*ahem* I know my last comic didn't make any sense because of two things: 1, it hasn't been Christmas for, I'd say about three months; and two, WTF am I doing making a comic strip about a pink donkeh..
...I mean for crying out loud the least I could do would be to make it interesting and have meaning but noo, I had to go down the stupid route and make something sooo dumb that not even I...
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| huh, what, Christday is ovah? | |
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...Could understand it and, umm, whoops I've distracted the reader from Pink Donkehs adventures. Ok, well, here's the deal. I'm going to remake the comic from the donkeh's origins. Seeya then.
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| What you say? no my memory, all thee thinks I luv. LUE, monah, Cyber, all gone. Hope mi nu life es bettah. | |
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