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| Angry, Sarcastic Ghost of Wasted Time here, fillin in for the QoQ Fairy. I believe we have a caller on the line from some obscure country... | |
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| Uh yeah hi. Long time listener, first time caller here. Um...Cleveland's not a country. Its a city in Northern Ohio by Lake Erie. | |
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| Well, now you have my pity as well as my attention. What's on your feeble mind, prick? | |
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| Well, i don't agree with what The QoQ Fairy says. Making hundreds of shitty comics isn't the way to be funny. All it does is make it harder to find the really amusing ones amongst all the garbage. | |
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| Why don't you cry to Dr. Phil instead of me you whiny, rust brown tampon! Everyone knows the more comics you make, the more funny ones you end up with. Do the fucking math! | |
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| You tell that bitch I'm gonna kill her. *click* | |
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