Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Home of the I.T. Job series, the EVIL I.T. Job series, the I.T. Job Finale.

Winner of FTC 19's Psychic Award. Yeah.
Winner of FTC 23's Best Title. I suck ya'll.

Wait, no.

I. Rule.

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by Beaz
[Defend the Bunker]

[Intruder Alert]

-NoLimitL337-: Aiiieeee-yaaaa!
Beaz: Incoming. Need backup!
[NoLimitL337 was eviscerated by Beaz]

[Enemy bunker...

How are those reports coming?
Beaz: What the...shit...Alt-Tab...
Back to reality ... slow Monday.
What was that? How are the performance reports coming?
Oh just fine... just tweaking some of the fields on this Excel sheet, should have it ready in an hour...
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