Aiden's Comics 12/02/03 - CHRISTIANS DON'T BELIEVE IN KARMA DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/19/03 - Mmm....vomit...
10/02/03 - Just for the sake of updating...
09/28/03 - Punk is homoerotic
09/26/03 - *Wink*
09/26/03 - Whats up with our hands? Are they little pinchers, or what??
09/24/03 - Untitled Yet Again
09/24/03 - Untitled
09/24/03 - Simon, my best bro.
09/24/03 - What REALLY Happened.
09/24/03 - The Ambiguously Gay Duo (Saturday Night Live)
09/23/03 - This was me before I started to suck.
09/21/03 - A Cold Day In Hell.
09/19/03 - Not funny at all.
09/13/03 - Public Service Announcement (From the NRA)
09/13/03 - Happy birthday to me. (side note: Actual birthday not today)
09/13/03 - It could happen. Well, if Torin had a banister.
09/12/03 - GP Returns in a depressingly humorless manner...
09/12/03 - The last Marybeth comic...umm.... until I need another gag.
09/11/03 - This is actually kind of what my life is like...
09/11/03 - Untitled
09/10/03 - I'm really almost this pathetic.
09/08/03 - I gave it a try, though, right?
09/07/03 - He's Irish, anyway...
09/07/03 - No Rest For The Weary (In Memoriam: Kurt Cobain)
09/07/03 - Sorry Torin, but that last one really DID suck.
09/06/03 - Umm......
09/06/03 - I just cannot win some days.
09/06/03 - Not EVEN Exaggerating...
09/06/03 - Very much like actual life.
09/05/03 - I'll make it up to Antony when I get out of a coat closet.
09/05/03 - So very tired.
09/05/03 - Follow-up.
09/05/03 - Zippy The Pinhead
09/05/03 - Many apologies to my bro Ender...
09/05/03 - I'm just having an off day. Really.
09/04/03 - same old gag
09/04/03 - School Will Be Fun
09/02/03 - Damn them wacky beatnicks...
09/02/03 - Antony's Revenge
09/01/03 - Epic Battle Resolution
09/01/03 - Epic Battle pt. 4
09/01/03 - Many Apologies to OnyxBlackWolf.
09/01/03 - Ender makes an appearance.
09/01/03 - Epic Battle pt. 3
09/01/03 - Epic Battle pt. 2
09/01/03 - Epic Battle pt. 1
09/01/03 - OnyxBlackWolf reference!!
08/30/03 - Takin' an action break...
08/29/03 - Shadow Realm pt.
08/29/03 - Shadow Realm pt. 6
08/29/03 - Shadow Realm pt. 5
08/28/03 - Shadow Realm pt. 4
08/28/03 - Shadow Realm pt. 3
08/28/03 - Shadow Realm pt. 2
08/28/03 - Shadow Realm
08/28/03 - Welcome to Space-time.
08/28/03 - Mystical Cowboy Violence
08/28/03 - That'll teach HIM to hide my pants...
08/28/03 - Writer's block
08/28/03 - Wait for your Angel of Death...
08/28/03 - EVIL!!
08/28/03 - The Hammer of God!-or......errr....Stick Figure!
08/27/03 - Even God Redecorates
08/27/03 - Well.....How else would he defend himself?
08/27/03 - Suspense is building....maybe...
08/27/03 - Irish Brothers To The End
08/27/03 - Poor, sad, lonely Chaos.
08/27/03 - Seriously, Torin's really cool.
08/27/03 - Life goes on...
08/27/03 - Hypocrisy can be fun!
08/27/03 - Horrible Sacrilige..
08/27/03 - Suicide can be funny, admit it.
08/27/03 - Awkward silences
08/27/03 - Intro to Chaos