Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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She went away for the holiday. She said she was going to LA. But she never got there, she never got there, she never got there they say-yay! C'mon, Klan. Just give me my baby back.
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by Ackbar
I am getting crazy-sick of jerks pretending to be awesome.
You know, it's terribly retarded when you insinuate things about peoples' lifestyle. I mean, jesus, you dress in drag!
Oh, that's okay. I'm a pretentious elitist, which means I can MAKE YOU UNCONUSTEN WITH MY MIND!!!1!
Those two things aren't mutually exclusi-- YARR!
HahahaAH You aare deead now!
P.S. Check out the foreshadowing.
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