Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Happy New Year.
Come on in, I've got a bunch of food out.
What is all this?
Potted shrimp in spiced, clarified butter. Grilled lamb & mint meatballs wrapped in basil leaves. Goat cheese stuffed figs wrapped in bacon...
Wow, this will really get the taste of cock out of my mouth.
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themushroom says:

Or get a different cock taste into it, since most of the time the only place you find such swank food like that is at a gay event. [Not that there's anything wrong with that, just an observation about dull straight cooking...]
posted Dec 31st, 2007 ( permalink )

brycekain says:

Added to my SC Favorites comic set. Good one.
posted Sep 9th, 2014 ( permalink )

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