Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Comics so profound you have to Google half their content.

Dramatis personæ:

Main players
Ayl, mathematician, physicist, linguist, theoretician, and the second coming of Dan. No one knows who or what Dan was, nor why it requires a second coming
Coleoptera Bailey, theoretician, artisan, and cohort of Ayl
Apod, the Anthropomorphic Personification Of Death and Creator of Pregnant Pauses
Dean, his less successful half brother
Dead People, Dead People

Fayle, librarian, scholar, genius, and completely unaware of any of it
Maximillian, Fayle's normal half and Keeper of the Tome
Bench Philosopher, savant

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by Aylear
So, my cohort. Though I hesitate to invade upon your privacy, I feel obligated to inquire. You seem a bit despondent. What ails you?
Ah, only the ailment of loneliness. My recent loss still burns - not a flame, but an ember unwilling to expire.
Ahh, yes. As you are prone to do, you still dwell on the ones that got away.
"The ones that were forcibly taken into custody by policemen", more accurately - but yes. Oh, we shared something in our brief time together, Ayl; we truly did.
You finally found a red-haired six foot three tall African-Asian woman with a five foot four quiet friend from Wyoming?
And how.
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this comic belongs to set
1 - Ayl and Bail

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