Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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i've only made 80+ comics in over 3years and none of them are good... Welcome :D Right- After my third/fourth major break, hiya, just thought i'd re-word my profile. Rather than keeping a online diary or whatever, i tend to right out what i'm thinking into comics instead, i used to draw them, but i cant be botherd with that anymore, as i've totally lost my talent, so now who ever you are, you have to put up with my existance instead oh, and im not numbering because im proud or anything, just to keep count for my sake o_0 -Asu
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by Asuka_61
woo, more time off work over an injury that pretty much healed a week ago.
i'm so gonna get the sack over this eventually tho, lying aint good
but who cares, i've got today off :D
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