Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Today the media is all about violence, crude humor, sex, and obscene unfiltered language. That's why I love life. RAWR!!!
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by Barf2
Later on da streets...
Hey, fly fucker! Where's the Dark Lord? I know you know what I need to know, so just tell me!
I know nothing! Bzzzzz!
I'll rape you.
Okay, okay... He's on the moon. That's all I know. Bzzzz!!!
Fly me to the moon! Let me play among the stars! Let me see what spring is like on... Jupiter and Mars! In other words... ooh-oh, in other wooooooords...!
...yeah, sure, I'll give you lift to the moon.
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