Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


User info for kaufman

Member Status:

Stripcreator donor

Comic Page:

Forum Comment:Director of Cats

Member Number:


Registered:May 15, 2001
Member Rated: (78 votes)
Comic sets:

And We'll Have Pun, Pun, Pun (vol. 1), And We'll Have Pun, Pun, Pun (vol. 2), And We'll Have Pun, Pun, Pun (vol. 3), And We'll Have Pun, Pun, Pun (vol. 4), August Calendar, Bipolarity, Caesar and Brutus, Jeopardy!, K-Tel's Graphic Novelizations - Bad Songs From the 70s, Music to Create By, Richard III (Part 2), Satan Place, They're everywhere!, Twits, William Shakespeare's Four Gentlemen of Liverpool, World's Stupidest Movie Critic



allenhenderson, andydougan, apejuice, attitudechicka, BigEvilDan, biped, Blew_Crabs, boinky33, bonwag, boorite, Buffylavalamp, chickenhole, Chi_The_Cynic, choadwarrior, CHUBBY, Cobb, crabby, DeeJay, deucepm, DexX, Drexle, eponine, evil_d, fpd, fuzzyman, gabe_billings, il_schmucko, Inflatable_Man, israphael, itsclark, ivytheplant, jes_lawson, jmtapp, KajunFirefly, Kevin_Keegans_Perm, kramer_vs_kramer, ladyjdotnet, mandingo, MikeyG, misterq, mmyers, Namgubed, naz_ghul, not_Scyess, ObiJo, Organizm, pita, pyster, Samwise, Scyess, Spankling, speedboat_lou, subject2002, TheGovernor, TimmyThePervert, umfumdisi, wirthling



BigEvilDan, DexX, FinnNYC, evil_d, wirthling, finn34, ObiJo, descolada99, allenhenderson, DragonXero, naz_ghul, DH-01, NastyPope, NeoVid, andydougan, Ranma_X., boorite, ladyjdotnet, skagg, 80_Million_Fleas, KajunFirefly, pita, Drexle, crabby, itsclark, krinkle, flickguy, ElTigreMask2K, ElTigreMask2K, ElTigreMask2K, ElTigreMask2K, ElTigreMask2K, ElTigreMask2K, habnem, fpd, Tobor, DrPedantic, CaptainObvious, Geniu$, TheBlairZip, apejuice, tiger8191, israphael, lara7, fuzzyman, Aero_God, Dinah, A_Chicka, eponine, Jabizo, lara8, biped, donkeytom, the_rew, Bazilla, deucepm, big_evil_deciever, Mr_Jass, lima, Tom_O_Bedlam, Mojaco, Little_Sqirrel, Devin, jwernet, baba, Blew_Crabs, Sal, Chi_The_Cynic, Beastlore, AlbertsNewFriend, DangerGal, h8baz, voidweller, Zegota, WiLzzt, mutsje2000, PhreakyChinchilla, Smarmulus, assinipples, il_schmucko, bonwag, NotPaul, Loomis, Deedee, dx33, Krud, Jakesimonm, Uncle_Ed_Oscuro, Tigerchild, UnknownEric, ArtemisStrong, melarooni_baby12, Waste_Of_A_Sniper, maddog00, jes_lawson, DestroyAllTacos, Muherfurce, LaLaLaLeah, Buffylavalamp, umfumdisi, Mako_Man, twofish, illyanadmc, TheGerman, NetNation, jmtapp, tocaracaria, Tarantula_boy, mmyers, Eradream, Fuckface, nuttlehead2000, Rabid_Weasle, AtheistDiary, jeditrickster, KieranCurrer, Ewwwww, holden, little_kitty, KungChiFu, 3rd_and_long, Whimsy, Inflatable_Man, gotsmack, Project_Spam, Matchbook_Romance, lukket, WildeSoapy, possums, NooniePuuBunny, IB_XC, EvilZak, SirIndianALot, ivytheplant, smamurai, MikeyG, NGrassi22, danyi, LuminousIce, Xuanwu, ericbenizzle, Jeanster, CowTipper, Externalization, Melkor, nuveeeeena, RedfeatheR, Enderandrew, Spectre_General, InnerSinner, Elvis_Steel, Gabu, Oriana, newportlocal, arbi, pumpaction_jesus, CHUBBY, hughesy_mate, quodlibet, suicide_king, deustchman, Chuckaduck, Yankowitz, flipynif1, Spartan117, cpausti, Algirdas, fizzyxl, Chaplin, AnimeGuy, LuckyGuess, HotRodDeathToll, Trace, Hell_Bent_Cheez, funnykid, Creative4me, nihilist_junkie, Humpenstein, four_legged_tripod, JaeltheReturn, christopher7murphy, boloboffin, HCRoyall, El_Phen, gabe_billings, cocoacandy, Beeko180, Lord_Vodek, rickstoner22, Aylear, RCCOLAMAN, LittleRocker, NeonScenex, TheGovernor, RandomComicLayoutGuy, 100Faces, AngryAmerican, jrk301, Namgubed, Orana, Adawgman, Smarmulus_the_4th, Jason504, edoggydog, brycekain, Injokester, gebe, ralahinn1, charlotte88mason, LucBear123, Miller12

Last 10 Comics by kaufman


I'm Dreaming of a Midnight Train to Georgia


Thanks, Mom!


The riddle of the sphincter


On the Road Again


One Night in the Dorms


Today's True Story


Astromonose Dominoes




To the rescue!


Cthulhu vs. Lassie


Top 10 rated comics by kaufman (with more than 3 votes)




Like a Natural Comedian


Why Ancient Rome never developed a space program


CC 633: Fill It In Yourself


One Chilly Day Near Mons Olympus


One Autumnal Afternoon in 1954


Cult Movie Hit of 2015


CC 599: Directile Dysfunction


CC 583: School Rules


CC 451: Prophet and Loss


Satan Place 5: Crime and Punishment


Comments on kaufman

The best there is at what he doesevil_d01-02-18
T is for terrific.Murica09-10-14
He's the mooooost punderful guyyyyy of the yearrrrZMannZilla12-27-12
I like you now. Even if you're Jewish or somethingAngryAmerican03-20-11
Good rating - of course!)100Faces10-04-10
One of the most hilarious users on the site!Beeko18003-10-10
Punny ... very punny •••••••••••Cre8tive1309-23-09
Where would Stripcreator be without you? No where.LittleRocker06-28-09
The punultimate jokester. I love Kauf.Aylear03-24-09
Have I told you lately that I love you?Ewwwww04-21-08
Funny stuff.kane274211-19-07
Mr. CCDrMorton07-11-07
Always a good pun intendedlukket02-25-07
I can't believe I haven't rated you yet!Zimri11-30-06
Where you been??? I miss you!!!pita10-11-06
Haven't seen him in a while, but still a legendHumpenstein09-25-06
Dangerously Cheesy, Dangerously Good.LuckyGuess01-27-06
I'd say "very punny" but that would be crass.HCRoyall11-10-05
The demo-cats vote for youflipynif111-10-05
Achoo WomanHotRodDeathToll10-20-05
Here you goshank10-17-05
by the ocean he listens to the beach buoysSmarmulus09-19-05
How do I vote? I circle KRedfeatheR08-21-05
I'm an unabashed Kaufmaniac.Chi_The_Cynic08-09-05
Lived his life like a candle on the head.suicide_king06-29-05
I'm with the clicking and the laughingFinnNYC06-23-05
"You're a puny guy! Puny how? Puny like a clown?"matclarke05-24-05
i won the silver in the you awards?cpausti04-27-05
His wit is puncanny!Namgubed04-15-05
They don't make them any funnier than kaufman.Externalization03-16-05
I like the Mid-Morning of the Dead strip.Jeanster03-09-05
I had a dream once where I married him. Seriously.Rabid_Weasle03-08-05
Yo! Represent Punmasta K!BigFrank10503-08-05
King Ken Kaufman. KKK all the way!JESUSSANDWICH02-08-05
I liked the one where he made a punsmamurai02-02-05
Ken is a god among men. His cats are archangels.DexX01-21-05
Kauf up a good one!NooniePuuBunny01-13-05
Random Puncrabby01-02-05
The most grooviest groove-meister in Groove-villeflickguy12-31-04
If his comics had an asshole, they'd fart puppies.biped12-28-04
i re-rate you goodgraykane12-28-04
Things go better with Kaufman.umfumdisi12-24-04
Cats are tastyInjokester12-24-04
Kauf medicine cures all your illsniteowl12-24-04
Has a lifetime pass to the Funny Club.UnknownEric12-22-04
Likes puns.DragonXero11-05-04
"You think it's PUNNY?!"- advise & consentpossums09-13-04
Can you separate the man from the cat? -Ivyivytheplant08-11-04
He's a PhD in funkandydougan06-18-04
Not enough comics.boinky3302-27-04
Hate cats, love kaufman. -PhreakyPhreakyChinchilla02-20-04
Punmaster Flex (kitty)little_kitty01-19-04
Has a lifetime's pass to the Punny club.Inflatable_Man01-13-04
The silent master of all things ComedyMikeyG12-20-03
Master Of The Red MoustacheArtemisStrong12-20-03
Director of teh FunnyMatchbook_Romance11-12-03
Punky Brewsterthochaos10-24-03
[grovel] (Spanks)Spankling07-06-03
Pun on, you crazy diamondmmyers07-01-03
You probably think this comment is about you.attitudechicka06-30-03
The senior statesman of Stripcreatorchoadwarrior06-29-03

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