Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Comics so profound you have to Google half their content.

Dramatis personæ:

Main players
Ayl, mathematician, physicist, linguist, theoretician, and the second coming of Dan. No one knows who or what Dan was, nor why it requires a second coming
Coleoptera Bailey, theoretician, artisan, and cohort of Ayl
Apod, the Anthropomorphic Personification Of Death and Creator of Pregnant Pauses
Dean, his less successful half brother
Dead People, Dead People

Fayle, librarian, scholar, genius, and completely unaware of any of it
Maximillian, Fayle's normal half and Keeper of the Tome
Bench Philosopher, savant

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by Aylear
So, I've decided to prove P equals NP.
I've been wondering when you'd get around to doing that. Why?
I want to be able to extrapolate events by looking at the end result before it happens.
That's not P = NP, that's time travel.
So, I've decided to build a time machine.
Good idea. Your ability to tell the difference will come in handy in the days to come.
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this comic belongs to set
2 - Fayle and Maximillian

comments on this comic


mandingo says:

i remember someone telling me that a researcher who didn't want to be pantsed and raped with a summer sausage was wise to refer to it as a "closed time-like loop" in his grant proposal
posted Apr 13th, 2009 ( permalink )

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