Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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--==Falling Dick-First into a Barrel of Razors==--
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Forest Of Ennui, Episode One, The Fanta Menace.
Shh! Don't let anyone know I'm back here, okay? I'm having a sulk.
Nice day for a sulk...
I like the smell back here... Reminds me of Grape Fanta.
ArtemisStrong's Comics
05/14/24 - An Important Distinction.
03/06/22 - Frankenstein arrives in the city with a B.A. in Dreamin' Big
01/10/22 - Oh, these modern times of ours that we all live in.
09/07/21 - Times are rough.
09/07/21 - Things just aint the same.
02/23/18 - Fetlife
06/09/15 - No Physics.
05/19/15 - Grones of Chromi Tups, Way Behind
05/19/15 - Gomic of Thrups, Last Past the Post
05/19/15 - Comic Cup of Thrones, Tardy
05/19/15 - Game of Comic Cups, Late Edition
04/07/15 - Bread
04/07/15 - Garlic
04/07/15 - Mushrooms
03/11/15 - Ray Charles, astronaut, brings his Wi-Fi with him to Mars.
03/10/15 - Executive Decision.
02/25/15 - Mesa Desert > Free Stuff > Gently Used Infants
02/25/15 - They're being chased by a nutria just off-panel.
02/25/15 - Rusty.
10/07/12 - Caleb "Randall 'Tex' Cobb" Demetriev, Mattress Salesman.
10/06/12 - Mime Time!
10/06/12 - Burp Slurp.
10/06/12 - Meat Fleet.
09/29/12 - La Passion de l'Homme Sans Pantalon
09/29/12 - Abe Vigoda will enter your life and fill it with something.
08/21/12 - Longnut LaRue -- "At The Beach"
05/09/12 - ˸˸̀̀
05/01/12 - Missing Title: Please title your comic strip.
01/09/12 - The week after the Weiner Tourney:
04/29/11 - RAFB Club
04/29/11 - Co-ed Blue Waffle Pits
04/28/11 - Mas Turbate, masturbator, and his friend Watchy, the watcher
04/28/11 - Herman, the awful employee who believes he's a Bond villain.
04/21/11 - 4.21.2011: Sex droids/District 317.H/West Annex/Break Room//
04/21/11 - Crouching Tiger Vs. Godzilla: Tigerer, Dragoner & Godzillaer
04/18/11 - Little League of Women Voters
04/18/11 - Spooning
04/05/11 - Mr. Thulu Vs. Evaluation Time
04/05/11 - Abe Vigoda: Descaling Agent
04/05/11 - Abe Vigoda: Gamechanger, Mixmaster
04/05/11 - No need for roses, just Animal Crackers
03/30/11 - After the end of it all.
03/30/11 - Meaningful relationship.
03/30/11 - Point of don't turn around.
03/29/11 - Downwardly mobile.
03/29/11 - Point of no return.
03/28/11 - The random button did all the work this time.
03/15/11 - Tug and Pull
03/15/11 - Janitors
09/01/10 - Mourning Wood
08/30/10 - Biped and his penis, Penis in "The Google is for Smut"
08/30/10 - The Legend of Biped and his penis, Penis.
08/16/10 - --
08/16/10 - Memento Deity
07/27/10 - Cckkkth-Cherglu (Vargoonstump): Bargles 2
11/11/09 - (0,0)
11/11/09 - )0,(
11/06/09 - Robot Father
11/02/09 - The Cleavland Show
11/02/09 - Booger Tittysnot
10/31/09 - ST:TQFDAC
10/25/09 - Go'lally Flinkthomton
10/22/09 - Flurtone Merkplow
10/21/09 - Funston Fewles
10/07/09 - The Flavor Of Palindromes
09/16/09 - heavy whipping cream. moustache oil. flange grease.
09/16/09 - biscuit denied
08/11/09 - Ali Larter
07/02/09 - Proper Lubrication.
04/27/09 - KerrSplat!: A New "Goosebumps" Spine-Tingling Adventure
04/26/09 - Flexxoid Grrflakian- Srggh Tifl "Earth" shle¨gl "The Job"
04/07/09 - Confusing TLC with History Channel... What A Goose!
04/06/09 - Abe likes bench
03/29/09 - Captain Planet's Fireside Chat
03/27/09 - Mr. Ed's Fist-o-Rama
03/04/09 - Sir Isaac Newton Mysteries, only on CBS
03/04/09 - Schwinn Presents: Horsehole Buckshot!
11/24/08 - The "Spit"-uation Room. ;)
11/03/08 - A very horribly written comic.
07/11/08 - The Lame
07/05/08 - Salesmenship
06/25/08 - Dark Tower
06/20/08 - Blabbergasted!
06/19/08 - Fine Day One
06/19/08 - Agog with a nog.
06/18/08 - Sporgasm
06/18/08 - Hoboy!
06/14/08 - Fussypants Goes Hollywood
05/27/08 - jc's big day
05/27/08 - Abduction at Crazy Men Bluffs.
05/27/08 - down with opp
05/27/08 - Mervin Random the Random Man in "LOST- Season 5"
05/03/08 - ( x )
09/21/07 - Cowboy Psychics
06/10/07 - Leaving Forever
05/17/07 - Biped & Penis: "An Interesting Proposition"
05/17/07 - Biped & Penis: "A Subplot For Sister Sara"
05/17/07 - Biped & Penis: "Band-Aid Time"
05/17/07 - Biped & Penis: "The Road to Traction"
05/17/07 - Biped & Penis: "The Art Show"
05/17/07 - Biped and his penis, Penis.
05/17/07 - Random Brad
04/27/07 - Shaky Leg Syndrome.
02/27/07 - blah
09/28/06 - A Clean Wang.
07/31/06 - Not THAT Drunk.
07/26/06 - BOOZE-TORY: January, 2001
06/22/06 - Maruchan Instant Lunch
05/24/06 - Virtual Gaming - NOW THE MOVIE THE EVENT OF THE SUMMER!
05/20/06 - News
05/20/06 - News
05/20/06 - News
05/17/06 - The Immaculate World Of Theodore GyeBangre
05/17/06 - Lil' Sammy Davis: Friend For Life.
05/17/06 - Idi Amin's Freestyle BMX party.
05/16/06 - A Deskfull Of Jenga Blocks.
05/16/06 - Maureen Stapleton's "Masquerade: The Movement Of Dance".
05/16/06 - Abe Vigoda: Disco Genie.
05/14/06 - 123oclock4oclockrock567oclock8oclockrockweregonnarockallnigh
05/13/06 - Santa Is A Bit Of A Prick.
05/13/06 - Abe Vigoda: The Disco Scientist.
05/13/06 - Charlie's Funny Neighbor, Retarded Satan.
05/13/06 - Charlie's Funny Neighbor, Retarded Satan.
05/13/06 - Charlie's Funny Neighbor, Retarded Satan.
05/12/06 - Charlie's Funny Neighbor, Retarded Satan.
05/12/06 - Charlie's Funny Neighbor, Retarded Satan.
05/12/06 - Meanwhile On PLanet Nipple Torture...
05/12/06 - Awkward Third Date.
05/12/06 - Pungent Aroma: A Hallmark Special
05/12/06 - Tiny Pee-Pee Can't Believe It.
05/12/06 - Tiny Pee-Pee Goes To College.
05/12/06 - The Magic Waffle Machine.
05/04/06 - .
04/20/06 - fartfaces
04/14/06 - I Piss All Over Him And His Bloodline!
04/14/06 - Porr Sap.
03/15/06 - Genetic Anomalies.
03/14/06 - Checks and Balances 4: The Girls Of South Beach
03/14/06 - Checks and Balances 3: MurderSpree Of Evil
03/14/06 - Checks And Balances 2 : Kill A Goth Darkly
03/14/06 - Cogenital Warts.
03/14/06 - Goodness Gracious Me.
02/26/06 - Gregor Samsa's Blind Date.
02/07/06 - 30 days left part 10- "What about the Heroin?"
02/07/06 - 30 days left part 9.
02/07/06 - 30 days left part 8.
02/07/06 - 30 days left part 7.
02/07/06 - 30 days left part 6.
02/07/06 - 30 days left part 5.
02/07/06 - 30 days left part 4.
02/05/06 - 30 days left part 1.
01/18/06 - Mastodon Pterodactyl Phenomologist
01/18/06 - si ck le ce ll
01/18/06 - Erratic/Didactic.
01/18/06 - Reticent Meditative Additive.
01/18/06 - Gesticulation Reticulation Infatuation.
01/18/06 - Confabulation Elation.
01/03/06 - It explains their excitement - FOR COCK!
01/03/06 - Penis: The comic epic!
01/02/06 - Language Barrier Cream.
12/31/05 - Unfortunately-Timed Pause Girlfriend.
12/18/05 - The Grift Of Giving.
12/14/05 - Family Trip - MADE OF SHIT!
12/10/05 - What a boner.
11/27/05 - Unfortunately-timed Pause Girlfriend.
11/27/05 - Unfortunately-timed Pause Girlfriend.
11/27/05 - Unfortunately-Timed Pause Girlfriend.
11/27/05 - Unfortunately-timed Pause Girlfriend.
11/27/05 - Unfortunately-timed Pause Girlfriend.
11/13/05 - The Matrix - The Platinum Bigot Edition.
11/05/05 - Deserter Bailey.
11/04/05 - Baconman's Dark Night of the Soul.
10/31/05 - 14 minutes till Library session is up!
10/22/05 - Job Requirement: Must Speak English.
10/13/05 - Narcissism is the New Nihilism
10/12/05 - Public Service Assnouncement.
10/11/05 - Bigotry - Not That Funny Anymore.
10/02/05 - Reality's Leftovers.
09/26/05 - Like The Matrix 2, but in a store.
09/10/05 - Nome De Fumes
08/27/05 - Bigotry-- Now on 'Puters!
08/06/05 - Step #3,000 In "How To Sleep On The Couch".
08/04/05 - Merriam Webster Goes To Hell.
08/04/05 - Bigotry- Calvalcade of Chortles!
07/21/05 - Bigotry - A LAff a Minute!
06/25/05 - Deep Existential Crisis From Last Night.
05/29/05 - The 2nd Pre-Coming
04/27/05 - They're "doing it".
04/26/05 - Scubacreator.
04/26/05 - Bad News In Prison.
04/26/05 - Random Matchups From Great Expectations.
04/26/05 - Final Fantasy 15: Viking On Vacation!
04/06/05 - ZING'D!
04/06/05 - Delirium Triscuits.
04/06/05 - Sad Robot In A Dingy Downtown "Theatre".
03/25/05 - Kentucky Fried Chicken University.
03/16/05 - Automatron.
03/05/05 - The Lyrical Musings Of Boorite: Bread-Deliveryman
02/24/05 - First Response? : "Um... yah... um..."
02/18/05 - Pelted with apples.
02/14/05 - Oh My! What A Disaster This Turned Out To Be!
02/11/05 - Seckshual Hairassmunt.
02/11/05 - On Subbing.
02/11/05 - Questionable Hiring Practices.
02/11/05 - Up Shit Creek.
02/08/05 - Permanent Record.
02/02/05 - A pyramid scheme with class.
02/02/05 - Romance.
01/28/05 - The New Fun Vagrant Double-Sized!
01/17/05 - ISLC: Epilogue, "After Many A Dump Dies The Guy".
01/17/05 - I Smell Like Cheese: Book Five, "The Wages Of Sin-OF DEATH".
01/17/05 - I Smell Like Cheese: Book Four, "Secret Sauce".
01/17/05 - I Smell Like Cheese: Book Three, "Wet Ones Abound".
01/17/05 - I Smell Like Cheese: Book Two "The Age Of Civic Duties".
01/02/05 - Zip Zap Zom! Jumbo-Sized Street-Tramp Tomfoolery!
01/01/05 - A Sack Full Of Good Times.
01/01/05 - Hijinx and Hobos.
01/01/05 - Oh, Those Homeless Rascals.
12/26/04 - RETCONNED!
12/16/04 - Beebzo: Space Criminal in "The Civil Service Chronicles".
10/08/04 - Supersuckery.
10/08/04 - Mixed Media.
09/17/04 - From The Deeps Of Hell Came A Woman With An Idea.
09/17/04 - Now back to cutting the coke with baby powder.
09/17/04 - Super Smart Professor's Club For Super Smart Professors.
09/10/04 - And The Teacher Forced Them To Share Their Candy, Too.
09/10/04 - Something With A Light Hoppiness And A Citrus Finish.
07/16/04 - Frontline Philosophy.
07/09/04 - Artemis' Hot Date Tips. (Sponsored By Great Expectations)
06/06/04 - My Horrible Family Shame Times Three.
05/31/04 - 15 Minute Layover In Buffalo New York.
05/31/04 - We use cookies to better tailor our site and our products.
05/30/04 - Next Issue: D.O.A. --- OF DEATH!
05/13/04 - Sounds like me after jerking it.
05/13/04 - The Lighter Side Of... Atrocities.
05/09/04 - Patently Racist Comic Strip.
05/07/04 - One Fine Day At Abu-Ghraib-Carsey-Werner Productions.
05/01/04 - Uplifting Chat Between Father And Son.
04/23/04 - Filled With The Desire Of Cupid And Inhalants.
04/15/04 - Ode To Sam.
03/26/04 - Ambition Should Be Left To The Professionals.
03/07/04 - Well, Which One?
03/07/04 - The Umbrella of Ballyba.
03/07/04 - Deep In Ballybaba.
02/19/04 - No Jesus-themed Happy Meals For You!
02/19/04 - They Took The Pages Away From Me, And Here They Are.
02/15/04 - Nightmares Of Reason and Psychotropics and Junk-Sick Morning
02/09/04 - The Blue Hair In The Know.
02/09/04 - Lost In Circumstantiality.
01/29/04 - The True Life Story Of Samuel Clemmens.
01/29/04 - Thus Spoke Dogonball2.
01/29/04 - Digest The Turds Of Life, Lose A Turn.
01/29/04 - Nabbed In The Ass By Fate!
01/29/04 - He Never Paid Him Back, The Big Ninny.
01/29/04 - He Likes The Terri-Cloth Robes Dealie, Though.
01/27/04 - Spaceknight Lore.
01/27/04 - That Lil' Pooch Is Right, Ya Know.
01/26/04 - The Day #stripcreator Died.
01/21/04 - A Brief Respite From Hate.
01/21/04 - Their Poor, Poor Livers.
01/20/04 - Dessert In Direct Relation To Madness.
01/08/04 - Covered In Shit.
01/08/04 - It's Gettin' Downright Funky.
01/08/04 - Whoa, Pal, You Best Check Yo'self.
01/04/04 - Time's Up.
01/04/04 - Back In The Bardo.
01/04/04 - Is The Junkie's Creed.
12/26/03 - What Was It That Hegel Said Again?
12/26/03 - But Where's The Hooch In All Of This?
12/26/03 - He Wont Even Even It A Shot.
12/26/03 - A New Level Of Lame.
12/20/03 - Can An Extraterrestial God Even GROW A Beard?
12/20/03 - We Can Attribute THAT To The Sanifreeze Cocktail.
12/20/03 - 85% Homo-eroticism Free.
12/19/03 - I Don't Think He Quite Understands The Dilemna.
12/17/03 - Accidental Pun In Last Panel. Many Aporogies.
12/17/03 - So Filled With Fluids, It Is.
12/06/03 - They Both Die At The Hands Of A Yeti In The Next Act.
12/06/03 - Bet Those Cookies Are Damn Tasty, Too.
12/06/03 - A Wank For The Ol' Sea-faring B-baller.
11/05/03 - Sanity Melts Away On Their Undersea Voyage.
11/05/03 - The Beard Offered No Consolation.
11/01/03 - They Are Starting To Crack.
10/22/03 - See The Tree Of Death? Well? Do You See It?
10/22/03 - 20,000 Reams Under The Sea.
10/11/03 - Jesus Jokes- the play by Sophecles.
10/08/03 - Try Soaking It In Sloe Gin.
06/02/03 - Deceased, no; Chained up in Kajun´s closet, yes.
04/23/03 - New Backgrounds and Old Characters All Will Be Pairing Now:(
04/21/03 - Clue: Drunken Glasgow Edition!
04/12/03 - Kajun's Drunk In This Scene, But You'd Never Know It.
03/10/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/10/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/10/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/09/03 - Trademark Infringement Theatre.
03/08/03 - International Women's Day Club.
03/08/03 - Inept Vengeance: A CBS Murder Mystery.
03/07/03 - Ripping Off #95965
03/06/03 - What A Conundrum.
03/05/03 - It All Happened One Night... Err... Morning.
03/05/03 - Crazytown.
03/05/03 - As for the C$c173:Dis the person
03/02/03 - Play Missy Elliot's "Work It" backwards for more info.
02/20/03 - Eat, Drink And Be Wary.
02/20/03 - For Kaufman.
02/19/03 - CC 171: Wishes, a real comic!
02/19/03 - Ruined Lives: An After-School Special.
02/17/03 - The HDTV whose the Rednecks necessity is high without fail.
02/17/03 - Delicate lubricating oil, low Spankling-sound, time offer.
02/16/03 - Citizen exhibition of the feeling of freedom.
02/16/03 - On the right-hand side of the storm him not.
02/16/03 - The steward of the monkey produces the bad bedfellows.
02/16/03 - At the time of loevs woman of person
02/16/03 - Physics Of Cowboy.
02/13/03 - Real Life.
02/10/03 - Cowboy Plagarism.
02/10/03 - SHHH, (whispers) -=pass it on.=-
02/06/03 - Cowboy Donuts
02/03/03 - CC 168: Mo-o-o-oving on UP!
02/03/03 - Sexual Myopia.
02/03/03 - CC 168, Brought To You By Goatse.CX.
02/02/03 - You Big, Evil Party-Pooper!
02/02/03 - In The Year 2525.
01/30/03 - Too Young To Choose It.
01/30/03 - Untitled: A Fairytale.
01/26/03 - It Is A Kaufmanesque Journey Into The Soul.
01/25/03 - Final Fantasy 99.
01/25/03 - Final Fantasy 99.
01/24/03 - The Only Duck Club.
01/24/03 - The Brads Only Club.
01/23/03 - The Path Of Excess Leads Nowhere After All Is Said And Done.
01/23/03 - The Path Of Excess Leads To Erectile Disfunction.
01/23/03 - The Path Of Excess Leads To Class Action Lawsuits.
01/23/03 - The Path Of Excess Leads To Moose Balls.
01/23/03 - The Path Of Excess Leads To Toronto, Canada.
01/23/03 - The Path Of Excess Leads To The House Of Corrections.
01/23/03 - SC, Memento Style.
01/23/03 - SC, Memento Style.
01/23/03 - SC, Memento Style.
01/23/03 - Memento, SC Style.
01/23/03 - Dogs On Balls Do Not Horses Make.
01/21/03 - CC 166: He's Tricksy, Precious.
01/21/03 - Cowboy Crypto-Zoology.
01/21/03 - Giovanni Tomasino And Gene Autrey Gacy Play Hide-N-Go-Seek.
01/21/03 - Giovanni Tomasino And Gene Autrey Gacy Play Hide-N-Go-Seek.
01/21/03 - Giovanni Tomasino And Gene Autrey Gacy Play Hide-N-Go-Seek.
01/21/03 - Giovanni Tomasino And Gene Autrey Gacy Play Hide-N-Go-Seek.
01/18/03 - Giovanni Tomasino And Gene Autrey Gacy Play Hide-N-Go-Seek.
01/18/03 - "This Dog Is A Crock Of Shit!", Thinks Cowboy Dave.
01/18/03 - 99... What A Scuzbag.
01/18/03 - This Gets Me Off.
01/17/03 - Untitled
01/09/03 - Strip Number 1 In A Series Of 33
01/08/03 - Clones.
01/05/03 - Life In He-That Is...Hades (Can't Risk Copyright Litigation)
01/05/03 - Big Business II: Big Trouble In Little Korea
01/03/03 - They're Not Right In The Head 'Til They've Had Their Coffee.
01/03/03 - All I Know Is, The Comedy Is Dead.
01/02/03 - CC 163:Why're All The State Names So Friggin' Long Up Here?
01/02/03 - CC 163: Fifteen Minutes At The Library.
01/02/03 - Hellbot And The Sad Clown.
01/02/03 - Giovanni Tomasino Versus Hellbot.
01/01/03 - Busy Hands.
01/01/03 - Yet Again, Priests Are Given A Reason To Hate Satan.
01/01/03 - Your Are Teh Win!!!11?!!!
01/01/03 - Things To Do In Denver When You're A Cowpoke.
12/31/02 - rakadfa
12/31/02 - CC 162: Punjab Was A Pimp, Yo.
12/31/02 - CC 162 Complient Yes, But Is It Funny?
12/31/02 - Thoughtful Jesus And Cool Jesus Opine.
12/19/02 - He Forgets One Small Detail.
12/19/02 - Halogen Tree-lights Were A Bad Idea.
12/19/02 - Now Featuring The Comedy Duo Of: Height1 And Height2!
12/19/02 - tHE bEAST tURNS oN iTS mASTER. *dum-dum-dum*
12/19/02 - He Should Have Told Him From The Get-go.
12/18/02 - Shoot-Out At The SC Corral.
12/18/02 - Can It Replace Horses As The Mode Of Transport For Cowpokes?
12/18/02 - Far From The Halls Of Justice...
12/18/02 - The DNA Was Reconstructed, But With Minor Flaws.
12/18/02 - Time To Change.
12/18/02 - That Explains All The Brown-Eyes I've Been Thrust Into.
12/16/02 - A Long-Lasting Friendship Begins.
12/08/02 - They Liked What They Heard.
12/08/02 - The All New Super Friends Hour.
12/08/02 - TWO-Bor.
12/08/02 - Jon Versus Constriction.
12/08/02 - Priests' Hatred Of Satan Grows.
12/08/02 - mY aWESOME bALL sACK pRESENTS:
12/08/02 - Rejection Is A Dish Best Served Long Distance.
12/08/02 - There's Always Some Good Deep Down.
12/07/02 - Nebbish Jesus Frustrates Cool Jesus.
12/04/02 - Mittag In Stripcreator Land.
12/04/02 - Damn Cheap Supermarket Pencils.
12/02/02 - It Ends Not With A Bang, But With A "Shmeh".
12/02/02 - Be Careful What You Wish For, You Might Just Puke.
12/02/02 - The Entire Catalogue Of The Internet's Uses.
12/02/02 - Epilogue- Mavis Smoofs It Alllll Out, Baby.
12/02/02 - Well Done, Thou Good And Faithful Mavis.
12/02/02 - Almost There.
12/02/02 - Mavis Starts Getting All Ethnic Up In This Piece.
12/02/02 - Mavis, You're Such A Sweetie, You Know That?
12/02/02 - Mavis Is On A Collision Course- WITH HILARITY!
12/02/02 - Mavis And The Racially Retarded Youth.
12/02/02 - Mavis Is Hot On The Trail- OF FUN!
12/02/02 - The Plot Thins.
12/02/02 - Mavis Don't Mess With No Five-Ohs.
12/02/02 - Repercussions Affect A Youthful Character's Future Sex Life.
12/02/02 - The Great Step Beyond
11/24/02 - It's All Leading Somewhere, I Assure You.
11/21/02 - A Whisper In The Wind, Such Is Your Wisdom.
11/21/02 - Mavis Hits A Snag In The Soul Delivery Business.
11/21/02 - Mavis Fills In, Encounters Problems.
11/21/02 - Mavis, The Saint Of Pimps.
11/21/02 - My Lips Attain A Stain.
11/21/02 - See? I Told You So.
11/21/02 - It Always Starts With One Loud Jackass.
11/21/02 - This Is Why T-411-#coo0p Can Never Keep A Job.
11/21/02 - Priests Generally HATE Satan, You'll Find.
11/20/02 - George Gets Advice In A White House Bathroom Stall.
11/20/02 - Forest Of Enuii, Episode Six, The Reruns Before Bedtime.
11/20/02 - Forest Of Enuii, Episode Five, The Entire Stroked Sack
11/20/02 - Forest Of Enuii, Episode Four, A New Bar Of Soap
11/20/02 - Forest Of Enuii, Episode Two, Attack Of The Ramones.
11/20/02 - Forest Of Ennui, Episode One, The Fanta Menace.
11/20/02 - Naggy Jesus And Cool Jesus Really Go At It This Time.
11/19/02 - A True, Real-Life Story Based On Real True-Life Events.
11/03/02 - Jolly Hanging Balls.
11/02/02 - Verne Troyer Moves With The Help Of Billy Barty's Ghost.
11/01/02 - Barry Wants To Hoogy-Boogy With A Hot Piece His Friend Knows
11/01/02 - Summer Can Be SO Cruel.
10/31/02 - Rednecks ARE dumb.
10/31/02 - Rock Out And Cry, You Fool.
10/30/02 - Jokes Come Cheap To The Shameless
10/30/02 - Spineless Jesus Just Can't Win With Cool Jesus.
10/30/02 - Cool Jesus Never Lets His Guard Down- Wise Up, Nerdly Jesus.
10/30/02 - This Is Why Priests HATE Satan.
10/30/02 - Priests Still HATE Satan.
10/28/02 - Mr. Knows-All Is A Killjoy.
10/28/02 - Wet Blanket Jesus Gasses Up Cool Jesus
10/27/02 - My Wang Hurts.
10/27/02 - Priests HATE Satan Greatly
10/27/02 - Cool Jesus Is Late, Thus Irritating Cry-baby Jesus
10/27/02 - Wimpy Jesus Annoys Cool Jesus
10/27/02 - Cool Jesus Vs. Whiny Jesus
10/27/02 - Priests HATE Satan.
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