Good in a perverted sort of way. | LuckyGuess | 01-27-06 |
Wow. You make me feel gay... for you... or somthin | RedfeatheR | 01-15-06 |
I'm trying desperately not to love you but I can't | mrpoop | 01-14-06 |
Timmy is a fucking pervert which is a compliment | Smarmulus | 10-27-05 |
FUNNY AND SEXY | HotRodDeathToll | 10-18-05 |
Perverts rule | shank | 10-18-05 |
Timmy the Perfect (#29 was da best) | Hari_Nezumi | 09-14-05 |
You'll fit in nicely here <3 | ftc | 06-16-05 |
(optional) FUNNY! | matclarke | 06-09-05 |
#27 was fucking hilarious. | cpausti | 06-08-05 |
Hugh Hefner bows down to Timmy... | Inflatable_Man | 03-28-05 |
beyond exceptional | possums | 03-04-05 |
Think you're an old reg in disguise; f'in good tho | jes_lawson | 02-21-05 |
More awesome than a bag of sex. | KajunFirefly | 02-21-05 |
It's early, but I see a Best New Face 2005 winner. | Injokester | 02-15-05 |
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" GOOD! | PhreakyChinchilla | 01-24-05 |
genius | BigFrank105 | 01-24-05 |
Pretty good so far! | Scyess | 01-22-05 |
Beyond Awesomedome | areallystupidguy | 01-21-05 |
Timmy reminds me of someone I know... | thochaos | 01-21-05 |