*Actually also christopher7murphy, whose comments are funnier than ...
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| Did your strategy of mentioning as many other cartoonists as you could in just one strip to get more comments work, Mr. 100Faces? | |
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| As a matter of fact, it did. DrMorton made another comment. | |
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... my comics, made a comment, but I had to take some artistic liberties ...
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| Do you think he'll even make another one? | |
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| Now that I mentioned him again, it is very likely, I guess. | |
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...with this strip. Sorry 'bout that, Chris.
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| DrMorton is probably the only one who reads his comics. Must be some kind of relative, I guess. | |
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| It's a good job that stupid microphone doesn't know that DrMorton is actual-ly my brother. It'd be too embarras-sing if he knew that I'm only read by family members.* | |
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