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| Hello, people. Usually I make my comics funny, with a witty observation, or more likely, a string of incoherent profanities, followed by me talking to a police officer. | |
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| Dude, these comics are bullshit. You haven't had a funny comic in....well.....ever. | |
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| Shut up...But now, I've come to talk to you in a serious tone. You see, more and more people these days are losing their focus, and are resorting to pathetic webcomics, to try and forget their life. | |
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| Just give it up! This sucks! You suck! This is just going to end in tears! | |
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| Hey, Aiden! I'm supposed to be a cop, but you've always wanted an excuse to use my image! YAY!! | |
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| Oh my god, what have I become..... | |
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