Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


User info for niteowl

Member Status:

Stripcreator donor

Comic Page:

Forum Comment:Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Number:


Registered:June 11, 2001
Member Rated: (67 votes)
Comic sets:

2001 Favorites, 2002 Favorites, 2003 Favorites, 2004 Favorites, 2005 Favorites, 2005: The Year in Review, 23:59, 404 Not Found Messages, A Hitman in Stripcreatorland, A Holiday Special, A Space Adventure of Epic Proportions, Abusing the Random Button, Alien Bitch Sessions, Career Choices, Cartoonist On The Street, Change, Christian Singles Network, Comic Contest Entries, Conversations with God, Desert Island Commentary, Fair Enough, FTC Stuff, George Loves Islam, Ghettofabulous, Got Wood?, Grand Theft Auto, July 4th, Jumper, Laziness, Lets Talk About Sex, Little League Post-Game Show, Megastars, More Voices, My Beer, My Job Performance Review, Non-Stop Random Explosive Action!, Oh, Those Crazy Scientology Weddings!, Oppression, Outside Schiavo's Hospice, Panic Attacks, Reincarnation, Return of the Megastars, RPG, SC Home Shopping Network, SC Livejournals, SC Music Video, Silly Girls, Single Panel Comics, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Super-Mecha-Angst.E.Teen, Superheroes at the Office, The Greatest Series Ever, The Haves and the Have Mores, The Help Files, The Hermit, The Internet Museum, The NHL Lockout, The RIAA Strikes Back, The Sex Shop, The Sheriff, The Whaling Show, The World Domination League, They're Coming, Time Machine, VH-1 Storytellers, Voices In My Head, Weddings and the Peanut Gallery, White House Slap Fest 2005



AccentuateNegative, allenhenderson, areallystupidguy, AtheistDiary, attitudechicka, BigFrank105, boinky33, boloboffin, boorite, Braze, catmanjag, choadwarrior, cock, coldpizza, CowTipper, cpausti, darkneuro, DexX, DragonXero, Drefsab, Eradream, EvilZak, evil_d, Ewwwww, Externalization, fizzyxl, ftc, fuck, Fuj, habnem, Hatrix, HCRoyall, HotRodDeathToll, il_schmucko, Inflatable_Man, ivytheplant, Jeanster, jes_lawson, kaiobrien, kattheworld, knkx, KungChiFu, len, little_kitty, LuckyGuess, lukket, mandingo, Matchbook_Romance, matclarke, Melkor, MikeyG, mmyers, NastyPope, NooniePuuBunny, nuveeeeena, ObiJo, OmniMarconi67, Ozz, PhreakyChinchilla, pslock, psycoma, r2_d2, Rabid_Weasle, Ranger77, RedfeatheR, Smarmulus, squidrabies, stormcloud, Tasty, tau926, TheGovernor, The_Witch, thochaos, Tigerchild, Trace, umfumdisi, UnknownEric, Xion, Xuanwu, Zaster, zegonsn



DexX, evil_d, allenhenderson, DragonXero, habnem, Dinah, coldpizza, PhreakyChinchilla, Smarmulus, il_schmucko, thochaos, Ozz, Tasty, jes_lawson, Thorr, umfumdisi, areallystupidguy, BigFrank105, shank, sh4nk, mmyers, Eradream, Rabid_Weasle, C0mplet0, AtheistDiary, plopmeout, choadwarrior, et_ta_v, Ewwwww, little_kitty, KungChiFu, Inflatable_Man, Project_Spam, Matchbook_Romance, lukket, JezPuh, Sirus04, AccentuateNegative, NooniePuuBunny, EvilZak, ivytheplant, The_Kingpin, pslock, MikeyG, tau926, sophisticated, zegonsn, Xuanwu, Jeanster, CowTipper, bladderface11, marylinndr, false_sense, r2_d2, ftc, Externalization, hellomikie93, Smartass, Melkor, nuveeeeena, RedfeatheR, Enderandrew, melonpolly, EvilTwin, o_0, chimp_and_zee, len, Deaths_Head_II, psycoma, not_not_niteowl, Yankowitz, darkneuro, cpausti, HCRoyall, matclarke, fizzyxl, crazymalicous, OmniMarconi67, LuckyGuess, HotRodDeathToll, Trace, Hatrix, nihilist_junkie, cock, Humpenstein, wizardsfan, UnknownEric, finn34, boloboffin, Lord_Vodek, Aylear, NeonScenex, TheGovernor, RandomComicLayoutGuy, abeloctavio, Beeko180

Last 10 Comics by niteowl


Raising Arizona Right


The Quitter


Girls Gone Wild


CC 373: Anti-establishment


CC 373: Rebuttal


CC 368: This is your comic on acid. Any questions?


FTC #117: Tough Love


RCD #6


CC 367: Blitzkrieg




Top 10 rated comics by niteowl (with more than 3 votes)




CC 305: Stripcreator, The Video Game


FTC #117: Tough Love


A Shocking Revelation




Yet Another True Story


Another Old Joke Bites the Dust


Sex Toys


Mexican Standoff


The Wrath of Chaka Khan


Weenie Roast


Comments on niteowl

Funny stuff.kane274211-19-07
I love your funny!Hatrix09-15-07
you made me rofl. in my shorts. i heart you!finn3412-06-06
One part the Fuhrer, one part the PopeZimri10-23-06
Despite popular belief doesn't work at hootersHumpenstein09-24-06
I generally like to eat dry food.Dinah05-19-06
his wittier than mr witty wit, from wittsvillemattmallone04-11-06
Read it. Rated it. Nice.DaveMonkey02-24-06
ME RATED YOU!flipynif101-31-06
Ate my tootsie pop. Made me forgive and forget.LuckyGuess01-27-06
-- Hoo Hoo Hoot --Cre8tive1301-17-06
Owls are actully stupid. But funnydrawinger12-09-05
tee hee heekaiobrien11-24-05
O RLY?HotRodDeathToll10-28-05
owls are considered to be very wiseSmarmulus10-14-05
Yay! I bumped you back to five stars!Hari_Nezumi10-13-05
Many Comix, but they made me throw up a littleKaenash09-22-05
funnier than the looks on nocturnal rodents facesmandingo07-19-05
One of the consistently good ones!lukket07-17-05
Personal fav. of mineftc07-12-05
Can I get an owl, can I get an owl? *whoo, whoo*OmniMarconi6706-28-05
And Jeebus said "Let there be Funny."HCRoyall06-25-05
Worth 5 * easyFuj05-18-05
I think I love you. But what am I so afraid of?cpausti04-25-05
5 stars all the way. luv these comics.Jeanster02-25-05
drops funny pellets in my back gardenjes_lawson02-06-05
Much better than early afternoon owl.Rabid_Weasle02-03-05
I was nitetowel.JESUSSANDWICH02-02-05
puts the 'oi' into hemorrhoids <3graykane01-23-05
I deem you worthy of a response from me.Tasty01-23-05
Owl vote for youRedfeatheR01-22-05
An elder statesman that everyone can respect.crabby01-02-05
NITE TOWEL!!possums12-30-04
Holy crap, how did I forget to rate you? You rock.UnknownEric12-29-04
I wish I were regular smart and not "smart" :cry:Siegfried102712-24-04
RUSH right out and read his comics.umfumdisi12-24-04
yeah, he kicks assxxausrottenxx12-24-04
so funny I think I'll marry him :Ppsycoma12-24-04
Whooo! (R77)Ranger7712-23-04
Great comics!Injokester12-22-04
i loves me some niteowlBigFrank10512-22-04
He's the best regurgitating bird on here!PhreakyChinchilla12-10-04
Makes birds hurt in space.biped05-16-04
Yet another true story 1/30/05 = <3attitudechicka02-28-04
The Good Shit (TG)TheGovernor02-28-04
How many licks does it take to get to the centre?boinky3302-27-04
Peachy Keen! -Ivyivytheplant02-06-04
Too many sets!DragonXero01-25-04
I <3 owls. --InflateInflatable_Man01-12-04
YAAAAH NHL!little_kitty01-08-04
Makes my tingle-flopper turn chartreuseMikeyG12-19-03
Let's go build a nest. ;)Matchbook_Romance11-12-03
Can't find your profile yet, still lookingthochaos10-21-03
Making his momma proudmmyers10-07-03
He's a hootchoadwarrior07-19-03

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