Its 9.16am, Ariel's just got a coffee and turned off the voicemail... and hark is that a lovely customer calling?
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| Good morning, Manx Telecom's Internet Services Department, Sarah speaking... how may i help you? | |
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| yeah.... erm.... right..... Internet Services........ yeah......not sure this is the right dept.... but........ | |
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Hmmmm why yes, it is a lovely customer, Ariel works hard to make the poor nervous-sounding gentleman feel ok about asking his "Internet-related" question.........
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| Go on sir, I'll do my best to help.. | |
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| yeah......thanks......... what I would like to know is......... | |
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| Why the fuck do we bother?? | |
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| Ive got this fax machine you see that....................................hello.... hello......... you still there?.....hello.... | |
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