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Diary of an Atheist : My Damn Book : GOD LESS AMERICA : Pot Club

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by AtheistDiary
... and the polls today show Americans have suddenly embraced President Bush after the news of Saddam's capture.
heh heh ... the poor bastards completely forgot that I initially was going in to find Weapons and not take down a leader.
Bush has been quoted as saying that Saddam would be facing final justice for the millions that suffered under his rule.
HA HA! They're buying it! They completely forgot that I couldn't find bin Ladin and instead of trying harder I decided to bomb someone else! Now they're patting me on the back & calling me brilliant!
And in a related story: conspiracy theorists are saying that Bush found one of Saddam's body doubles and promoted him all over the air waves just to boost his ratings for re-election.
Shit, they're on to me!
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