Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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If its not White its not Right.
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I don't like you fucking CHINCS coming into my country and stealing my jobs, land and grizzily bear gall bladders.
What? I don't understand your smart language or your amaculent amount of money.
SILENCE!! CHINC!!! You are good for nothing but Testing Chemical Weapons on, like in World War 2 you were betrayed betrayed by your own kind.
Oh that would explain my birth defects like Stupid looking face, small brain, and urge to deplete natural resources.
Leave our FUCKING Grizzily Bear GALL BLADERS ALONE, they don't make you feel like a god. Idiot.
I heard that camel penis tastes good. Yum Yum.
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