A message for Dave-o, and as for the rest, well, that's just commentary on his recent series.
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| I can't help it, I care about you, just because of recent events doesn't mean I don't care about you. | |
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I can't find the sprites he used, so I'm just gonna use the over-used ones.
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| The emo kid who is against Bush because it's cool to be against Bush..well...you pretty much have him right. | |
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| The drunk hick who is totally conservative...no. You've made him way too intelligent. True, he uses valid arguments, true, there ARE conservatives a large percentage of conservatives are intelligent. | |
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Remember, kiddies, I'm a Don'tGiveADamnocratican. I just needed fller after my point of "I care about you."
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| But...well...this one is a hick, and a lot of the time, people like that who are so addamantly conservative are only so because family tradition so states. | |
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| Remember that "Solid South" thing? :-p | |
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