Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Comics so profound you have to Google half their content.

Dramatis personæ:

Main players
Ayl, mathematician, physicist, linguist, theoretician, and the second coming of Dan. No one knows who or what Dan was, nor why it requires a second coming
Coleoptera Bailey, theoretician, artisan, and cohort of Ayl
Apod, the Anthropomorphic Personification Of Death and Creator of Pregnant Pauses
Dean, his less successful half brother
Dead People, Dead People

Fayle, librarian, scholar, genius, and completely unaware of any of it
Maximillian, Fayle's normal half and Keeper of the Tome
Bench Philosopher, savant

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by Aylear
A NASA satellite just spotted the oldest and most distant cosmic explosion ever seen. A star dying at a time when the age of the universe was only 630 million years.
Apparently, the gamma-ray burst lasted for 10 seconds.
Speaking of brief bursts of energy, how's your boyfriend?
He misses you a lot.
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this comic belongs to set
2 - Fayle and Maximillian

comments on this comic


umfumdisi says:

you burst my briefs
posted Mar 2nd, 2011 ( permalink )

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