Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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RnR: Unlikely Endings 2 (BSG)
Cylons! I knew this day would come!
What's wrong with you tincans?! Why do you keep on following me?
You're at a convention, you half-witt!
80_Million_Fleas's Comics
11/24/13 - The Simpsons, NCIS, Family Guy, Law & Order... Dateline...
11/15/13 - Hell is Other Facebook Commentors
11/15/13 - It Took Six Years and 4 Billion Dollars
06/06/07 - RnR: Run from office....
05/29/07 - BTC 64: Timplate
05/22/07 - CC 355: What if Maude was one of us?
05/16/07 - UTC 5: The Creator Returns--Return of the Creator.
05/16/07 - RDC 2: Many, many times before.
05/13/07 - RnR: Drew Carey Show: The Next Generation
05/03/07 - RnR: Read the 'ai" in a "ey" manner.
05/01/07 - RnR: Engines Pumping and Thumping in Time...
05/01/07 - RnR: Reluctantly Crouched at The Starting Line...
05/01/07 - RnR: Jimmy was a Racecar Driver.
05/01/07 - RnR: Driving Ms. Stripcreator.
04/30/07 - Random: SUCIDE IS AN OPTION.
04/30/07 - Random: Port is a Flavor of Wine.
04/30/07 - RnR: Worst Xmas Ever.
04/30/07 - Random: Mostly. Mostly.
04/19/07 - CC XXX: I'm not counting... are you?
04/19/07 - RnR: I sepll czech'd tihs oen.
04/16/07 - RnR: Criss Angel--Freaks with Your Mind.
04/16/07 - RnR: The Ballad of Tobor McGee.
04/15/07 - RnR: You see, the Jazz is like Jello-Pudding.
04/15/07 - RnR: I'm the Best... Arrrooooounnd.
04/12/07 - CC 351 -- Tobor in "Puppy Love"
04/11/07 - OPC 35: I haven't eaten in<br />years.
04/11/07 - OPC 35: All of the times.
04/11/07 - OPC (XX) - Third Times The Charm
04/05/07 - RnR: Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek alert.
04/05/07 - Random: All the Time.
04/05/07 - CC 351: He's moonlighting as a Proctologist
04/02/07 - Random: Why do I keep on bring politics into this? Cuz.
04/02/07 - Random: I made this one on Coke!
04/02/07 - Random: Random(e)
04/02/07 - Random: DOM.
04/02/07 - Random: Jesus saves (insert pun here).
04/02/07 - Random: Yes, there's a typo. Get used to it.
04/02/07 - Random: Rand's Dumb.
03/27/07 - Random Vidreo Games.
03/27/07 - Random: Paperwork Planet.
03/27/07 - Random: Reading Fine Print.
03/27/07 - Random: AsianGirl2 is still in Asia.
03/27/07 - Random: Pull out before Iraq gets Pregnate.
03/27/07 - Random: The Tragic Life of Anusless Eddy
03/27/07 - Random: Corporate Downsizing
03/27/07 - Random: ...What the?
03/26/07 - Experiment: The things we do for attention.
03/25/07 - CC 350: And Another.
03/25/07 - RnR: I somewhat stole this from the Colbert Report.
03/25/07 - RnR: Boring Johnny tells a Story.
03/25/07 - RnR: Mean Things To Do
03/25/07 - CC 350: E-1337-ists.
03/23/07 - RnR: Sometimes---Sometimes.
03/23/07 - RnR: 90s? Indeed.
03/23/07 - RnR: These Are Amazing Times We're Living In
03/23/07 - CC 350: Woot?
03/22/07 - RnR: Totally didn't lift this concept from South Park.
03/22/07 - The Re-Re-Re-Return of Me!
12/11/05 - FTC 79: I'm still dumb! Horray!
12/11/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Halloween? On Xmas?
12/06/05 - Why You Should Be A Marxist: Reason Five.
12/06/05 - Why You Should Be Marxist: Reason Four
12/05/05 - Why You Should Be A Marxist: Reason Three
12/05/05 - Why You Should Be A Marxist: Reason Two.
12/05/05 - Why You Should Be A Marxist: Reason One.
12/05/05 - Random: His Brain is bolted down!
12/05/05 - Random: His leg is bolted down!
12/05/05 - Random: I'm not even trying anymore.
11/23/05 - Return of the Fleas: Intermission
11/23/05 - Return of the Fleas: The Fleas Doesn't Return.
11/23/05 - Return of the Fleas: The Devil's Monolouge
11/23/05 - Return of the Fleas: the Fleas Meet the Devil.
11/23/05 - Return of the Fleas: God gets Even.
11/23/05 - Return of the Fleas: The Fleas pisses off God.
11/23/05 - The Return of the Fleas: The Fleas Dies
05/17/05 - FTC 63: Thumb at yo' Twat.
05/06/05 - History as a Comic: "Reagan-nomics"
05/06/05 - History as a Comic: MacCarthyism
05/06/05 - History as a Comic: Custard's Last Stand
05/06/05 - History as a Comic: The Manhattan Project.
05/06/05 - Random: Guess Which One is a Mindless Blood Thursty Zombie?
05/06/05 - Random: It Makes Since If You Read the Book
05/06/05 - Random: Hmm.
05/06/05 - Random: BS: Before Stargate.
05/05/05 - Random-ish: Tee Hee.
05/04/05 - FTC 61: This Sucks!
05/04/05 - Random: Lame'd.
05/04/05 - Random: Dum Ran.
05/04/05 - Random: Meal Force One
05/04/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': The Margine of Funny
05/04/05 - Random: God's been ran sacked by hackers!
05/04/05 - Random: Biped will be pissed.
05/04/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Ooookay.
05/04/05 - Random: Here I Come, Tinsel Town!
05/04/05 - Random: God, I love one pannelers.
05/04/05 - Random: Rated Arr for Retarded.
05/04/05 - Random: Oh, snap! Call HUD!
05/04/05 - Random: CSI - Toronto
05/04/05 - Random: Fhat the Wuck?
05/04/05 - Random: The Deep South at a Glance
05/04/05 - Random: No Funny Inside
05/04/05 - Random: Back in the Saddle Again
04/02/05 - Random: ..and what's with this Airline Food?
04/02/05 - Random (Sorta): Wee!
04/02/05 - Random: King Something.
03/31/05 - Random: Okay?
03/29/05 - BTC 24: I need sleep (3) (Temp 1)
03/29/05 - BTC 24: Because we all know God is a Cock (2) [Templet 1]
03/29/05 - BTC 24: Attempt One, Templet One
03/29/05 - The History of Tobor According to Me (1)
03/29/05 - RnR: Glass Jaw Joe
03/29/05 - RnR: I had no idea how to finish this comic.
03/28/05 - RnR: It doesn't mean Rest and Relaxation.
03/28/05 - RnR: OMFG!!!111 DETH PWN3D U!!!111unouno
03/28/05 - RnR: UE 4 (BSG)
03/28/05 - RnR: UE 3 (BSG)
03/28/05 - RnR: Unlikely Endings 2 (BSG)
03/28/05 - RnR: Unlikey Ending 1. (BSG)
03/03/05 - FTC 57: Fixed "Typos" in <i>Italics</i>.
03/03/05 - WW 38: Nads D-Luxx
02/26/05 - FTC 56: When's the next movie, Dan?
02/26/05 - FTC 56: Knee Pads.
02/26/05 - FTC 56: Too Many Games
02/26/05 - FTC 56: I had a cartoon once.
02/26/05 - CC 2##: Trailer (3)
02/26/05 - CC 2##: Trailer (2)
02/26/05 - CC 2##: Trailer
02/24/05 - The Final Chapter in Human History: Part 8 (False Version)
02/24/05 - The Final Chapter in Human History Part Secks!! er.. Six.
02/24/05 - The Final Chapter In Human History, Part 4.
02/24/05 - The Final Chapter in Human History. Part Deux
02/23/05 - FTC 57
02/21/05 - RnR: Series, Missmatch Made It Court (2)
02/21/05 - RnR: Series, Missmatch Match Made in Legality (1)
02/21/05 - FTC 56: -1 Star Crash Test Rating
02/21/05 - BTC 20: Advice throughout History.
02/20/05 - RnR: Loophole Ver. 3!
02/20/05 - RnR: Loophole Ver 2!
02/20/05 - RnR: Loophole... Ver 1.
02/20/05 - WW __ : This is why there's no more Saturday Morning Toons.
02/18/05 - CC 276: Great with Cheese.
02/17/05 - BTC 20: Heros and Zeros.
02/17/05 - BTC 20: Name that 1990's Movie!
02/17/05 - CC 275: THE FINAL END.
02/17/05 - Red Carpet... aww, forgitit! CC 275 THE END (3)
02/17/05 - Red Carpet Reduction Madness! CC 275 THE END (2)
02/17/05 - Red Carpet Reduction Sale! CC 275.. THE END (1)
02/15/05 - RnR: If cliche strip characters were advisors to Bush.
02/15/05 - RnR: No Creativity Left.
02/12/05 - RnR: Schnell!
02/12/05 - Comics for Me: Wiggity Wha Wha?
02/09/05 - Comics for Me: My Eating Habits Part Deux.
02/09/05 - Comics for Me: A look into my eating habits!
02/08/05 - RnR: EVEN MORE on Pannel Jokes.
02/08/05 - RnR: Payback is a Senor El Bitchface
02/08/05 - RnR: Ooooow.
02/08/05 - RnR: Robo-Beans. Robo-Franks.
02/08/05 - RnR: My House has a front door AND a back door.
02/08/05 - RnR: Butter Butter Butter Butter Butter Butter Butter Butter
02/08/05 - RnR: Three Seperate Comics.
02/08/05 - RnR: COPY CAT I AM.
02/08/05 - RnR: Strip Creators... KLANS MEN?! *redone*
02/07/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Script Creators... KLANS MEN?!
02/07/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Yep.
02/07/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': ...There it goes. No more funny.
02/07/05 - Rantin n' Ravin': Slowly... ...loosing... creativity...
02/06/05 - RnR: Series King, Strip 4/End.
02/06/05 - RnR: Series King, Strip 3!111unouno
02/06/05 - RnR: Series King, Strip 2
02/06/05 - RnR: Series King, Strip 1!
02/06/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': It's either Hotwheels or Barbie, Sir.
02/06/05 - RnR: EVEN MORE Rejected Game Ideas.
02/06/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Rejected Game Ideas!
02/04/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': The World of Warcraft betrays me!
02/04/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Iran Iran Iran Iran, then Iraq.
02/04/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': In Russia, Strips Create You!
02/04/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Does this make me a Bigot?
02/04/05 - Comics for ... Me: Ooops.
02/03/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Russia circa 1910's
02/03/05 - Comics for Friends: Vol 2!
02/03/05 - Example for a confused person.
02/02/05 - Comics for Friends: Vol. 1
01/31/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': NOTICE.
01/31/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Heritage of Hate.
01/31/05 - Rantin' and Raving: Fraud in Ohio!
01/27/05 - RnR S3: I Have to Defeat That The Chair! (3)
01/27/05 - RnR S3: Rabbit Ears In and On my TV Screen (2)
01/27/05 - Rantin' and Ravin' S3: Hey... That Screen's Not Flat! (1)
01/27/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Have I Got a Website for you!
01/26/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': Lowest Common Comedic Ploy
01/24/05 - RnR S2: This would be the end.
01/24/05 - RnR S2:4 Maybe get a blister on your thumb
01/24/05 - RnR S2:3 Maybe get a blister on your little finger
01/24/05 - RnR S2:2 Let me tell ya, them guys ain't dumb
01/24/05 - RnR S2:1 That ain't working, that's the way you do it.
01/24/05 - Rantin' and Ravin': I'm Potentially Back
11/10/04 - RnR S1: Movin' In (2)
11/10/04 - RnR S1: Movin' in (1)
11/06/04 - WW29: ..You wanted THIS GUY to win?
11/06/04 - FTC 47: Yes.
11/05/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': Let Sworp-Fest '04 Stop. Right now.
11/04/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': The World Sucks. Invoke Agency Today!
11/02/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': Why Middle Easterns Are Pissed.
11/02/04 - Rantin' and Ravin: Vote or Die Knowing These F-Heads Are
11/02/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': Guess Who's Back?
10/29/04 - BC 19: An Afterthought.. Part.
10/29/04 - BTC 19: Part B.
10/29/04 - BTC 19: Part One.
10/29/04 - Experiment: .napaJ sselB doG
10/29/04 - Experiment: Changing the Order of Things.
10/27/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': Fill in the Blank, I'm Too Drunk To.
10/27/04 - WW28: I have entered yet another contest.
10/27/04 - CC 26_: Wow, It's a '6' not a '5'.
10/26/04 - CC 25_: Lobsters Are Also Tortured, but Not As Cuddly.
10/26/04 - CC... Something or Other.
10/26/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': Ob-so-1337.
10/26/04 - RnR: The Non-Theological Argument Against Same Sex Marrage
10/26/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': The Downfall of Punk-Rock
10/26/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': At one time I was poltically aware.
07/01/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': Hell's PR Department SUCKS.
07/01/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': God Bless Japan.
07/01/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': A Variant of Something I Did Already.
07/01/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': I'm Taking Intro to Soc.
06/29/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': The Easy Way Out
06/29/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': More Punny Bussiness Ahead
06/28/04 - Rantin' and Ravin': All Iraqis Don't Look Like Bin Laden
06/19/04 - I'm Back.
06/15/03 - Rantin' and Ravin': 3(This is for the "I'm on that" contest)
06/15/03 - Rantin' and Ravin': 4
06/07/03 - Rantin' and Ravin': Strip 2 [AKA Obvious Strip #1]
06/04/03 - Rantin' and Ravin': Strip 1
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