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| Degenerate leftist: "I'm glad that Biseor.com got shut down. He was actually making people think again and we can't have that or else people will start electing moral *shudder* leaders." | |
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| Liberal Loser: "Yea, I'm glad that homophobic hatemonger is gone. Hey let me give you a rim job in public. It's not like anyone is going to stop us since we're fags and we run society." | |
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| Biseor (from the shadows): "Har, har, har. You stupid leftists, I'm far from gone. I will return and UNLEASH A HELLSTORM SO WILD THAT NOT EVEN YOU FUCKING LEFTIST STORMTROOPER PIGSHITS CAN STOP IT!!!" | |
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| ...Please hold me...please...I'm sooo scared... | |
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| Fuck you. I'm seeking refuge in the nearest gay bathhouse. | |
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