Poor Kenya the cat knows Mommy is on the rampage but can't see past the smoke and flames to figure out who his mommy Shan is pissed off at today.
Shan finally had it with the Town Crier, whose Zoloft wore off long enough for her to go screaming up and down the Veggie Patch hallways. Town Crier pointed a finger in Shan's face for the last time!
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| Not now, Kenya. Mommy's got the Town Crier by her yellow hair! | |
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| Forget this crap. I'm going to go pee on something. | |
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The Town Crier put up a fight, but once Shan ripped TC's nasty bleach-blonde highlights out by their dark-brown roots, she proved once again for the world to see that evil truly CAN be overcome!
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| My mommy kicks ass!!! And look, she turned the Town Crier into a new litter pile just for me!!! | |
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| Just wait till Mommy crawls out from underneath this big pile of shit before you add to it, OK honey?. And bring me a beer, will ya? | |
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